Physical Water Scarcity in the Middle East
What is Physical Water Scarcity?
Even though roughly two thirds of Earth’s surface is covered by water, only 1% of the world’s water is considered available freshwater (Moseley 315). The vast majority of our water is contained in our oceans as high salinity water, and much of our freshwater is frozen solid in glaciers and ice caps. As human population grows and climate change continues, our usage of water becomes more and more unsustainable, and many arid regions are experiencing the effects of this strain.
While some causes of water scarcity can be considered economical – a result from the lack of infrastructure to transport water from its source to its destination – much of the world’s population instead experiences a physical lack of water. It is estimated that at least 1.1 billion people currently do not have adequate access to clean drinking water, and this number is only expected to grow as time passes (Moseley 327).
Water Supply in the Middle East
According to a 2018 World Bank report, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is the most water-stressed region in the world (World Bank), as this geographic region contains only 1% of the world’s global runoff water (Moseley 316). Seventeen countries in this geographic location are considered by the United Nations to be below the water poverty line, which means that these countries simply cannot afford to provide its citizens with a sustainable source of clean water (Feitelson and Chenoweth). Currently, this region relies heavily on water from underground aquifers and supplements it with desalinated water. Neither of these sources are considered sustainable, as water is being taken from these aquifers far faster than they are being recharged and the desalination process is unduly energy-intensive.
While the proximate cause for the water crisis in the Middle East is quite simple (the mere lack of freshwater), the ultimate cause is quite complex. Firstly, many countries in this region have experienced rapid economic and population growth in recent decades, particularly Qatar, Oman, and Lebanon (Brodie). While economic growth is correlated with improved living conditions and increased life expectancy, it is also correlated with an increase in water consumption per capita. In 2018, Qatar’s daily water usage reached 595 liters per capita – an amount that is similar to the water usage of Americans (Al-Sulaiti and Adham). Furthermore, there is a structural component to the cause as the region’s water usage continues to increase partially due to the lack of regulation and enforcement by their governing bodies (World Bank).
More people and a higher level of water consumption also means a faster rate of wastewater production, and the lack of treatment of this water exacerbates the strain on freshwater resources. Of the wastewater that is produced in the Middle East, less than half of it is collected, and only 57% of the wastewater that is collected will be treated at all before being released to the natural environment (World Bank). This means that over ¾ of wastewater generated by humans, industries, and the desalination process in the Middle East will eventually mingle with the region’s freshwater resources, contaminating the already sparse amount of water that is available for consumption.
Political Unrest Caused by Water Scarcity
The water crisis has come to the forefront of the political stage in the Middle East. Everyone agrees that there is indeed a critical need for improving the region’s water security, but very little action has been taken toward implementing solutions due to the lack of agreement on what should be done. Currently, these countries have some of the lowest tariffs and highest subsidies on public water in the world, which encourage the exploitation, rather than the conservation, of this resource (World Bank). Many have recommended re-pricing the cost of water to spur the adoption of water-efficient practices, while others argue that doing so would be more detrimental than helpful.
As solutions continue to be argued over, however, the unrest caused by the lack of access to a resource so central to life grows. Over the past few years, protests over water shortages have become prevalent in the Middle East, especially in summer months when temperatures regularly go above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (Mazloumsaki). Furthermore, water treatment plants and distribution systems have started to become a target for war-related attacks between nations. In 2017, millions of people living in Syria’s capital, Damascus, were left without water for a week after their water infrastructure was deliberately attacked by an enemy group (Mackintosh).
Impacts on the Agricultural Sector
Similar to the rest of the world, a large majority of the Middle East’s freshwater is used by agricultural practices. Approximately 80% of the region’s water use goes towards irrigating crops and raising livestock (World Bank). It is also estimated that over 90,000 square miles of land is being watered by sources other than direct rainfall in this region (FAO Water Reports). Unfortunately, Middle Eastern lands are prone to desertification caused by the arid climate, use of polluted water for irrigating, and unsustainable agricultural practices (FAO Water Reports). As more and more land becomes unsuitable for growing crops and water for irrigation becomes less and less available, the strain on food availability continues to grow for the people of the Middle East.
