Elder Care

A review and summary of Rural Health Scholar research that addresses elder care on Martha's Vineyard.

General Observations:

  • In 2011, 25% of pantry visitors were from the elderly population,  2012 RHS Presentation 
  • On MV, self-neglect is more prevalent than general neglect among elders (50% of elder abuse cases),  2014 RHS Presentation 
    • Self -neglect is denial of basic needs, practicing self-medication, and ignoring mental health needs
  • Elder social determinants of health on MV: healthcare services, religion, geographic location, cultural factors, housing, employment, education, socioeconomic,  2014 RHS Presentation 

Elder Services/Provider Shortage

Scholar Observations

Scholar Recommendations

  • Recommended expand the Day Program at the MV Center for Living,  2013 RHS Presentation 
    • As of 2013, 22 families were enrolled with 14 on the waiting list
    • Suggested expansion to 5 days per week
    • Suggested finding a larger space for the program
    • Consider a transition to a medical/social model (utilize the CNAs)‡
  • Recommended increase the number of caretakers for homebound seniors – who can help with food access and food prep,  2020 RHS Presentation 

Summary of the Community's response so far The Island Center for Living day program has been expaneded to 5 days/week

Care Delivery and Coordination

Scholar Observations

Scholar Recommendations

  • Recommended that the COAs have a unified approach across the Island, 2013 RHS Presentation
  • Recommended expanding the Vineyard Village at Home,  2013 RHS Presentation 

Summary of the Commuity's response so far

No updates to share (6.17.2022)

Provider Training/Paradigm Shift

Scholar Observations

  • Needs to be a paradigm shift on the benefits of hospice within the general public and provider community – ex: they offer support for Alzheimer’s and Dementia,  2013 RHS Presentation 
  • 27 of 37 agencies interviewed (72%) suspected abuse of an elder,  2014 RHS Presentation 
    • Primarily self-neglect followed by financial abuse
    • Have you received training on elder abuse? Yes (7) No (18)
    • Does your agency feel knowledgeable of resources? Yes (10) No (11)
  • Lack of training and awareness among providers and the general public regarding elder abuse,  2014 RHS Presentation 

Scholar Recommendations

Summary of the Community's response so far

No Updates to share (6.17.2022)