2023 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours

Maine educators spent a week in the Katahdin Region and a week Downeast learning about Maine's forest ecology, economy, and community.

2023 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours participants (left: Katahdin Region; Right: Downeast Region).

The 2023 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours brought Maine educators to commercial timberlands, recreation areas, mills, conservation lands, and family forests. Immersed in hands-on professional development, teachers learned about Maine's forest industry, forest ecology, green jobs opportunities for their students, and accessible models of outdoor education at any grade level.

Since 1997, Maine TREE Foundation has hosted two four-day Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours annually. Through this program, Maine TREE facilitates connections between two of Maine's most critical workforces: professionals who steward the lands we depend on and professionals who educate and care for our children. These connections invigorate content delivery in classrooms, secure a sustained forest workforce, and prepare a generation of land stewards for Maine's future.

The 2023 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours traveled through Maine's Katahdin and Downeast regions. While each tour explored a different part of the state, a similar structure guided both experiences. Teachers on both tours built foundational understandings of Maine's forestry sector, visited a spectrum of managed woodlands, toured a mill, and worked collaboratively to start integrating key takeaways into their back-to-school planning.

 On the map to the right, Katahdin Region Tour stops are depicted in green, and Downeast Region Tour stops are shown in purple. The color scale indicates tour progression: stops visited later in the week have darker markers. Click on each marker to read more about the stop. 

Day 1: Forest Introductions

Teachers traveled from across the state to convene at Twin Pines Camps at New England Outdoor Center, outside of Millinocket, and Leen's Lodge in Grand Lake Stream. Maine TREE's Director of Education, Lena Ives, opened the Teachers' Tour experience with an opportunity to get to know fellow participants and an introduction to the array of provided materials and available resources. These tools created a framework for teachers to integrate the upcoming week of hands-on experiences into their classrooms and schoolyards.

Ben Stevens, a citizen of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, demonstrates pounding brown ash on the Katahdin Region Tour.

Following arrival and introductions, 2023 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours opened in earnest with a discussion of the importance of brown ash.

Wabanaki Peoples have built and sustained culture around brown ash for thousands of years. This tree, often found in low-lying wetlands, is uniquely suitable to pound, split, and shape into baskets, a practice that is ingrained in Wabanaki ways of being. Brown ash is increasingly at risk in Maine as Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive insect, continues to expand its range.

The far-reaching impact of brown ash decline exemplifies the multitude of cultural, ecological, and economic factors at stake for forest managers across Maine. Teachers' Tour participants discussed Emerald Ash Borer's devastating effect along with the  community-based monitoring, research, and management efforts  that are building pathways to brown ash resilience in Maine.

Kenny Fergusson guides teachers through the steps of tree species identification

Both tours also provided the opportunity to learn and practice tree identification with a Maine Forest Service District Forester. Using the  Forest Trees of Maine  book, teachers familiarized themselves with characteristics of Maine's most common tree species and practiced using dichotomous keys and species descriptions to independently identify unknown trees in the field (or schoolyard, as the case may be!)

Day 2: Education and Stewardship

On Day 2, teachers on both tours saw exceptional forest-based education programs and toured sustainably managed woodlands in their respective regions. Participants learned about timber management, recreation, and opportunities for students in the Maine woods.

High school students in Brewer High School's Forestry Immersion summer program operate a harvester while Teachers' Tour participants look on.

Katahdin Region Tour

Katahdin region tour participants started Wednesday with a trip to the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC)'s Maine Woods Initiative at Katahdin Ironworks. AMC manages all of its Maine woodlands for mixed objectives. Recreation is a keystone of the organization's model; however, they are also committed to supporting regional ecological & economic well-being as well as climate research objectives.

The property also hosted an intensive program for high school students interested in forestry this summer. Nine students from Brewer High School spent six weeks camping at Katahdin Ironworks while gaining exposure to forest ecology and management practices, learning how to operate forestry equipment, and visiting forest product companies in the region.

We need to keep our children here in Maine. We need children who have a connection to the natural world around them. The Teachers' Tours help those who work with children foster that love in the next generation of Mainers. Maine is such a beautiful place to live and work, and I am so grateful to be a part of an opportunity that looks to Maine’s future for all of us! Forests of Maine Teachers' Tour participant

Teachers' Tour participants with high school students in Brewer's Forestry Immersion summer program.

