Trans-European Drug Information Network (TEDI)

Fieldwork drug checking services from 13 different European countries

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WEDINOS provides a robust mechanism for the collection and testing of unknown/unidentified psychoactive substances and combinations of substance, and the production and dissemination of pragmatic harm reduction advice.


Analysis is undertaken Monday to Friday, 9:00 - 17:00

Diverse methods for drug checking:


Testlocation: stationary


The Loop

The Loop is a non profit non governmental organisation established in 2012 which introduced event-based drug checking in the UK in 2016 and community-based drug checking in the UK in 2018. The Loop’s in-house research and evaluation team has published over 15 peer reviewed reports and its training team provides training on drugs awareness, the prevention of drug related harm at events, and the delivery of ethical drug checking services. Its sister organisation, The Loop Australia, was founded in 2018.

Not open to the public

Diverse methods for drug checking:

FTIR-ATR, UV-Vis, Reagents, Wet chemical processes

Testlocation: Temporary event based, temporary community based



The Drugs Information and Monitoring System (DIMS) is a national network of office-based drug checking facilities across the country that aims at gaining an insight into the market of controlled substances. Established in 1992, DIMS is one of the world’s oldest drug checking services. DIMS is embedded within the Trimbos Institute in Utrecht and funded by the Ministry of Health (VWS), who is the commissioner of the project.



Testlocation: stationary


Modus Vivendi/Modus Fiesta

Modus vivendi is an association. We implements all actions and reflections aimed about harm reduction for more than 25 years, for the benefit of drug users and with their participation . At Modus Vivendi, we developped the drug checking since 20 years. We do counselling and informing. The drug checking is on 4 differents site at Brussel : @ Modus Fiesta, @ Ex-eaquo asbl ( Chem-sex permanence) and 2 needle exchange counter @Transit asbl and @Pilier.


0032 026 442200

Drug checking : @Transit asbl : Monday 18:00 - 21:00 ; @ Pilier : Tuesday : 14:00 - 17:00; @ Ex-eaquo Chemsex info: every third wednesday 19:00- 21:00; @Modus Fiesta : Friday 18:00-21:30

Diverse methods for drug checking:

FTIR, colorimetric,GC/MS, TLC

Testlocation: stationary, onsite


"Analyse ton prod" network

0143 43 72 38



Kosmicare provides a weekly drug checking service at a permanent location at Lisbon city center and onsite drug checking at electronic dance music events throughout the country. Since 2021 Kosmicare is also providing a mobile drug checking service aimed at people who use drugs in socially and economically vulnerable situations. This service works in partnership with safe consumption rooms and is focused on heroin and crack samples. Besides drug checking, Kosmicare also offers brief motivational interventions, specialized counseling sessions, and harm reduction materials. For more information, reach us at contact@kosmicare.org.


+351 911185758

Drug checking and info: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 16:00 - 21:00 Harm reduction and integration appointments: consulta@kosmicare.org

Diverse methods for drug checking:

TLC, FTIR-ATR, UV-Vis, colorimetric

Testlocation: stationary, onsite


Energy Control

Energy Control is an Harm Reduction project, belonging to a Spanish non-governmental organization called Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo (ABD). Energy Control was originally created in Barcelona, in 1997, a pioneer in the field of risk reduction in Spain. We develop risk & harm reduction strategies and services associated with recreational drug use. We offer integrated drug checking, information and counseling for recreational drug users in four Spanish cities: Barcelona, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca and Antequera . We also offer onsite drug checking at electronic dance music events, clubs and parties throughout the country.

