Small Business Environmental Assistance Programs

2019-2020 Annual Report

Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is based on the data contained in DEP information systems at the time of publication.

PA Small Businesses

A Critical Segment of Pennsylvania’s Economy

  • 1.1 million small businesses are located in Pennsylvania.
  • 99.6 percent of businesses in Pennsylvania are small businesses.
  • 2.5+ million people are employees of Pennsylvania small businesses.
  • 46.2 percent of Pennsylvania employees work at small businesses.
  • Diversity in Pennsylvania’s Small Businesses (2020): 89,074 self-employed Pennsylvanians are minorities.

From U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy –  2020 Small Business Profile, Pennsylvania . The SBA defines small businesses as having 500 or fewer employees.

DEP Small Business Environmental Assistance Program: Helping Small Businesses Comply with Environmental Regulations

Since 1996, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP) has helped thousands of Pennsylvania small businesses understand and manage their obligations to comply with and report on environmental regulation. SBEAP also provides resources that may help small businesses reduce or eliminate their environmental impact.

Creation of the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program was mandated by the 1960 Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act and Section 507 of the 1990 Federal Clean Air Act Amendments.

SBEAP offers many resources to help Pennsylvania’s small businesses:

  • Assistance in understanding and meeting technical requirements related to permit conditions and other regulatory compliance.
  • Information on regulations and policies that may affect small businesses, including public participation information, so that small business can engage in the regulatory development process and ensure their concerns are considered.
  • Information on grant and loan funding for pollution prevention practices and energy efficiency.
  • Advocacy for small businesses in interactions with the Department.

SBEAP includes three components:

  • Environmental Management Assistance Program
  • Small Business Ombudsman Office
  • Small Business Compliance Advisory Committee

Technical Assistance

Environmental Management Assistance Program (EMAP)

EMAP overview

The  Environmental Management Assistance Program  (EMAP) provides free, confidential assistance to business owners to help them determine their environmental regulatory requirements and the best environmental management strategies to meet those obligations.   

EMAP is headquartered in the  Widener University Small Business Development Center  in Chester, Delaware County. However, small businesses statewide can reach out to EMAP and access their services through  15 additional Small Business Development Centers  located at universities across Pennsylvania.

EMAP Services to Small Business Owners

Environmental Regulatory Compliance for Small Manufacturers Webinar

EMAP employs four technical assistance staff who provide support to small businesses statewide. Staff can assist small business owners with:

  • Emissions calculations
  • Permit applications
  • Regulatory paperwork
  • Plan approvals
  • Grant applications
  • Operating permits

EMAP can also refer small businesses to general business and financial assistance professionals, free instructional seminars and educational events for individuals looking to start a venture, as well as for established companies, and other wide-ranging support.

Contact EMAP

Call toll-free: 877-ASK-EMAP (877-275-3627)

Contact Jeremy Hancher, Program Manager: (610) 499-4322, 

2019-2020 EMAP Services by the Numbers

  • 153 – businesses provided with in-depth assistance
  • 59 – calls answered from EMAP hotline
  • 81 – non-hotline contacts made or received (emails or direct calls)
  • 22 – completed site visits
  • 36 – requests received for permit assistance
  • 33 – new clients assisted

Small Businesses Receiving EMAP Assistance – By Industry

  • Undefined: 26 (17%)
  • Accommodation/Food Service: 6 (4%)
  • Agriculture: 6 (4%)
  • Construction: 4 (3%)
  • Healthcare: 3 (2%)
  • Manufacturer: 67 (44%)
  • Professional/Technical: 4 (3%)
  • Retail: 6 (4%)
  • Service Establishment: 16 (11%)
  • Waste management: 5 (3%)
  • Other: 8 (5%)
  • Total: 153

Of the 153 businesses receiving assistance, nearly half (44%) were in the manufacturing sector and a majority (64%) have been in business over 1 year.

Small Businesses Receiving EMAP Assistance – By Time in Business

  • Start-up (in business less than 1 year): 12 (8%)
  • Pre-venture: 34 (22%)
  • In business more than 1 year: 83 (54%)
  • Undefined: 24 (16%)
  • Total: 153

EMAP provided services to 153 clients, including two out-of-state clients. Below is the distribution of the clients served by DEP region.

Northeast: 18, Northcentral: 24, Northwest: 32, Southeast: 4, Southcentral: 52, Southwest: 21

The EMAP team (left to right): Carrie Wintersteen, Program Manager Jeremy Hancher, Lee Ann Briggs, Charles Haney

Success Stories

Gate 7 LLC, Greencastle: Winner of National SBEAP 2020 Small Business Environmental Stewardship Award

The National Small Business Environmental Assistance Program recognized Gate 7 LLC with a  2020 Small Business Environmental Stewardship Award . This award category recognizes the accomplishments of a small business nationwide in the areas of compliance, sustainability, advocacy and collaboration.  

