The Asklepieion as a deep map

Asklepieion incubation rooms (photo: CW)

This website presents a deep map through opening up the archaeological, epigraphic, and literary data that played a role in the many narratives that came together in the space of the Asklepieion.

The dashboard features on the maps let you seamlessly navigate through the extensive archaeological findings, inviting you to uncover a rich tapestry of artifacts, explore intriguing timelines, and marvel at the many wonders that once graced this ancient sanctuary. It's an immersive journey that offers a comprehensive educational experience for those eager to learn about the fascinating history of the Asklepieion of Pergamon.

This map lets you browse the development of the sanctuary over time. You can explore the general periods or zoom in on the 18 building phases (Bauphasen) that the excavators identified. You can also examine each feature in closer detail.

instructions: Expand the map in a new full-screen tab for the best view. Use the dashboard to select objects according to time phase (e.g. Prehistoric), general type of ceramic (e.g. Tableware), specific type (e.g. Bowl), or a particular ware (e.g. Mould-made relief). You will notice that this affects the remaining categories, which focus on your selection. Click your selection again to reset the values. Use the fields in the top bar to narrow your selection by searching the text in the description (e.g. “rim”), or zooming in on a certain location (e.g. Mosaic Building). Click on the icon on the map to get more information about each object.

instructions: Expand the map in a new full-screen tab for the best view. Use the dashboard to select objects according to time phase (e.g. Hellenistic / Attalid), general type of clay (e.g. Terracotta), specific type (e.g. Animal, horse). You will notice that this affects the remaining categories, which focus on your selection. Click your selection again to reset the values. Use the fields in the top bar to narrow your selection by searching the text in the description (e.g. “female”), or zooming in on a certain location (e.g. Mosaic Building). Click on the icon on the map to get more information about each object.

instructions: Expand the map in a new full-screen tab for the best view. Use the dashboard to select objects according to time phase (e.g. Hellenistic / Attalid), general type of coin (e.g. Surgical instrument), specific type (e.g. Scale), or material (e.g. Glass). You will notice that this affects the remaining categories, which focus on your selection. Click your selection again to reset the values. Use the fields in the top bar to narrow your selection by searching the text in the description (e.g. “Bells”), or zooming in on a certain location (e.g. Olive grove). Click on the icon on the map to get more information about each object.

Instructions: Expand the map in a new full-screen tab for the best view. Use the dashboard to select ceramics according to time phase (e.g. Hellenistic / Attalid), general type of coin (e.g. Ottoman coin), specific subtype (e.g. Tetradrachmon), or material (e.g. Silver). You will notice that this affects the remaining categories, which focus on your selection. Click your selection again to reset the values. Use the fields in the top bar to narrow your selection by searching the text in the description (e.g. “Alexander”), or zooming in on a certain location (e.g. Mosaic building), or searching for the place of origin of the coin (e.g. “Sardis”). Click on the icon on the map to get more information about each object.

instructions: Expand the map in a new full-screen tab for the best view. Use the dashboard to select ceramics according to time phase (e.g. Imperial / early Antonine), general type of inscription (e.g. Dedication), specific subtype (e.g. According to a dream), or material (e.g. Silver). You will notice that this affects the remaining categories, which focus on your selection. Click your selection again to reset the values. Use the fields in the top bar to narrow your selection by searching the text in the description (e.g. “Alexander”), or zooming in on a certain location (e.g. Mosaic building), or searching for the place of origin of the coin (e.g. “Sardis”). Click on the icon on the map to get more information about each object.

Asklepieion Inscriptions

instructions: Expand the map in a new full-screen tab for the best view. Use the dashboard to select passages according to time phase (e.g. Imperial / early Antonine), general type of inscription (e.g. Dedication), specific subtype (e.g. According to a dream), or material (e.g. Silver). You will notice that this affects the remaining categories, which focus on your selection. Click your selection again to reset the values. Use the fields in the top bar to narrow your selection by searching the text in the description (e.g. “Alexander”), or zooming in on a certain location (e.g. Mosaic building), or searching for the place of origin of the coin (e.g. “Sardis”). Click on the icon on the map to get more information about each object.


Archaeological references

AvP XI.5 = Hoffmann, A. and G. De Luca (2011) Altertümer von Pergamon XI. Das Asklepieion. Teil 5. Die Platzhallen und die zugehörigen Annexbauten in römischer Zeit. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.

IvP II = Fränkel, M. (1895) Altertümer von Pergamon VIII. Die Inschriften von Pergamon. Teil 2. Römische Zeit. Inschriften auf Thon. Berlin: Von Spemann.

Appian, Mithr. = Appian, Μιθριδάτειος (Mithridates)

Herzog, R. (1934) Ein Asklepios-Hymnus des Aristeides von Smyrna, SBBerl., 753-769.

Riethmüller, J. W. (2011) Das Asklepieion von Pergamon. In R. Grüßinger, V. Kästner, A. Scholl, I. Geske, & J. Laurentius (eds), Pergamon. Panorama der antiken Metropole. Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung. Petersberg, Berlin: Imhof, 228-234.

Bodenhamer, D. J., Corrigan, J., & Harris, T. M. (eds) (2015) Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.


Asklepieion incubation rooms (photo: CW)