Katahdin tour participants explored the mixed-objectives approach managers at AMC's Maine Woods Initiative take to stewarding their properties. Participants learned about AMC's efforts to restore waterway connectivity, establish later-successional (old forest) habitats on the landscape, and contribute to state-wide climate monitoring networks.

A Maine Forest Service Forest Ranger discusses their role in the protection of Maine's forests.

The Katahdin Region Tour also stopped at Baxter State Park to learn about a different approach to managing woodlands for recreation. Like AMC, Baxter manages their woodlands with multiple objectives in mind, including recreation, timber production, and science.

At Baxter, definitions of "wilderness" dictate what recreational and forest management activities can occur throughout the park. The balancing act of preserving wilderness areas and supporting public access keeps park staff engaged and busy.

Downeast Region Tour

Teachers visit East Grand School's Outdoor Classroom.

Downeast region tour participants started their second day with a visit to the East Grand School's Outdoor Classroom. Thanks to the passion of a Maine Guide turned gym teacher and the consistent support of administrators, teachers, and community members, East Grand has developed an extensive gear library and outdoor curriculum. East Grand students learn bicycle mechanics, cross-country ski, and paddle the Allagash as part of school-based physical education.

The next stop for the Downeast Tour was a series of Baskahegan Company sites. Here, teachers learned about managing commercial timberlands for long-term sustainability. Visiting an array of sites gave teachers the opportunity to see woodlands at different stages in Baskahegan's management cycle. The group then traveled to Musquash Tree Farm, a local family-owned woodland, to learn about implementing long-term sustainable management objectives on a smaller scale.

Downeast region tour participants visit Baskahegan Company lands and a family-owned tree farm.

My biggest takeaway was seeing firsthand the care and concern that is put into the forests of Maine. Each stakeholder truly cares for the continued growth of one of our greatest natural resources. My eyes were opened to a new view of our land.  Forests of Maine Teachers' Tour participant

Kristin Hoffman introduces Downeast tour participants to the Forest Society of Maine.

Both tours ended their second day with a presentation from the Forest Society of Maine. Teachers learned about easement structures, large-scale conservation efforts, and the work the Forest Society is doing to develop authentic relationships with Wabanaki Tribes.

Day 3: Forest Products & Wildlife

On day three, both tours toured public land in Maine, visited a mill, talked about managing woodlands for habitat, and met with Patty Cormier, Director of Maine Forest Service.

Katahdin Region Tour

Katahdin Region Tour participants started Day 3 with a a trip to LP Building Solutions in New Limerick and saw the production of Maine-made building materials in action. LP Building Solutions (LP) is a leading manufacturer of high-performance building products. They manufacture engineered wood building products that meet the demands of builders, remodelers, and homeowners worldwide. LP’s offerings include innovative and dependable building products and accessories like SmartSide® Siding and Trim. Teachers' Tour participants talked to LP staff and toured the facility.

Katahdin region tour particiants at LP Building Solutions.

Next, the Katahdin Region Tour visited Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument, a tract of land that has been managed by the National Park Service only since 2016. Teachers met with Kala Rush, Education Director at Friends of Katahdin Woods and Waters to discuss the Katahdin Learning Project, a place-based program committed to connecting regional youth with their surrounding landscapes.

Participants wrapped up Day 3 with conversations about managing woodlands for habitat. The group visited AFM to learn about maintaining deer yards. Here, deer overwintering areas are a collaboration between AFM foresters and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife biologists. By combining their expertise and resources, the management team is able to achieve more for the landscape and its inhabitants.

Downeast Region Tour

Downeast tour participants at Devil's Head.

The Downeast Region Tour also started Day 3 talking about public land. At Devil's Head, a municipally owned & managed conservation area along the St. Croix river, tour participants met with the Calais City Manager to discuss the value of thoughtfully stewarded woodlands to communities and municipalities.

The group then toured public land managed at the federal scale with a visit to Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge. Wildlife biologist Maurry Mills described habitat management on site, from stream connectivity to woodcock clearings.