A small manufacturer of custom-made labels and decals, Gate 7 LLC earned the award for proper management of their environmental responsibilities and the company's unwavering commitment to finding greener alternatives to help reduce their carbon footprint and reduce industrial waste. Gate 7 LLC worked with Pennsylvania EMAP to assess their environmental impacts in their effort to gain ISO 14001 certification. 

Based in Greencastle, Franklin County, Gate 7 LLC has become an inspiration to its customers, stakeholders, and local community in the county.  

"We are honored to be selected for this award as we are consistently aware of how our product and processes have an effect on the environment," said Clare Reay, Vice President of Gate 7 LLC.

Herrmann Unlimited, Pittsburgh: Permit Renewal and Improvements to Air Quality Reporting Documentation

 Herrmann Unlimited , located in Pittsburgh, is a multigenerational small commercial printing company with over 60 years of experience. Currently employing 14 full time employees, Herrmann offers various commercial and digital printing services. 

Frank DeFazio, Plant Manager, was referred to the EMAP personnel operating out of the University of Pittsburgh’s Small Business Development Center by the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) – Air Quality Program.  Herrmann’s operating permit with Allegheny County was up for renewal, and Mr. DeFazio needed assistance to complete the application. EMAP assisted Herrmann with the preparation, completion, and submission of their renewal application.  

The on-site visit was conducted just before the shutdown of their facility due to the COVID-19 pandemic. EMAP provided recommendations regarding Herrmann’s semi-annual emission reporting requirements to the ACHD and prepared a more user-friendly air quality report template for the company to use.


Small Business Ombudsman (SBO) Office

The  Small Business Ombudsman Office  represents DEP to the small business community and serves as the primary advocate for small businesses within DEP. 

How the Ombudsman Assists Small Business Owners:

  • Provides free, confidential assistance.
  • Administers grant and loan programs that are only available to small businesses.
  • Helps identify technical and financial opportunities for energy efficiency and pollution control that are available through state and federal programs.
  • Reviews pending regulations to consider their impact on small businesses.
  • Can assist small businesses with their interactions with DEP.

The Ombudsman assists Pennsylvania’s small businesses both directly and through legislators, associations, small business assistance providers, and federal and state agencies.

Contact the Small Business Ombudsman Office

Samantha Harmon, Small Business Ombudsman: (717) 783-0909, 

Caroline Zepp, Program Analyst: (717) 772-5160, 

Forest Edwards, Mechanical Engineer: (717) 783-9640, 

Small Business Pollution Prevention Assistance Account Loan Program

The  Small Business Pollution Prevention Assistance Account (PPAA) Loan Program  provides low-interest, fixed-rate loans to small businesses to purchase equipment or implement process changes that reduce or reuse raw materials on site; reduce the production of waste at the source; or significantly reduce energy consumption.

  • Eligibility: Small businesses in Pennsylvania with 100 or fewer full-time employees
  • Maximum funding percentage: up to 75 percent of total eligible project costs
  • Maximum loan amount: $100,000
  • Terms: 2 percent fixed interest rate for a maximum term of 10 years
  • Available funding as of May 31, 2020: $1,372,671 (June 2020 report unavailable)

PPAA is a revolving loan fund and receives no additional state funding. DEP and the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) jointly administer the program. DEP reviews the technical applications, while DCED reviews the financial application, performs the credit check, and handles loan closing and maintenance. Applicants must work with an approved  Community Economic Development Organization (CEDO)  to submit an application for this program.

Small Business Advantage Grant Program

Now in its 16th year, the  Small Business Advantage Grant (SBAG)  program has awarded millions of dollars in grants to Pennsylvania small businesses to enable them to implement energy efficiency strategies, pollution prevention projects, and natural resource conservation projects.

These projects help businesses reduce costs and may reduce their regulatory requirements, while decreasing the environmental impact of their business operations. 

  • Eligibility: Projects are required to save at least 25 percent annually in energy consumption or pollution prevention costs and save the business a minimum of $500. Eligible small businesses must be a for-profit business located in Pennsylvania with no more than 100 full-time equivalent employees. 
  • Examples of participants: Manufacturers, retailers, service providers, medical professionals, the transportation industry, and agricultural interests.
  • Grants: 50 percent reimbursement grants, up to a maximum of $7,000, depending on the project, for Fiscal Year 2019-2020.

