USGS Ecosystem Science

Science that benefits the Nation by addressing natural resource management issues impacting public lands and the surrounding communities.

Ecosystem Impacts

The quality of life and economic strength in America hinges on ecosystems that support productive lands, waters, and wildlife and the local communities that depend on them.  Healthy ecosystems sustain our economy, national security, and people’s livelihoods. However, ecosystems are facing increased threats such as harmful invasive species, wildlife diseases, contaminants, and other environmental climate. USGS ecosystem science plays an essential role in helping communities understand the impacts to ecosystems and adapt, enabling them to build stronger, more resilient and secure communities that are prepared for tomorrow’s challenges. Our scientists provide innovative tools and cutting-edge methods and technologies to understand and provide effective solutions for today’s natural resource issues. 

EMA science and data are helping answer important natural resource questions.

Research Portfolio

Ecosystems scientists examine risks and solutions to harmful invasive species, wildlife diseases, and contaminants in the environment, and effectiveness of management actions and strategies to help communities, lands, waters, and species adapt to ecosystem change.

The Road Ahead

The EMA is committed to creating and delivering relevant, timely, and scientifically sound products that enable our partners to make informed decisions about how to conserve and manage public lands and resources for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations. 

Science teams across the EMA have developed plans to guide critical ecosystem science efforts into the future. Click through the gallery below to read about and access the reports.

Connect with Us

EMA science and data are helping answer important natural resource questions.