Missouri Lead Exposure Risk Tool

Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services

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This Lead Exposure Risk Tool identifies six risk factors for childhood lead poisoning in Missouri.

This tool assumes children in areas with several of these factors have a higher risk of lead poisoning than other children in the state. However, there are many other factors and practices within communities and homes that may affect a child's lead poisoning risk.

Current childhood blood lead testing requirements are available on the  DHSS Blood Lead Testing in Missouri  page.

Scroll down to view a break down of lead exposure risk factors by county and zip code in Missouri.

Childhood Blood Lead Poisoning Risk:

Counties and zip codes were scored on six lead exposure risk factors.

• Childhood elevated blood lead rate above the state average

• Childhood blood lead testing rate below the state average

• Elevated blood lead confirmation rate below the state average

• Pre 1980 housing rate above the state average

• Adult elevated blood lead rate above the state average

Counties were given a score of one if they had the risk factor and zero if they did not. Counties with a childhood elevated blood lead rate above the state average were given a score of two. The six risk factor scores were then summed for a total risk score.

Scroll right to see maps of lead exposure risk scores at the county and zip code level.

Lead Exposure Risk Scores by County

Click on a county to see the total risk score, lead exposure risk factors in that county, and the risk factor rates.

Zoom in to see county names.

Scroll right to see risk scores by zip code.

Lead Exposure Risk Scores by Zip Code

Childhood lead poisoning prevention efforts can benefit from outreach targeted to high risk areas within a county.

Click on a zip code to see the total risk score, and lead exposure risk factors in that zip code.

Zoom in to see county names and zip code boundaries.

The childhood blood lead testing rates and results are fiscal year (FY 2018) data from the Missouri Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP). Adult elevated blood lead level rates are FY 2018 data from the Missouri Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance (ABLES) Program. Housing information comes from the American Community Survey (ACS) five-year (2013-2017) estimates.

Lead Exposure Risk Factors:

Childhood Elevated Blood Lead Rate Above State Average

Children 6 months to 6 years of age are at increased risk of lead poisoning. Children spend a lot of time on the floor or ground and can be at increased risk of exposure to lead through hand-to-mouth activity.

The elevated blood lead rate is the percentage of children less than 72 months (6 years) of age who had a capillary or venous blood lead test in FY 2018 with a result of 5 µg/dL or more. A blood lead level of 5 µg/dL is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) blood lead reference value.

Scroll right to see maps of childhood elevated blood lead rates at the county and zip code level.

Childhood Elevated Blood Lead Rate by County

Click on a county to see the childhood elevated blood lead rate in that county.

Zoom in to see county names.

Scroll right to see risk factor by zip code.

Childhood Elevated Blood Lead Rate by Zip Code

Click on a zip code to see the childhood elevated blood lead rate in that zip code.

Zoom in to see county names and zip code boundaries.

Childhood Blood Lead Testing Rate Below State Average

Blood lead testing and screening guidelines are designed to prevent childhood blood lead poisoning, which may otherwise go unnoticed or untreated.

The childhood blood lead testing rate is the percentage of children less than 72 months (6 years) of age who had a capillary or venous blood lead test in FY 2018.

Scroll right to see maps of childhood blood lead testing rates at the county and zip code level.

Childhood Blood Lead Testing Rate by County

Click on a county to see the childhood blood lead testing rate in that county.

Zoom in to see county names.

Scroll right to see risk factor by zip code.

Childhood Blood Lead Testing Rate by Zip Code

Click on a zip code to see the childhood blood lead testing rate in that zip code.

Zoom in to see county names and zip code boundaries.

Elevated Blood Lead Confirmation Rate Below State Average

Childhood blood lead tests are performed by capillary (finger stick) or venous sampling procedures. Elevated blood lead levels (EBLs) detected by a capillary test should be confirmed using a venous test. Only EBLs detected by a venous test trigger an environmental public health investigation. In an investigation, drinking water, soil, dust wipe, and paint samples from a child's home are analyzed for lead. Following the investigation, DHSS-CLPPP provides recommendations to parents or guardians for mitigation of any sources of lead found in the home.