2019-2020 Small Business Advantage Grant Program Update

SBO during the reporting period: Ed Boito

  • Application round: July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020  
  • Total reimbursed: $958,182.71
  • Private investment leveraged: $3,410,546.88
  • Annual savings for grantees: $892,491.07
  • Applications received: 239
  • Grant recipients: 212

Small Business Advantage Grant Projects by Type: 2019-2020

  • Air Compressor: 1 (0%)
  • Auxiliary Power Unit: 4 (2%)
  • Boiler: 7 (3%)
  • Combo – Lighting and Boiler: 1 (0%)
  • Combo – Lighting and HVAC: 3 (1%)
  • Commercial Refrigeration: 2 (1%)
  • Compressor: 1 (0%)
  • Cooling Tower: 1 (0%)
  • Digital X-ray: 22 (10%)
  • Dry Cleaning Equipment: 3 (1%)
  • Evaporator: 2 (1%)
  • Geothermal: 1 (0%)
  • HVAC: 10 (5%)
  • Intra-oral Scanner: 8 (4%)
  • Lighting: 126 (59%)
  • Natural Resource Protection / Agriculture: 12 (6%)
  • Oven: 1 (0%)
  • Reverse Osmosis: 4 (2%)
  • Test Chamber: 1 (0%)
  • Washers: 2 (1%)

2019-2020 Small Business Advantage Grant Success Stories

Valesky’s Inc., Crawford County: Grocer Upgrades to Energy Efficient Lighting

Valesky’s Inc., a grocery store, applied for a grant to upgrade their old lighting to new, efficient LED fixtures. The $33,598 investment was matched with a $6,000 Small Business Advantage Grant and $4,425 in utility rebates. 

  • Return on investment: The grocery store’s cost savings were $12,089 and their electricity was reduced by 140,831 kWh per year. The company is reducing carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by 110 tons annually. The project will pay for itself in just over three and a half years.

Sciota Valley Farms, LLC, Bradford County: Beef Producer Protects Natural Resources

Sciota Valley Farms, LLC, a beef producer, wanted to create a rotational grazing system, as well as keep the cattle out of nearby streams. The project received a $1,484 Small Business Advantage Grant and the producer invested $1,596, which was matched with $8,579 in U.S. Department of Agriculture Environmental Quality Incentives Program funds for the project.

  • Return on investment: An estimated 116,505 pounds of sediment, 432 pounds of nitrogen, and 135 pounds of phosphorous per year are kept out of the stream.

Pantalone Chiropractic, LLC, Dauphin County: Chiropractic Practice Upgrades to Digital X-ray System

Pantalone Chiropractic, LLC, received a $5,000 Small Business Advantage Grant to upgrade from film-based X-rays to a digital X-ray system.

  • Return on investment: The chiropractic practice is saving more than $2,261 annually on X-ray supplies. They’re eliminating X-ray film, over 240 gallons of developing chemicals, and 2,250 gallons of wastewater from their waste stream. They’re saving 1,350 kWh of electricity and reducing carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by 19 tons annually. The project will pay for itself in just under two years.

Yourga Trucking Inc., Mercer County: Trucking Company Saves Fuel and Money

Yourga Trucking Inc. installed five auxiliary power units in their long-haul trucks. They received a $7,000 Small Business Advantage Grant toward the project cost of $66,000. 

  • Return on investment: The trucking firm is saving 11,700 gallons of diesel fuel and over $34,000 in fuel costs annually. The company reduced carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by 4.67 tons annually. The project also helps the company comply with Pennsylvania Act 124 of 2008 to reduce truck idling. The project will pay for itself in approximately 14 years.

2019-20 Small Business Advantage Grant: Estimated Annual Energy/Pollution Savings

  • Electricity: 6,626,307 kWh
  • Wastewater: 69,766 gal
  • Natural Gas: 910 Mcf
  • Diesel Fuel: 20,004 gal
  • Film Developing Chemicals: 2,172 gal
  • X-Ray Film kept from landfill: 233 boxes
  • Propane: 1,061 gal
  • Fuel Oil: 2,450 gal
  • Miscellaneous landfill waste (Approx.): 1,000 lbs
  • Coal: 72.95 tons
  • Perchloroethylene (PERC): 140 gal, 58 gal sludge
  • Wood (and related CO 2 , NOx, SOx, and particulates): 297.9 tons CO 2 
  • Hydrocarbon Solvent: 60 gal, 90 lbs solvent waste
  • Sediment prevented from streams: 209,492 lbs
  • Nitrogen prevented from streams: 7,518 lbs
  • Phosphorous prevented from streams: 2,363 lbs

Advisory Committee

Small Business Compliance Advisory Committee (SBCAC)

The  Small Business Compliance Advisory Committee  works to ensure that small business concerns and interests are represented within DEP when new regulations are developed and considers the impact of proposed environmental regulations on small business. It is also a forum to provide information to the small business community about funding opportunities and other useful information.

The committee includes small business owners, small business advocacy organizations, and representatives of government agencies. Members meet quarterly to address issues that could affect the small business community.