In recent decades, Middle Eastern countries have sought to meet the food needs of their growing populations by importing grains and other food items. Now, this region is the largest importer of wheat in the world and is within the top 30 for overall food imports (World Bank). It is currently estimated that most of these countries meet at least 50% of their caloric needs with imported food (Kathuda). This dependency on other nations is problematic, however. First and foremost, it forces Middle Eastern countries into a dualistic relationship with other, more developed countries, as these countries continue to benefit off the Middle East’s booming oil industry – the same industry that has contributed to the region’s dependency on the importation of food (Al-Sulaiti and Adham). Additionally, any disruptions in the domestic food market due to droughts can have a severe lasting impact, especially on the impoverished and otherwise marginalized groups.
Waterborne Diseases and Contamination
The lack of wastewater collection and treatment in the Middle East doesn’t just reduce the amount of freshwater available; it also is a major cause of preventable disease in children. Globally, it is estimated that a child will die from drinking contaminated water every eight seconds (Moseley 327). Contamination of drinking water by human wastewater can lead to outbreaks of diarrhea, typhoid, polio, cholera, and parasitic infection (“More Children”). For children under fifteen years old, and especially those under five, these diseases can be fatal. In fact, a UNICEF study found that in Middle Eastern and North African countries – notoriously war-torn regions – children under 15 are three times more likely to die from these diseases, particularly diarrhea, than war-related violence (Hodal). For children under five, this likelihood jumps to twenty (“More Children”).
One area that is suffering particularly hard from water contamination is the Gaza Strip. This small stretch of land is inhabited by two million people, yet only 3% of its aquifers are fit for domestic use (Abou El Oun). Along with fecal contamination, this heavily relied upon water source has also experienced saltwater intrusion, which is when nearby seawater has migrated into the freshwater aquifer to replace the empty space left by the high rate of human withdrawal from the aquifer. While more well-off Gazans are able to purchase bottled water to meet their needs, many others must resort to drinking this brackish water, which is associated with an increased risk of kidney disease, among other health risks (Abou El Oun).
Original Map:
Global Precipitation and Aquifer Recharge Rates: Annual precipitation amounts are shown on a green to red scale, with red indicating the least amount of annual rainfall. Major aquifers of the world are also shown. A deeper blue color means a greater rate of water recharge, while the paler colors show which aquifers have a withdrawal rate that is greater than their recharge rate. This map was created using ArcGIS Online. Annual precipitation data layer was created by Esri user KROLIKIE_unhcr, and the aquifer data layer was developed by Esri user esri_observations from NASA and UC Irvine research.
In order to tackle such an issue as prevalent as the water scarcity that has plagued the Middle East for decades, more than one solution must be implemented. There will be no miracle invention in the near future that will be able to magically procure water from nothing; solving the water crisis will require a combination of technological advances and policy changes.
Firstly, the improved handling and treatment of wastewater poses an opportunity for recycling water to meet the region’s water needs. Even if the water cannot be treated to a level that is acceptable for human consumption, it can still be used for non-potable uses in the agricultural sector. Secondly, some nations have recently committed to developing new drinking water treatment plants that use reverse osmosis instead of classic desalination techniques to treat sea water, which would reduce the energy needed for producing clean water (Scott). However, these techniques must be accompanied by a shift in water consumption patterns. Increased tariffs or decreased subsidies on water supply could be used to encourage people to alter their usage habits and place a higher value on the water they do use (World Bank).
As population continues to grow and the effects of climate change continue to worsen, physical water scarcity – not just in the Middle East, but around the world – will only get worse if new, sustainable solutions are not pursued. However, this does not mean that catastrophe is certain; it just means that people must actively fight to ensure that everyone has access to something that is truly a basic human right.