Connections to Long Island Sound

Exploring the land and people in the Long Island Sound Watershed

Aerial photograph of West Meadow Beach, Long Island, New York

The Long Island Sound Watershed is the land upon which water drains to Long Island Sound. This story explores the land and people within the watershed, from the Canadian border to the shores of Long Island Sound.

The lifestyles, behaviors, and settlement patterns of the people in the watershed have a collective impact on the land and the lakes, rivers, and streams that flow into Long Island Sound. In the same way, the land and water impact the lives of the people living throughout the watershed.

Take a journey through the Long Island Sound Watershed — its landscapes, its communities, and people. This story map takes a close look at where people live, how they live, and who they are.  

As you continue to scroll, read the stories of people in nine communities across the watershed and learn how land and water shape their lives and the places they call home. 

Land Cover

Land can be quantified by its land cover, or what is on the ground at any location. Common land cover classes are forest, developed, water, grass, and agriculture. Land covers are different from land uses, which is what is allowed or permitted on the land. For example, forest is a land cover and park is a land use.

Different types of land cover impact the water in different ways. Developed land cover consists of mostly "impervious" surfaces like pavement, roads, and buildings which prevent water from soaking into the ground. Water often "runs off" these surfaces, collecting pollutants along the way until it finds a nearby stream or river. In contrast, water that lands in a forest or other vegetation often soaks into the ground and soil which naturally slow it down and clean it by filtering out pollutants. An increase in development often also means a decrease in natural land cover like forest.

Political Boundaries

While it makes sense to understand a large watershed by looking closely at its subwatersheds, state and local governments do not operate using watershed boundaries. To further understand the watershed and its people through geographic data, it is necessary to explore states, counties, municipalities, and US Census tracts.

Where the People Are

Exploring population information by census tracts reveals how many people are where within the watershed.

live in the Long Island Sound Watershed.

How People Live

People with different lifestyles and economic status all call the Long Island Sound watershed home. Many live rural lifestyles and many live in cities. Many live in single family homes and many live in shared homes and apartments. Many are wealthy and many are not.

People in the Watershed

This section summarizes demographic information collected in the 2020 Decennial Census and the American Community Survey's 5-year estimates to describe the many different people living in the watershed.

People & Their Places

The section below presents the stories of individuals who live, work, and enjoy the land and water of the Long Island Sound watershed. Scroll through each one from left to right to enjoy their stories, or skip back up to this overview map to explore them all.

Pittsburg, New Hampshire

Pittsburg, New Hampshire. Click to expand.

A stunning northern landscape at the headwaters of the Connecticut River.

Brattleboro, Vermont

Brattleboro, Vermont. Click to expand.

A welcoming town nestled among farmland in the Connecticut River Valley.

Chicopee, Massachusetts

Chicopee, Massachusetts. Click to expand.

A vibrant historical mill town on the Connecticut and Chicopee Rivers.

Stonington, Connecticut

Stonington, Connecticut. Click to expand.

A charming and historical seaside town east of the mouth of the Connecticut River.

Greater New Haven, Connecticut

Greater New Haven, Connecticut. Click to expand.

Connecticut's cultural capital and its natural connections to neighboring communities.

Bridgeport, Connecticut

Bridgeport, Connecticut. Click to expand.

Connecticut's most populated city, home to miles of urban waterfront.

Bronx, New York

Bronx, New York. Click to expand.

A bustling urban landscape featuring the revitalization of the Bronx River.

Queens, New York

Queens, New York. Click to expand.

A lively multicultural urban center on the western edge of Long Island Sound.

West Meadow Beach, New York

West Meadow Beach, New York. Click to expand.

Part of the "Three Villages" on the North Shore of Long Island - and a local gem.

Pittsburg, New Hampshire

A stunning northern landscape at the headwaters of the Connecticut River.

 Skip ahead  to learn what Pittsburg means to photojournalist Joe Klementovich.