SBCAC Contacts and Information

Additional Services

DEP-Sponsored Services for Small Businesses

Emerging Technology Applications Center

The  Emerging Technology Applications Center  (ETAC) helps small businesses gain a competitive edge by using alternative technologies to improve heating, drying, coating and curing processes, as well as reducing their energy usage and carbon footprint. ETAC also assists businesses with investigating new equipment, materials, and processes before making large investments or production changes.   

With DEP grant funding, ETAC provides energy and technological consulting services to small businesses with up to 500 employees in 22 counties in the eastern half of the commonwealth. They also engage with the Northampton Community College Engineering Department to involve student interns in the energy assessments. Over the course of the 2019-2020 fiscal year, students accrued more than 45 internship hours in with on-site assessments, learning real-world applications to their classroom education. ETAC’s office is located at the Northampton County Community College in Bethlehem.  

ETAC specializes in operational efficiency and is a registered Conservation Service Provider with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission. ETAC performed energy audits from July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2020, that resulted in more than 134 energy management opportunities with significant savings for 12 facilities:

  • Electric Energy Conserved (kWh/yr.): 3,156,248
  • Fossil Fuel Saved (MMBtu/yr.): 27,721
  • Potential Cost Savings: $408,133

Emissions Reductions (lbs./yr.):

  • CO 2 : 6,237,348
  • SO X : 2,283
  • NO X : 1,854

 Contact Emerging Technologies Applications Center

John Barkanic, Director, (610) 861-5381, 

Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program

Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program

 The Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP)  has been assisting businesses in Pennsylvania for more than 50 years. The federal-state-university partnership provides no-cost technical assistance to small and mid-size businesses and manufacturers. PennTAP offered 43 educational workshops or webinars for business owners and employees throughout the year, with total attendance of 1,036 participants. PennTAP’s main office is in State College, with additional staff in Pittsburgh.  

PennTAP’s Energy and Environment Services are designed to help Pennsylvania companies conserve energy and reduce wastes in their manufacturing facilities, lowering energy-related costs and increasing their profits and competitiveness.

By providing services and solutions to Pennsylvania businesses and organizations, PennTAP creates opportunities for Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) students to participate in projects outside of their classroom. Students get the experience of conducting an energy assessment for manufacturing facilities and then help with the development and implementation of an energy reduction strategy. This provides students with real-world, practical application of their education, as well as the chance to make connections within the community.

2019-2020 PennTAP Annual Results:

  • Total Clients: 119
  • PennTAP Client Economic Benefits – Cost Savings*: $4.6 Million/yr.
  • Jobs Retained/Created: 18
  • Workshops and Webinars/Educated Attendees: 22/547
  • Student Engagement/Student Hours: 178/6,874
  • Assisted with SBAG Applications: 21
  • Requested/Approved/Projects Totals: $142K/$139K/$314K

*Economic benefits reported during the time period of July 2019 to June 2020

PennTAP Clients by Industry Cluster

  • Agriculture: 20%
  • Building and Construction: 3%
  • Chemical, Rubber, and Plastics: 7%
  • Food Processing: 13%
  • Lumber, Wood, and Paper: 3%
  • Metals and Metal Fabrication: 23%
  • Miscellaneous Manufacturing: 16%
  • Other: 3%
  • Printing and Related Products: 3%
  • Textile and Apparel: 3% 

Contact PennTAP

Tanna M. Pugh, Director, (814) 863-1632, 

2019-2020 PennTAP Success Story

Mission Critical Solutions, Bedford County: Metal Fabrication Company Upgrades Boiler and Lighting Systems

Mission Critical Solutions (MCS) is a metal fabrication company in Alum Bank, Pennsylvania. It is a small business that is always looking for programs to offset capital expenditures and help them grow as a company.

In fall 2019, MCS came to PennTAP seeking recommendations on upgrading both their on-site boiler system and the lighting system in their newly acquired machine shop.  Read More 

DEP Bureau of Air Quality: Compliance Assistance and Monitoring Section

The Bureau of Air Quality Compliance Assistance and Monitoring section oversees the planning, development, coordination, implementation, and evaluation of the statewide air quality compliance assistance program. It develops compliance assistance outreach tools and materials, supports the technical assistance provider, and serves as DEP liaison to the SBCAC.

Compliance Tool: 2020 Dry Cleaner Compliance Calendar

The 2020 Dry Cleaner Compliance Calendar was distributed in December 2019 to approximately 946 dry cleaners in Pennsylvania. The calendar is a convenient way for dry cleaners to maintain required federal and state records. DEP has distributed this invaluable compliance assistance tool since 2001. The 2020 calendar includes a five-page Korean translation of the instructions. 

Northeast: 18, Northcentral: 24, Northwest: 32, Southeast: 4, Southcentral: 52, Southwest: 21

The EMAP team (left to right): Carrie Wintersteen, Program Manager Jeremy Hancher, Lee Ann Briggs, Charles Haney