Waldo Canyon Wildfire

10 Years Later

10 Years Since Waldo

A General Summary:

  • Started on June 23, 2012
  • Contained on July 10, 2012
  • Acreage Burned: 18,247 acres
  • Building Destroyed: 346
  • Lives Lost: 2
  • Cost: ~$450 Million

Animated GIF of the Waldo Canyon Fire Perimeter

Climate & Fire Conditions Prior to Waldo Canyon

June 23rd - The Start

"Are we going to be in diurnal mountain fluctuations for this event? It'll take something else to push it over the ridge. If this thing gets into Queen's Canyon, we'll have a significant problem" -Brian Bledsoe (Chief Meteorologist KKTV)

Brian Bledsoe (Chief Meteorologist KKTV)

June 26th - The Big Run - "That Something Else" Happened

More Photos from Mountain Shadows

All Photos Courtesy of Kari Greer

Impacts were more than just the fire itself. Widespread smoke fell over Colorado Springs.

"I remember having one of the worst headaches I've ever had. Later on the doctor told me I was suffering from low end carbon-monoxide poisoning" - Brian Bledsoe (Chief Meteorologist; KKTV)

Brian Bledsoe (Chief Meteorologist KKTV)

June 27 through July 6th - Containment

"Keep this thought of wildfires in the forefront of your mind' there is no wildfire season anymore, it's year round." -Tom Magnuson (Former Warning Coordination Meteorologist [WCM] NWS Pueblo)

Tom Magnuson (Former WCM NWS Pueblo)

Waldo Canyon Burn Scar Photos

Photos Courtesy of Jennifer Stark (MIC NWS Boulder)

Photos Courtesy of Tom Magnuson (Former WCM NWS Pueblo)

Testimonials of Preparedness and Moving Forward

"It's easy to forget that wildfires can happen, so it's important to prepare as much as possible for wildfires and stay connected to your community" - Alex O'Brien (Meteorologist KOAA)

Alex O'Brien (Meteorologist KOAA)

"Don't do any activities which can start a fire [on critical fire weather days]. It can happen, it can happen in your backyard. We all have to have a plan, be ready, and ready to safely evacuate - have multiple ways of getting out of your neighborhood. Here is what is in my "to-go bag" - Important documents (IDs, passport), medications, food, water, charger, wallet, and clothing. Also, don't forget about your pets and their needs." - Sydney Jackson (Meteorologist KKTV)

Sydney Jackson (Meteorologist KKTV)

"If you choose to live in these places, you should understand the risk, and have a plan." - Brian Bledsoe (Chief Meteorologist KKTV)

"During my broadcasts, I've told you what you need to know, but you've got to take action. Most people don't take action, unless they have lived it." - Brian Bledsoe (Chief Meteorologist KKTV)

"When something happens, that is not the time to decide what to put in your car. You need to prepare before." - Jennifer Stark (Former MIC NWS Pueblo and current MIC NWS Boulder)

"What is the worst thing you can imagine happening, and then how do you, your family, and friends plan for it?" - Jennifer Stark (Former MIC NWS Pueblo and current MIC NWS Boulder)

Jennifer Stark MIC NWS Boulder

"Nature happens and we need to be prepared for what it brings our way." - Tom Magnuson (former WCM NWS Pueblo)

Tom Magnuson (former WCM NWS Pueblo)

The Waldo Canyon Fire impacted many communities in central Colorado not only during and immediately after the fire, but for years after. This ten year anniversary is important because it serves as an opportunity to remember those lost and impacted by the fire and the many heroic acts across these communities. The anniversary also serves as an opportunity to ensure we are doing everything possible to keep our communities safe for any future wildfires. By taking the time to ask ourselves the right questions on wildfire safety and preparedness and then acting now, before a wildfire, we can help keep ourselves and our communities stay safe.

Safety and Preparedness (Green underline is a clickable link)

  • Create  defensible space  by clearing brush away from your home.
  • Use fire-resistant landscaping and harden your home with fire-safe construction measures.
  • Put together a  basic emergency supply kit . Check emergency equipment, such as flashlights and generators.
  • Plan escape routes and make sure all those residing within the home know the plan of action.
  •  Learn more ways to protect yourself, your family and your property 
  • Before an emergency happens, sit down with your family or close friends and decide how you will get in contact with each other, where you will go, and what you will do in an emergency. Keep a copy of this plan in your emergency supplies kit or another safe place where you can access it in the event of a disaster. Start at the Ready.Gov  emergency plan webpage .
  • Understand NWS forecast products, especially the meaning of  NWS watches and warnings .

Get Set, Be Aware

  • Pack your emergency items
  • Stay aware of the latest wildfire news at the  National Interagency Fire Center Large Fire News site  or  Incident Information Site  (Inciweb) and information on your local  National Weather Service office  and  local government/emergency management office . Find out what type of emergencies could occur and how you should respond. Listen to NOAA Weather Radio or other radio or TV stations for the latest storm news.
  • Follow instructions issued by local officials. Leave immediately if ordered!
  • If NOT ordered to evacuate:
    • Do not light campfires, bonfires, candles or anything else that could blow over and start a fire.
    • If you smoke, be sure to extinguish your cigarette or cigar before disposing of it. Never throw a burning item out a window.
    • Bag up trash, clippings and other easily flammable items.
    • Fill up your vehicle in case you need to evacuate.

Go Act Early

  • Follow your personal emergency/wildland fire action plan
  • Continue listening to a NOAA Weather Radio or the local news for the latest updates.
  • If you were told to evacuate, return home only when officials say it is safe
  • Once home, drive only if necessary. If you must go out, watch for fallen objects in the road, downed electrical wires, and weakened walls, bridges, roads, and sidewalks that might collapse.
  • Walk carefully around the outside of your home to check for damaged power lines, gas leaks, and structural damage.
  • Stay out of any building in which you smell gas, see smoke or flames or if the building or home was damaged by fire, or if the authorities have not declared it safe.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning is one of the leading causes of death after storms in areas dealing with power outages. Never use a portable generator inside your home or garage.  Review generator safety .
  • Use battery-powered flashlights. Do NOT use candles. Turn on your flashlight before entering a vacated building. The battery could produce a spark that could ignite leaking gas, if present.

For more information on wildfires and fire safety, please check out the following web addresses:

Thank You!

The look back of the Waldo Canyon Wildfire serves as a reminder of how we all need to be prepared and help mitigate direct impacts from wildfires in Colorado. You are encouraged to follow your favorite TV Meteorologist, always heed local officials decisions, and follow the NWS for official weather Watch and Warning information. Remember, we're all in this together.

-National Weather Service: Pueblo, Colorado

Animated GIF of the Waldo Canyon Fire Perimeter

Brian Bledsoe (Chief Meteorologist KKTV)

Brian Bledsoe (Chief Meteorologist KKTV)

Tom Magnuson (Former WCM NWS Pueblo)

Alex O'Brien (Meteorologist KOAA)

Sydney Jackson (Meteorologist KKTV)

Jennifer Stark MIC NWS Boulder

Tom Magnuson (former WCM NWS Pueblo)