Testlocation: all stationary and onsite

Madrid, analisismadrid@energycontrol.org, Thursdays 18:00 - 21:00, TLC, UV-Vis, GC/MS, LC/MS, Reagents

Barcelona, gestion@energycontrol.org, Tuesdays 13:00 - 20:00, FTIR-ATR, UV-Vis, GC/MS, LC/MS, Reagents

Palma Mallorca, analisismallorca@energycontrol.org, Thursdays 17:00 - 19:00, TLC, GC/MS, LC/MS, Reagents

Antequera (Málaga), andalucia@energycontrol.org, Monday to Fridays 9:00 - 15:00, TLC, GC/MS, LC/MS, Reagents



Neutravel Project works in party settings since 2008, performing outreach interventions in illegal raves, clubs, psy trance parties and big electronic music events. We mainly act in the Piedmont Region but occasionally we are able to intervene in other regions/Eu countries. From 2016 we provide people with a drug checking service, both in party settings and in a stationary service. Neutravel project is mainly funded from the Regional Health System of Piedmont.

neutravel@coopalice.net progettoneutravel@gmail.com

Every Friday Night - from 18:00 to 22:00

Diverse methods for drug checking: RAMAN Spectrometry, GC/MS, COLORIMETRIC, TLC for cannabis products

Testlocation: stationary. Onsite qualitative testing, we can send in lab the sample to get quantitative analysis


Saferparty Streetwork

We provide neutral information about psychoactive substances, risks of substance use and offer drug checking and anonymous counselling. Through continuous relationship work on site, Saferparty Streetwork also reaches young people who do not feel addressed by other services. Individual solutions are worked out together with those seeking advice. The focus is on promoting independent action. The services of Saferparty Streetwork can be used by young people and adults voluntarily, free of charge and anonymously.


Counselling: Monday 14:00 - 18:00 Tuesday 13:00 - 16:00 Wednesday 14:00 - 18:00 Thursday 13:00 - 17:00 Friday 13:00 - 16:00 Drug Checking: Tuesday: 16:30 - 20:00, Thursday: 18:00 - 20:00 (Cannabis only), Friday: 16:30 - 20:00

Diverse methods for drug checking: GC/MS, HPLC, NMR

Testlocation: stationary, onsite



In the DrogArt Association, we have been working for more than 20 years to reduce the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol among young people. We are a non-profit, non-govermental organization with the status of a humanitarian and voluntary organization, as well as a public interest organization in the youth sector. At DrogArt, we carry out field activites, counselling and informing, drug checking and daily center for youth.


Ljubljana, DrogArt Infopoint: Monday - Friday 10:00 - 16:00 Drug Checking: Monday 10:00 - 18:00 and Friday 16:00 - 18:00

Maribor, DrogArt Infopoint: Monday - Friday 10:00 - 15:00 Drug Checking: Monday 10:00 - 14:00, Wednesday 12:00 - 16:00. Friday 16:00 - 18:00

Diverse methods for drug checking: HPLC-DAD, GC/MS, LC/MS, FTIR-ATR, COLORIMETRIC

Testlocation: stationary


Drogenarbeit Z6

Drogenarbeit Z6 offers drug counselling, stationary drug checking and partywork. The services are designed to reach youths, young adults, their caregivers and friends. All the services of Drogenarbeit Z6 are anonymous, confidential and free of charge.



Drug Checking: Mondays 16:00 - 19:00 Counselling: daily, after agreement by telephone

Diverse methods for drug checking:


Testlocation: stationary



checkit! is a cooperation project of the Vienna Addiction Services and the Medical University of Vienna, that offers integrated drug checking, information and counseling for recreational drug users. About once a month, we offer onsite drug checking at festivals, clubs and parties in an around Vienna. Samples can also be submitted at our info- and counseling center (homebase) during fixed opening hours and via pharmacies after prior online sample registration. All services are voluntary, anonymous, free of charge and confidential.


Homebase office hours: Monday-Thursday 10:00-16:00 Stationary drug checking at the homebase: Monday 16-18:30 and Friday 13-15:30 after arrangement; counseling Monday-Friday after arrangement or at fixed counseling hours

Diverse methods for drug checking:


Testlocation: onsite, stationary homebase, stationary via pharmacies



4motion asbl. offers PIPAPOTER, weekly based Integrated Drug Checking in the center of Luxembourg-city. PIPAPO interventions on selected festivals and partys in clubs and bars.


