Infrastructure services and facilities baseline report
2021: 11,628 residents (2021, census) 2011: 10,528 residents (2011, census) Increase of 10.4%
Bradwell is the third most populated settlement in the borough, and has experienced the fourth highest increase (10.4%) in population between 2011 and 2021 in comparison to other settlements.
Number of dwellings
The settlement of Bradwell forms part of the urban area of the borough and has the third highest proportion of homes compared with other settlements.
Housing growth from 2011-2021
The settlement of Bradwell has recorded the highest level of housing growth since the start of 2011.
Median House Price
The average house price across the two Bradwell wards has risen from an average of £156,250 in 2013 to £256,250 in 2022.
House Price Growth
House prices across Bradwell wards have risen on average by 64.1% between 2013 and 2022, with the largest growth within the Bradwell North ward (70.49%). Bradwell North is the sixth highest across all wards within the borough.
Affordable Rented Housing Stock
As of June 2023, there were 295 affordable rented houses in Bradwell within Borough Council ownership. There were also 153 dwellings that were owned by registered providers within the town. The greatest proportion of this stock is 2-bed (209), with 166 3-bed dwellings.
Bradwell Assessed Need (2023)
As of June 2023 there were 283 people on the affordable housing waiting list for Bradwell, with the highest proportion of people seeking single person studio or 1 bed accommodation.
It should be noted that the settlement data is only based upon applications between April-May 2023 and that applicants for affordable housing are able to select more than one area when applying. After 3 months the applicant is considered for any area in the Borough.
Housing Tenure
Bradwell has the joint 4th lowest rate outright home ownership within the borough. It has 4th proportionally lowest number of residents that privately rent from landlords or letting agencies and has the proportionally 4th highest rates of social rented homes within the borough.
Number of Second Homes
As of June 2023, there were 39 second homes in Bradwell, which ranked the 9th highest across the borough.
Source: Great Yarmouth Borough Council (June, 2023)
Workplace Population
In 2011, 4,175 people worked within the settlement of Bradwell. This is a high proportion when compared to an average taken from 2017, 2018 and 2019 of 4,422 (pre-pandemic). The average has been calculated to account for pre-pandemic levels of employment within the settlement. This is ranked the third highest across the borough.
Employment Areas
- Harfreys Industrial Estate (situated on the eastern side of Gapton Hall Road, to the west of the River Yare and west of the A47, the eastern part of the employment site lies in Great Yarmouth’s boundary)
- A small area of Beacon Business Park lies within Bradwell parish on its south-east boundary.
- The Beacon Business Park extension allocated as an employment site in Local Plan Part 2 policy GN5 lies wholly in Bradwell parish on its south-east boundary.
Travel to work
1,452 persons trave lto work from Bradwell to Great Yarmouth. Other significant commuter flows included 856 from Bradwell to Gorleston, 574 travel within Bradwell and Hopton and 341 persons travel to work from Bradwell to East Suffolk.
Source: Census, 2011
Travel to Work Method
Bradwell proportionally has the 4th lowest number of individuals working from home (17.7%) across all settlements. The settlement also has the 4th highest car or van commuters (64.5%) in relation to other travel methods.
Sustainable Commuter Travel Modes
Bradwell has the joint 6th highest proportional value of sustainable commuter modes of 10%. This includes those that commute by:
- Train
- Bus, minibus or coach
- Passenger in a car or van
- Bicycle
- On foot
Distance for Travel to Work
Bradwell has the 3rd highest proportion of commuters that travel less than 2km to their place of work across the whole of the borough. Travel to work distances are proportionally lower than the other areas of the borough, with a comparatively smaller number of people working from home compared to other settlements.
Retail Facilities
Distance to Gorleston Town Centre
Distance is measured from the central point of the settlement.
Local Centres
Crab Lane, Bradwell. The local centre contained two units including a grocers and a butchers.
Mill Lane, Bradwell. The local centre contained five units falling within Class E, including a supermarket, café, a hair salon, a feed store and a surgery. There was also a petrol station and a hot food takeaway within the local centre.
Food Stores
There are 4 food stores located in the settlement of Bradwell containing supermarkets and local convenience stores.
Post Office Provision
The following post office is located within the settlement:
- 43 Church Lane, Bradwell, Great Yarmouth, NR31 8QN - Within local convenience store
Coverage of Online Grocery Deliveries
The whole of Bradwell is served online grocery deliveries from major providers.
Education Facilities
Early Years Facilities
The following early years facilities are available in the settlement of Bradwell:
- Pre-School Playgroup - Hillside - 85% capacity
- Nursery Nursery Class - Homefield Ce Vc Primary School 89% capacity
- Day Nursery - Stay N Play Day Care 37% capacity
- Day Nursery - Woodlands Primary Day Nursery 85% capacity
This includes 3 childminders with a capacity of 0%, 44%, and 0%.
Primary Schools
Bradwell contains 3 primary schools:
- Woodlands Primary Academy
- Hillside Primary School Bradwell
- Homefield CE VC Primary School
Primary School Capacity
The map indicates that the settlement of Bradwell has a limited capacity to accommodate more pupils in combination with each other. However, there is one new expected school to the South of Bradwell that is expected to take an additional 30 students per year group at full capacity.
