From Old Shawnee Town to Shawnee Town 1929

"Old Shawnee Town"

  • In 1966, the impending demolition of what was believed to be the original Gum Springs Jail, then located at 58th and Nieman Road (just north of the Shawnee Square), spurred the creation of the Shawnee Historical Society. This group of concerned citizens raised funds to save the jail and move it to nearby Blue Jacket Park. Eventually sold to the City of Shawnee in 1998 (for $1), the museum has transformed itself into a modern visitor experience and educational destination. For over 50 years the museum and it's grounds have played host to over 2 million visitors.
  • Was built up with a combination of relocated original buildings and modern reconstructions.
  • By the 1990's the volunteer board of directors could no longer adequately care for the aging collection of buildings and large collection of artifacts.
  • The museum was sold for $1 to the City of Shawnee and has been operated by the City of Shawnee Parks and Recreation Department since 1998.

The original "Save the Jail" campaigned raised over $10,000 and started the museum in 1966.

The stone building--then known as the Old Jail--in it's original location, 1964.

Artist rendering of the completed Old Shawnee Town, 1966, by Charles Goslin. The Old Jail is at lower left.

Although the 1966 artist rendering was never adopted, by 1976 the museum complex had grown to include the Jail (at lower left) as well as several other new reconstructions. The original Old Shawnee Town interpreted pioneer life in the 1850's through the early 20th Century.

Strategic Plan

In 2004 a Strategic Master Plan was adopted by the Shawnee City Council to transform Old Shawnee Town - which consisted of a wide range of buildings from 1855 - 1930, to a more focused 1920's farm, town, and agricultural community. This plan was updated and restructured in 2016, and unanimously approved by the Shawnee City Council.

Why interpret the 1920's?

  • The City of Shawnee was incorporated in 1922.
  • The Mission Theatre opened in Shawnee in 1927.
  • Prohibition, Jazz, Sports, and Radio all came to Shawnee in the 1920's.
  • In 1929 the local county paper began an increased coverage of Shawnee giving a weekly glimpse of life in the community.
  • 1929 is a very significant year in the United States. It was the beginning of the Great Depression.
  • The 1920’s represents a time period in metropolitan Kansas City history that no other museum interprets and provides unique program opportunities.

The museum is focused on documenting the lives of Shawnee residents - including their daily lives, their livelihoods, social life, and community.

The museum was designed to have two different zones. The first zone consists of the farmstead and it's appropriate outbuildings. Truck farmers provided the backbone of the rural farm economy in Shawnee until just after World War Two. The other zone consists of a farm town and shows many of the businesses that supported the rural truck farmers--and provided goods and services for them. Businesses include everything from a barber shop to a grocery store.

A truck farm was the predominant type of farming operation in Shawnee. Farmers and their large families raised fruits and vegetables and physically trucked them to the Kansas City, Missouri City Market (a distance of 12 miles).

The Transition from Old Shawnee Town to Shawnee Town 1929

Lets look at the transition through aerial photos. The 2005 photo shows what Old Shawnee Town looked like before the transition began, and the 2019 aerial shows what has been completed by early 2019.

2005 - Before the transition begins

  1. The old East Swimming Pool was still there (built in 1963).
  2. A 1960's man-made creek ran through the middle of the museum grounds.
  3. The town consisted of approximately 20 buildings including historic buildings and modern replicas.


  1. The East Pool has been removed.
  2. The Boy Scout Cabin (replica) was removed.
  3. The Sod House (replica) was removed.


  1. The Farmstead has been created on the old east pool site. Some buildings were moved from other locations within the complex while others were modern but historically-accurate reconstructions.
  2. The Hart Home, Bender Smokehouse, and Bender Barn were moved from the east side of town to the Farmstead.
  3. The All Faiths Chapel and Cemetery (both replicas) were removed.
  4. The Blacksmith shop (replica) was removed and the new buildings were constructed on the east side for the historically-accurate Yotz Typewriter Shop and Barber Shop.
  5. The Post Office (Replica), Barber Shop (Replica) and Wea Cabin were removed. New historically-accurate reconstructions--the Undertaker Shop and Garrett's Grocery--were added in 2013 and opened in 2015.

Moving the Hart Home

The Farmstead in 2018

The original Undertaker shop in Shawnee, circa 1915

Undertaker interior at Shawnee Town

Undertaker Interior

Garrett's Grocery Store

Interior of Garrett's Grocery


  1. Dilapidated west block replica buildings from the 1960's were removed, including the Amos Undertaker, Shawnee State Bank, and the old performance stage.
  2. The Monticello Cabin was dismantled and a portion given back to the Monticello Community Historical Society. A portion was retained for future exhibit use at Shawnee Town 1929.


  1. The O.W. Fisher Chevrolet Dealership was constructed on the east side of town.
  2. The Murphy Service Station/Fire Station was constructed on the west side of town.
  3. The creek that ran through town was enclosed for better drainage.

O.W Fisher Chevrolet dealership

Murphy Service Station reconstruction

What's Next?

The site improvements are anticipated to be complete by the end of 2025. The future improvements are divided into 4 work phases:

1 - Dr. Sullivan House

The "Doc Sullivan House" project will most likely be an original house that has been offered to the museum. The proposed house will be moved from 135th and Mission Road in Leawood. It will represent the Sullivan House (originally torn down in the 1950's), which in the 1920's had electricity and running water.

2 - West Block

One older replica building will be removed and in it's place--four buildings constructed. The four new buildings will include:

  • Heaton's Drug Store
  • Davis Dry Goods Store
  • Shawnee State Bank
  • Electric Store

Artist's rendering of the West Block, by Charles Goslin, 2016

Historical photo from 1915

3 - Trail Cafe and Picnic Pavilion

With the construction of the Murphy Service Station in 2019, the old replica Fire Station will be removed.

  • Remove old Fire Station
  • Update/Remodel the Trail Cafe
  • Build a new picnic pavilion where the replica Fire Station was.

4 - Visitor Services

Build a new Visitor Center on the south side of the museum--on Johnson Drive. This provides better visibility and access for visitors.

Attendance / Revenue

Shawnee Town Attendance/Revenue

The goal of Shawnee Town 1929 is to provide visitors with a memorable, evocative, and relevant educational and entertaining experience that keeps them coming back for more.

Stop by and check out Shawnee Town 1929 and see the progress that has been made.

The original "Save the Jail" campaigned raised over $10,000 and started the museum in 1966.

The stone building--then known as the Old Jail--in it's original location, 1964.

Artist rendering of the completed Old Shawnee Town, 1966, by Charles Goslin. The Old Jail is at lower left.

Although the 1966 artist rendering was never adopted, by 1976 the museum complex had grown to include the Jail (at lower left) as well as several other new reconstructions. The original Old Shawnee Town interpreted pioneer life in the 1850's through the early 20th Century.

A truck farm was the predominant type of farming operation in Shawnee. Farmers and their large families raised fruits and vegetables and physically trucked them to the Kansas City, Missouri City Market (a distance of 12 miles).

Moving the Hart Home

The Farmstead in 2018

The original Undertaker shop in Shawnee, circa 1915

Undertaker interior at Shawnee Town

Undertaker Interior

Garrett's Grocery Store

Interior of Garrett's Grocery

O.W Fisher Chevrolet dealership

Murphy Service Station reconstruction

Artist's rendering of the West Block, by Charles Goslin, 2016

Historical photo from 1915