The elevated blood lead confirmation rate is the percentage of children less than 72 months (6 years) of age with an elevated venous blood test (5 µg/dL or more) or two elevated capillary blood tests (5 µg/dL or more) taken no more than 84 days apart in FY2018.

Scroll right to see maps of elevated blood lead confirmation rates at the county and zip code level.

Elevated Blood Lead Confirmation Rate by County

Click on a county to see the elevated blood lead confirmation rate in that county.

Zoom in to see county names.

Scroll right to see risk factor by zip code.

Elevated Blood Lead Confirmation Rate by Zip Code

Click on a zip code to see the elevated blood lead confirmation rate that zip code.

Zoom in to see county names and zip code boundaries.

Pre 1980 Housing Rate Above State Average

Lead-based paint and lead-contaminated dust in older homes are the most common sources of lead exposure in children. Soil can also contain lead from weathering of exterior lead-based paint. In 1978, the United States banned manufacturing of lead-based paint for use in housing.

The ACS pre-1980s housing rate is the five year (2013-2017) estimate of the percentage of housing units built before 1980.

Lead-lined or lead-soldered plumbing in older homes can also be a source of lead exposure. Lead plumbing is more likely to be found in housing built before 1986.

Scroll right to see maps of pre 1980 housing rates at the county and zip code level.

Pre 1980 Housing Rate by County

Click on a county to see the pre-1980 housing rate in that county.

Zoom in to see county boundaries.

Scroll right to see risk factor by zip code.

Pre 1980 Housing Rate by Zip Code

Click on a zip code to see the pre-1980 housing rate in that zip code.

Zoom in to see county names and zip code boundaries.

NPL or IMMM Lead Sites

Missouri is the leading lead-producing state in the United States. Over the past few centuries,  lead mining  has occurred in 60 counties. Mining waste near mining sites has sometimes been used as fill material in yards, driveways, and children's play areas. Mining waste has also naturally migrated to yards and recreational areas. People can be exposed to lead contamination in soil, sediment, and dust near mining sites. Many of those former mining areas are now NPL or IMMM sites.

Scroll right to see maps of presence of NPL or IMMM lead sites at the county and zip code level.

NPL or IMMM Lead Sites by County

Click on a county to see the presence of NPL or IMMM lead sites in that county.

Zoom in to see county names.

Scroll right to see risk factor by zip code.

NPL or IMMM Lead Sites by Zip Code

Click on a zip code to see the presence of NPL or IMMM lead sites in that zip code.

Zoom in to see county names and zip code boundaries.

Adult Elevated Blood Lead Rate Above State Average

Over 90% of adults with EBLs in the United States are exposed occupationally. Workers can bring lead home on their clothes, shoes, and skin and unknowingly expose their children.

The adult elevated blood lead rate is the percentage of adults aged 16 years or more who had a capillary or venous blood lead test in FY 2018 with a result of 5 µg/dL or more.

Scroll right to see maps of adult elevated blood lead rates at the county and zip code level.

Adult Elevated Blood Lead Rate by County

Click on a county to see the adult elevated blood lead rate in that county.

Zoom in to see county boundaries.

Scroll right to see risk factor by zip code.

Adult Elevated Blood Lead Rate by Zip Code

Click on a zip code to see the adult elevated blood lead rate in that zip code.

Zoom in to see county names and zip code boundaries.

Visit the DHSS Lead Poisoning page to learn about health effects and sources of lead poisoning.

Visit our Environmental Public Health Tracking page to learn more about lead and other environmental factors that may affect your health.

Search and download our blood lead data here.

Part 1: Overview of Lead & Health Effects

Part 2: Lead Exposure Risks at Home

Part 3: Lead Exposure Risks in the Workplace

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