Elder Care
A review and summary of Rural Health Scholar research that addresses elder care on Martha's Vineyard.
General Observations:
- In 2011, 25% of pantry visitors were from the elderly population, 2012 RHS Presentation
- On MV, self-neglect is more prevalent than general neglect among elders (50% of elder abuse cases), 2014 RHS Presentation
- Self -neglect is denial of basic needs, practicing self-medication, and ignoring mental health needs
- Elder social determinants of health on MV: healthcare services, religion, geographic location, cultural factors, housing, employment, education, socioeconomic, 2014 RHS Presentation
Elder Services/Provider Shortage
Scholar Observations
- Shortage of primary care for elders (one geriatric specialist on MV), 2011 RHS Presentation
- Along with the primary care shortage, there is shortage for elder-specific care in other concentrations – dentistry, mental health, etc., 2011 RHS Presentation , 2013 & 2014
- Other specialties requiring additional elder focus – ophthalmology, endocrinology, podiatry, 2013 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- Recommended expand the Day Program at the MV Center for Living, 2013 RHS Presentation
- As of 2013, 22 families were enrolled with 14 on the waiting list
- Suggested expansion to 5 days per week
- Suggested finding a larger space for the program
- Consider a transition to a medical/social model (utilize the CNAs)‡
- Recommended increase the number of caretakers for homebound seniors – who can help with food access and food prep, 2020 RHS Presentation
Summary of the Community's response so far The Island Center for Living day program has been expaneded to 5 days/week
Care Delivery and Coordination
Scholar Observations
- A need to track referrals and follow up among elderly population, 2011 RHS Presentation & 2013
- Barriers to filing a report of abuse: elder services it’s located off-island, little transparency, inadequate follow up, report 1-2 times per year, 2014 RHS Presentation
- Right to refuse services once abuse is reported (?), 2014 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- Recommended that the COAs have a unified approach across the Island, 2013 RHS Presentation
- Recommended expanding the Vineyard Village at Home, 2013 RHS Presentation
Summary of the Commuity's response so far
No updates to share (6.17.2022)
Provider Training/Paradigm Shift
Scholar Observations
- Needs to be a paradigm shift on the benefits of hospice within the general public and provider community – ex: they offer support for Alzheimer’s and Dementia, 2013 RHS Presentation
- 27 of 37 agencies interviewed (72%) suspected abuse of an elder, 2014 RHS Presentation
- Primarily self-neglect followed by financial abuse
- Have you received training on elder abuse? Yes (7) No (18)
- Does your agency feel knowledgeable of resources? Yes (10) No (11)
- Lack of training and awareness among providers and the general public regarding elder abuse, 2014 RHS Presentation
Scholar Recommendations
- Recommended build skills around home medical care education, 2014 RHS Presentation
- Recommended create a local Caregiver Educational Handbook, 2014 RHS Presentation
Summary of the Community's response so far
No Updates to share (6.17.2022)