Geographic Information Systems - going beyond mapping! Providing powerful capabilities to visualize, analyze, and interact with big data

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What is GIS?

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a collection of computer-based tools for organizing information from a variety of data sources to map and examine changes on Earth. It is designed to capture, store, manage, analyze, and visualize all types of geographical data. GIS allows for the integration and collective analysis of data from multiple sources, including satellite imagery, GPS recordings, and textual attributes associated with a particular space.

GIS are used in nearly all fields that need to understand the spatial patterns and relationships between different datasets, from land-use planning to emergency response to resource management. GIS include many components:

  • visualizations through interactive maps,
  • data based on the location of features or variables represented,
  • spatial analytic functions that focus on identifying trends and patterns across space and time, and
  • applications that enable tools and services in user-friendly interfaces.

Impacts of GIS at NASA

Why is GIS Important?

GIS at NASA Earth Science

How Is NASA GIS Data Used?

Where Can I find NASA Data?

NASA data can be accessed from a variety of resources and end points. The main data access points are  NASA Earthdata Search  and  NASA Worldview .

Earthdata Search

NASA Earthdata Search is a wonderful resource for searching data by keyword and quickly visualizing it with the built-in map display before deciding whether to download it for your own purposes. Earthdata search also allows you to search specific areas by drawing polygons in the map display. Earthdata Search requires a user login to access, but anyone can create a user account.

NASA Worldview

NASA Worldview provides the capability to interactively browse over 900 global, full-resolution satellite imagery layers and then download the underlying data. Use the embedded worldview home page below to try it out, or click on the "Open live content in a new tab" button in the top right of the window to navigate directly to the Worldview website.

Worldview: Explore Your Dynamic Planet

NASA ArcGIS Online

NASA geospatial data can also be accessed on ArcGIS Online (AGOL). Though often data cannot be downloaded directly from AGOL, it is a great resource for viewing curated NASA data and maps.

Getting Started with GIS

We understand NASA data is complex and you might be feeling overwhelmed. To help get you started with learning about using NASA data in GIS tools, the following are great resources: