Redevelopment Economics at Superfund Sites

2023 Beneficial Effects

National Economic Beneficial Effects

EPA's Superfund Redevelopment Program, or SRP, tracks this information over time to give a general overview of the national beneficial effects associated with Superfund redevelopment. To date, SRP has tracked these benefits from 2011 through 2023.  

The 2023 data show that, at the 692 non-federal facility sites in reuse, 10,261 businesses generate $71.4 billion in sales revenue and employ 237,054 people who earn a combined estimated income of $18.8 billion. The sales revenue generated by these businesses is over three times the $20.3 billion (inflation adjusted) that EPA has spent cumulatively at these sites. Over the last 13 years (2011 to 2023), these businesses' operations generated at least $686 billion (inflation-adjusted) in sales, which is more than 33 times the $20.3 billion (inflation adjusted) that EPA has spent cumulatively at these sites.

Quantifying the benefits of Superfund redevelopment at some sites is straightforward. For example, commercial or industrial reuse of a site bolsters the local economy by supporting jobs and generating sales revenue. However, not all sites in reuse have an on-site business or other land use that employs people.      

Therefore, economic information is not available for all sites in reuse. The 692 Superfund sites with economic data in 2023 represent only a percentage of all sites in reuse, and exclude sites at federal facilities. The remaining non-federal facility sites in reuse and continued use are not expected to have uses that support on-site businesses, provide jobs or generate sales revenue.

2023 National Reuse Economics Map