Londonderry, NH Master Plan Update

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What type of housing would you like to see in Londonderry? Please use this Google form to upload a photo of your idea of housing needed/wanted in Londonderry.

Community Survey

The current community survey is now closed, but please stay tuned for more opportunities to get involved. Insights from 1,300+ survey respondents can be found below in the survey summary!

What is a master plan?

Simply put, a master plan is a Town’s vision for the future. It captures data, trends, and community insights to establish long-term priorities for growth, conservation, and redevelopment. By charting a course for the future, a master plan can help our community better prepare for and respond to changes in a manner that aligns with local values. Londonderry’s last master plan was adopted in 2013, so it’s time for an update!

While a master plan is not legally binding in itself, it is a required document for communities to adopt local ordinances such as zoning codes, capital improvement programs, subdivision and site plan regulations, and growth management ordinances. The master plan will be regularly used by Town staff and officials who are engaged in these efforts.

  >> CLICK HERE   to view the 2013 Master Plan

The Process

Londonderry’s planning board has enlisted the Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission (SNHPC) to guide the master plan update, working in close collaboration with a volunteer Steering Committee comprised of dedicated volunteers from various boards, committees, as well as two residents.

Steering Committee Members: Marge Badois, Conservation Commission Jake Butler, Planning Board Secretary, Capital Improvements Program Committee Kristina Ciarametaro, Recreation Commission Shawn Faber, Town Council John Mahon, Heritage/Historic District Commission Michael Malaguti, Town Manager Kristi Mynhier, Londonderry Resident Jeff Penta, Chair, Planning Board Member Bob Robicsek, Londonderry Resident Martha Smith, Londonderry Utilities Committee Lynn Wiles, Planning Board Member

Guiding Principles

The Londonderry Master Plan Steering Committee has proposed the following guiding principles to shape the planning process and contribute to a high-quality Master Plan update that effectively serves the needs of the community.  

Principles to Guide the Planning Process

Trust & accountability – Commit to upholding project goals, timelines, and committee responsibilities.

Transparent communication – Provide regular community updates and clarify how decisions are being made.

Inclusive outreach – Invite everyone to the table. Meet people where they are and provide multiple ways to get engaged.

Flexibility – Regularly reflect on project progress and be prepared to adapt to evolving community needs and circumstances.

Respectfulness – Be considerate of diverse viewpoints and focus on building consensus around what matters most.

Principles to Shape the Final Plan

Data-informed – Draw from multiple data sources to understand the local, regional, and national trends impacting Londonderry.

Concise & achievable – Provide focused and pragmatic recommendations. Ensure the plan is easy to navigate and offers clear implementation opportunities.

Sustainability – Support Londonderry’s long-term resilience by effectively addressing environmental, economic, and social well-being.  

Inclusive community engagement is a top priority for this initiative, and we want everyone to weigh in! The update process will kick off in Summer 2024 with a community survey. Stay tuned for additional opportunities to get involved over the course of the year. Event details will be posted on this website.

  >> CLICK HERE   to download the FAQ

Activities & Events

There will be many opportunities to get involved during the planning process- check back often for upcoming events!

All of the Master Plan Steering Committee meetings are open to the public. They are typically on Thursdays from 6:00 to 7:30 pm and should be noticed on the  Town’s calendar 

Londonderry artists shared their vision for the future at Old Home Day 2024. Some items on their wish list include a waterpark, art museum, zoo, historic cannons and a race track!


For more information, please contact Jeff Penta, Londonderry Master Plan Steering Committee Chair, at

Londonderry artists shared their vision for the future at Old Home Day 2024. Some items on their wish list include a waterpark, art museum, zoo, historic cannons and a race track!