City of Hollywood

Bicycle Mobility Plan - Project Summary Site

Message from the Mayor

Project Overview

The City of Hollywood is preparing a citywide Bicycle Mobility Plan. The goal of the multi-faceted plan is to: 

  • Identify and prioritize specific bicycle mobility projects throughout the City;
  • Advance Complete Streets principles in key commercial corridors to enhance safety and convenience for bicyclists;
  • Maximize funding opportunities available for urban mobility improvements. 

The City of Hollywood has a strong foundation for bicycle mobility. The City has a network of local streets that surround a vibrant, historic downtown, a successful Complete Streets project along Hollywood Boulevard in the expanded urban core, a Comprehensive City-wide Master Plan that supports bicycle mobility, and a world-famous oceanfront promenade, the Hollywood Beach Broadwalk, that is a favorite destination for bicyclists of all levels.

The City’s Bicycle Mobility Plan will build on these strengths to create a connected network of safe bicycle facilities to provide mobility and recreation opportunities for both residents and visitors alike.

Project Activities

The following activities will be completed as part of this project.

  • Community Engagement – Provide community input opportunities starting in September 2020.
  • City Commission Meetings – Engage the City Commission throughout the plan, from vision to implementation.
  • Existing Conditions Inventory – Conduct an inventory of existing multimodal transportation options within the City.
  • Cost Estimates & Funding – Prepare budget estimates to identify funding opportunities to projects.
  • Prioritization – Develop a prioritization process and apply it to the list of capital improvements.
  • Recommended Projects – Adopt a strategic plan by March 2021 with a coordinated set of bicycle transportation project recommendations.

What type of projects will be included?

As part of this plan the City will be evaluating several types of bicycle facility and amenity improvements. Examples of the types of bicycle facility improvements that will be evaluating and proposed within the City are shown below.

Multi-Purpose Path – Dedicated spaces where most forms of non-motorized transport share the same lane. Open space or a physical barrier separate these paths from vehicular lanes.

Separated Bike Lane - Also known as "Protected Bike Lanes," separated bike lanes offer a vertical barrier that physically separates the bicycle lane from the motor vehicle travel lane. These facilities may be found on the roadway or raised at the sidewalk level.

Buffered Bike Lane – Similar to conventional bike lanes, buffered bike lanes include a stripe or painted buffer that increases separation between bicyclists and motorists.

Conventional Bike Lane – Consists of a striped lane at the edge of the vehicle lanes and is the most basic form of a dedicated bicycle facility. Green color pavement markings can be provided to enhance bicycle lanes.

Neighborhood Greenways – Typically implemented on streets with low motorized traffic volumes and speeds. Street design elements such as signage, pavement markings, and speed management techniques reinforce the priority of bicycle travel along these corridors. 

Your Input Matters!

An interactive Public Comment Map has been created to provide the public (You!) an opportunity "virtually" to provide recommendations and feedback on the types of projects and bicycle mobility amenities you would like to see in the City of Hollywood. To provide your suggestions, click on the map below to access the interactive mapping platform. To open the map in a separate browser window, click the box in the top right corner of the map that says "Open live content in new tab".

ArcGIS Web Application


For more information or if you have questions about the project please contact the City of Hollywood Project Manager, Mark L. Johnson, at

Mark L. Johnson, P.M.P. - Project Manager (City of Hollywood Engineering, Transportation, and Mobility Division)

Consultant Project Manager - Stewart Robertson, P.E. - Kimley-Horn and Associates

Multi-Purpose Path – Dedicated spaces where most forms of non-motorized transport share the same lane. Open space or a physical barrier separate these paths from vehicular lanes.

Separated Bike Lane - Also known as "Protected Bike Lanes," separated bike lanes offer a vertical barrier that physically separates the bicycle lane from the motor vehicle travel lane. These facilities may be found on the roadway or raised at the sidewalk level.

Buffered Bike Lane – Similar to conventional bike lanes, buffered bike lanes include a stripe or painted buffer that increases separation between bicyclists and motorists.

Conventional Bike Lane – Consists of a striped lane at the edge of the vehicle lanes and is the most basic form of a dedicated bicycle facility. Green color pavement markings can be provided to enhance bicycle lanes.

Neighborhood Greenways – Typically implemented on streets with low motorized traffic volumes and speeds. Street design elements such as signage, pavement markings, and speed management techniques reinforce the priority of bicycle travel along these corridors.