Left: teachers at Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge. Right: teachers at Katahdin Woods & Waters National Monument.

Next, the Downeast region tour visited Woodland Pulp and St. Croix tissue. Participants walked the production floor of the tissue facility, and saw step-by-step how wood pulp is made into toilet paper. Woodland Pulp and St. Croix Tissue staff also talked with Teachers' Tour participants about career development programming and scholarships available to young aspiring engineers in Maine. Their stories provided clear evidence of the opportunity and success available to young people in Maine's forest products industry.

I came from a mill town and was really bitter about the loss of our industry. This tour made me feel hopeful and even want to become a forester, if I was younger, of course!  Everyone we met had such a passion for their job! Forests of Maine Teachers' Tour participant

Downeast tour participants at Woodland Pulp LLC and St. Croix Tissue Inc.

The Downeast Region Tour braved rainy weather to visit a Downeast Lakes Land Trust (DLLT) property at the end of Day 3. DLLT staff discussed managing for diversity across a landscape to create habitat for a broad range of species at various life stages. Participants looked at recently harvested patch cuts and returned to a discussion of woodcocks, whose habitat needs vary substantially throughout their lifecycle.

Teachers' Tour participants discuss managing for habitat at American Forest Management and Downeast Lakes Land Trust properties.

Both groups spent time with the Director of Maine Forest Service on Day 3. Patty shared her own career journey with participants and talked about the breadth of approaches the Maine Forest Service takes to stewarding woodlands across Maine.

Patty Cormier, Director of Maine Forest Service, spoke with both 2023 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours.

Day 4: Reflection & Connection

Day 4 was all about reflecting, integrating, and planning. Teachers broke into small groups by grade level with Project Learning Tree (PLT) facilitators to build hands-on experience with PLT curricula. They worked collaboratively to mock up mini units, integrating field trips similar to tour stops from throughout the week with PLT lessons.

I will take this knowledge and enthusiasm for the woods back to my classroom and share it with my students and other teachers. I enthusiastically mention this tour to other teachers that I meet and work with at school. It is definitely a great learning experience! Forests of Maine Teachers' Tour participant

Forests of Maine Teachers' Tour participants practice Project Learning Tree lessons.

Participants came from across Maine to join this year's Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours.

The tours wrapped up with each participant sharing their most impactful takeaways from the week. Participants talked about their newfound understanding of the unique needs of different forest critters, their awe at the innovative leadership of Maine's forest industry, and their gratitude for the wide array of resources available to support them in getting their students outside.

37 educators joined Maine TREE staff from across the state for this year's tours and met over 40 professionals with various roles in Maine's forest sector. 

Thank you!

We are so grateful to the many people and organizations who made the 2023 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours possible.


Grant Funders


Scott Beal, Nick Bolduc, Kyle Burdick, Mark Caron, Monique Claverie, Thomas Cochran, Patty Cormier, Mike Ellis, Kenny Fergusson, Arielle Foss, Kristin Hoffman, Michael Jensen, Jon Kelly, Alex London, Molly London, Todd Massey, Jason McClellan, Ed McGrath, Maddie McVicar, Jake Metzler, Maury Mills, Zach Monroe, David Montague, Lauren Oullette, Kala Rush, Eric Sapier, Mark Savage, Ben Savage, Ted Shina, Mike St. Peter, Ben Stevens, Nava Tabak, Steve Tatko, Steve Zagorianakos, and Carolyn Ziegra.

PLT Facilitators

Sarah Cote, Sara King, Kelly Lunt, and Autumn Theriault.

Story Map designed and edited by Gavriela Mallory

Additional input provided by CJ Herlihy, Lena Ives & Logan Johnson

2023 Forests of Maine Teachers' Tours

Maine TREE Foundation

Teachers' Tour participants with high school students in Brewer's Forestry Immersion summer program.

A Maine Forest Service Forest Ranger discusses their role in the protection of Maine's forests.

Teachers visit East Grand School's Outdoor Classroom.

Katahdin region tour particiants at LP Building Solutions.

Downeast tour participants at Devil's Head.

Downeast tour participants at Woodland Pulp LLC and St. Croix Tissue Inc.