The schools capacity data is based upon 2022 forecast which predicts the level of capacity that may be expected by 2027. The capacity calculation is based upon 95% occupancy to allow for in-year post-admission pupil movement.
To attain a figure of housing growth against school capacity, the figures have been calculated using the child yield multiplier from the Norfolk Planning Obligation Standards. It is recognised that these standards are based upon Norfolk rather than Great Yarmouth, however, pose a indication of potential child growth per household. Each school type have a different multiplier. Primary schools are calculated based upon a 0.281 child per household rate.
Secondary Schools
Bradwell contains two secondary schools:
- Lynn Grove Academy
- Ormiston Venture Academy
Secondary School Capacity
The map indicates that the settlement of Bradwell has a limited capacity to accommodate more pupils.
The schools capacity data is based upon 2022 forecast which predicts the level of capacity that may be expected by 2027. The capacity calculation is based upon 95% occupancy to allow for in-year post-submission pupil movement.
To attain a figure of housing growth against school capacity, the figures have been calculated using the child yield multiplier from the Norfolk Planning Obligation Standards. It is recognised that these standards are based upon Norfolk rather than Great Yarmouth, however, pose a indication of potential child growth per household. Each school type have a different multiplier. Secondary Schools are calculated based upon a 0.145 child per household rate
Further education
East Norfolk Sixth Form College, Church Lane, Gorleston lies 1.4 km away from a central point of Bradwell.
Health Care Facilities
The James Paget Hospital is located 2.6km away from the centre point of Bradwell.
There are 2 medical centres with Great Yarmouth
- Millwood Partnership (Falkland Surgery and Mill Lane)(Population per GP: 1,808)
Population per general practitioner is representative of the number of patients per individual GP within a practice.
There is also dentist provision within the settlement of Bradwell.
Source: NHS Digital
Community Facilities
- Bradwell Community Centre (Lords Lane), Lords Lane
- Bradwell Community Centre (Leo Coles Pavilion), Green Lane
- Mill Lane Community Centre, Mill Lane
- Communal Room, The Close
- Communal Room, Ecclestone Close
There is a single library within the settlement (Bradwell Community Library), which is located on Lord's Lane.
Places of Worship
There is one place of worship within Bradwell. St Nicholas Church located off Church Walk. North of Green Lane.
There is one public house within Bradwell, located north of Beccles Road, east of Sun Lane.
Open Space Provision
Bradwell contains the following wards:
Bradwell North
Bradwell South and Hopton
Source: Open Space SPD (2022)
There is good coverage across Bradwell from all network providers. There are no areas within or immediately surrounding the built up area that suffer from no coverage
left to right: O2, Three, Vodafone and EE mobile coverage; (Source Ofcom 2023 )
Bradwell has a limited amount of postcodes with only sub-24 Mbps broadband speeds.
Postcodes with only sub 24 Mbps broadband (Source: ThinkBroadband )
Transport and Traffic
Pedestrian Infrastructure
Bradwell generally benefits from widespread paved footpath provision. The Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan identifies routes between Bradwell and St Olaves, Belton and Oulton using public rights of way, and the widening and resurfacing of an existing shared-use path alongside New Road, as potentially providing wider connectivity benefits. There are a number of public rights of way that connect to Burgh Castle to the west and to rural areas to the south of the settlement, including Lound Mill Water and Browston.
Cycling Infrastructure
Bradwell benefits from reasonable cycle connectivity between Burgh Road and Great Yarmouth to the North and Gorleston to the east, via cycle trails. There are also trails between the south of the settlement and Belton via New Road and the Heritage Cycle Circular route via Marine Parade, Burgh Castle and Belton. The Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan identifies routes between Bradwell and St Olaves, Belton and Oulton using public rights of way, and the widening and resurfacing of an existing shared-use path alongside New Road, as potentially providing wider connectivity benefits.
Traffic Flows
The map shows various data points of traffic flow throughout Bradwell. Large volumes of traffic are observed on Gapton Hall Road and the A143. The A143 Beccles Road/Church Lane/Mill Lane/Long Lane junction is significantly constrained, and recent (2022) modelling of junction performance indicates that only a low level of growth (up to 250 dwellings in Belton, South Bradwell and South of Belton) may not constrain operation of the junction beyond existing background growth.
Source: Department for Transport (2021)
Car Parks
There are 0 car parks that are in the ownership of the borough council located within Bradwell.
Bus Stops
There is good bus provision within Bradwell with 47 bus stops located within the built-up area.
Train Station
There is a single train station located within Great Yarmouth, which is the only railway station located within the borough. The station is directly served by services from Norwich, with onward connections outside of the county.
Annual average daily traffic flow
The graph shows six points located around the urban area of the borough indicating traffic flow since 2000. The 2020 figures are representative of the lockdown periods during the COVID-19 pandemic. The highest proportion of traffic flow has consistently been on the A149, Acle New Road, located between the Runham roundabout and Fuller's Hill.