Brattleboro, Vermont

A welcoming town nestled among farmland in the Connecticut River Valley.

 Skip ahead  to learn what Brattleboro means to Rebecca Rueter, board member of the Rich Earth Institute.

Chicopee, Massachusetts

A vibrant historical mill town on the Connecticut and Chicopee Rivers.

 Skip ahead  learn what Chicopee means to Quinn Lonczak, Project Supervisor for the Chicopee Water Pollution Control.

Stonington, Connecticut

A charming and historical seaside town east of the mouth of the Connecticut River.

 Skip ahead  to learn what Stonington means to Beth Simonds, co-owner of Stonington Farms Shellfish.

Greater New Haven, Connecticut

Connecticut's cultural capital and its natural connections to neighboring communities.

 Skip ahead  to learn what the Greater New Haven area means to Matt Lieber and Judy Miller of Connecticut Shoreline Greenway Trail.

Bridgeport, Connecticut

Connecticut's most populated city, home to miles of urban waterfront.

 Skip ahead  to learn what Bridgeport means to Reggy Saint Fortcolin of the Aspetuck Land Trust.

Bronx, New York

A bustling urban landscape featuring the revitalization of the Bronx River.

 Skip ahead  to learn what the Bronx means to Alex Severino of the environmental non-profit, Rocking the Boat.

Queens, New York

A lively multicultural urban center on the western edge of Long Island Sound.

 Skip ahead  to learn what Queens means to Dragon Boat racers Good Jean Lau and Eugene Wong.

West Meadow Beach, New York

Part of the "Three Villages" on the North Shore of Long Island - and a local gem.

 Skip ahead  to learn what West Meadow Beach means to Nancy Grant, the Program Director of Friends of Flax Pond.

Photo showing view looking out from Magalloway Mountain showing view of forest and mountains in the distance

aerial photograph showing downtown Brattleboro in winter

photo showing stream in Chicopee, MA

a photo showing Stonington houses and harbor at dusk

New Haven City downtown
Sky line of New Haven and surrounding area in autumn

photo of ferry in Bridgeport

aerial image of the Bronx, NY

photo of Bridge in Queens, NY

photo of Stony Brook Harbor

The Water, The Land, and The People

Long Island Sound is an integral part of the lives of millions of people who live, work, and visit the region every day. The people who live in the watershed are of every background and lifestyle. The waterbody is a vital resource, providing essential habitats for wildlife, supporting diverse marine ecosystems, sustaining local economies, and offering recreational opportunities to countless individuals and communities across its large and diverse watershed.

The stories of people who call the Long Island Sound Watershed home uncover how water, land, and people are interconnected and interdependent, from coastlines to mountains, cities to farms.

It is our collective responsibility to recognize the critical ecological, economic, and cultural significance of the Long Island Sound and its watershed, and safeguard them for future generations.

Let this story be your start.

Visit the  Long Island Sound Study website  to learn more about the projects and people working to protect Long Island Sound, and how you can join!

Water flowing at sunset near Harkness Park, CT

Co-authored by Emily Wilson and Cary Chadwick UConn Extension, UConn Center for Land Use Education and Research Published December 31, 2024

Special thanks to members of the advisory group for their contributions of both content and insight.

  • Anya Grondalski and Robert Burg, NEIWPCC
  • Cayla Sullivan, Kristen Lacceti, and Liz Tanzi, EPA Region 2, Long Island Sound Office
  • Kate Knight and Abigail Winter, CT Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection
  • Jimena Perez-Viscasillas and Lillit Genovesi, NY Sea Grant
  • Margaret Cozens, CT Sea Grant, UConn
  • Shanee Krichely, NY Sea Grant intern

Many thanks to the stars of the featured stories for letting us tell their story.

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under assistance agreement (LI00A01059) to NEIWPCC in partnership with the Long Island Sound Study (LISS). The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of NEIWPCC, LISS, or the EPA, nor does NEIWPCC, LISS or the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned in this document.