Any excuse for a StoryMap

ArcGIS StoryMaps allows combining web maps with text, images and multimedia content, making extremely easy to tell an immersive and interactive story thanks to the power of the geography and maps. The StoryMap is an instrument for a multitude of different purposes: to advocate and conduct social campaigns, for virtual tours or travel diaries, to provide public information and so on.

If you are looking for inspiration go ahead on this page or explore the  gallery  showcasing several StoryMap examples realized by ESRI, its partners and the ArcGIS community.

Some of the ways you can use a StoryMap are obvious, others do not!

Here you'll find some interesting examples of how the StoryMaps can be used, that (maybe) you would not have thought.

With A StoryMap you can...

1| A story! A good idea and the right story to tell ...

2 | Engaging and exciting images, videos and media, at a good resolution

3 | Web maps and relevant data

4 | The User Experience adapted to your message and your audience

There are currently more than 8 available StoryMap models

5 | ArcGIS Online