Integrated Drug Checking / Counselling / Info: Every Tuesday 16:00 - 21:00

Diverse methods for drug checking:


Testlocation: PIPAPOTER (Weekly, stationary); PIPAPO (Festivals, Clubs, onsite)



The non-profit association BAS!S - Advice, Work, Youth & Culture e.V. exclusively represents humane and civil purposes. It combines consulting, work, youth and cultural projects. The common goal is to help and support people who use drugs and their families. We want to empower these people by improving their individual, social and cultural factors that enable them to live a self-determined and responsible life. We help people to help themselves. We also work preventively with young people who have not yet had any contact with drugs. BAS!S - Counseling, Work, Youth & Culture e.V. (formerly drug emergency call) has had the legal form of a registered association based in Frankfurt am Main since 1989. The non-profit status was awarded to the association by the tax office in Frankfurt. The association is legally independent and autonomous.


0049 69 4800 4614

by phone Monday - Friday 10:00 - 15:00

Diverse methods for drug checking:


Testlocation: stationary


Drugchecking Projekt Berlin

Muskauer Straße 24, 10997 Berlin


A-Clinic Foundation

A-Clinic Foundation coordinates Kadulta labraan -research project that collects drug residue samples from people who use drugs. The samples are analysed in the laboratory of Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare once in a month. People who bring samples can also return to come and hear the analysis results. Samples will be collected from April 2022 to April 2024 in Helsinki.


Itiksen Symppis (Turunlinnantie 14 A), Kontulan Symppis (Keinulaudankuja 4, shopping center) and Sörkan Symppis (Pääskylänrinne 5 B) Monday to Friday. Tukikohta (Opastinsilta 8) Mondays and Wednesdays 12:00 - 15:30

Mesta (Josafatinkatu 15) Tuesdays and Wednesdays 16:00 - 18:00

Diverse methods for drug checking:


Testlocation: stationary



Borgorete is a social cooperative and has been managing Harm Reduction interventions in the city of Perugia on behalf of the local Addiction Service for over 20 years. Since 2015 it has specialized in harm reduction interventions in festivals, clubs, legal and illegal free parties in the Umbria region and occasionally also in the national territory.



drop-in (Cabs): Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 14:00

Piano B: daily after agreement by telephone - SottoKassa: nights/partytime

Diverse methods for drug checking:


Colorimetric: onsite - we can send samples in lab for GC/MS


Drugs Info Site

Our project Drugs Info Site is an activity aimed at reducing the risks associated with substance use. The project is organized in cooperation with the Department of Pharmacology at the Charles University 3rd Faculty of Medicine, the Forensic Laboratory of Biologically Active Substances at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague and select field workplaces within the framework of Czech harm-reduction programs. The project enables proactive sampling of substances distributed and used in the Czech Republic, which may help to detect particularly risky contents, allowing to dispense warnings to the participants and provide consultation on the issue. Sample collection and analysis are part of the “NPS info” project approved by the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic in 2020, 2021 and 2022 (project no. AA-07-20). The project is focused on mapping the occurrence of new psychoactive substances, their risks and trends in use in the Czech Republic (in accordance with EU Regulation 2017/2101 EMCDDA). The project is aimed at establishing both on-site and off-site drug checking services accompanied by other means of harm reduction such as education and personal consultation. Despite all the service workers being approved to handle illegal substances, the samples are collected in all cases through anonymous amnesty boxes so that the privacy and security of our clients is protected. Clients are required to fill out a short form alongside the sample and they receive a unique code (or QR link) that allows them to access their results on a dedicated website (www.drugsinfosite.org). During on-site testing (currently performed with handheld Raman spectrometer and TLC), they can also present the code to the service workers to receive and discuss the results.

kuchara@vscht.cz, fibirj@vscht.cz, magdalena.sustkova@lf3.cuni.cz

Not open to public

Diverse methods for drug checking:

Raman, HPLC-MS, (GC-MS) next year, TLC, NMR

Onsite: Raman, TLC, (GC-MS) Offsite: HPLC-MS, NMR


Ai Laket!! punto fijo de informacion y testado de drogas


Drug checking: fridays 19:00 - 22:00

Office: Monday-friday 10:00 - 14:00


Drug Lab - Bus 31/32


Tuesdays : 10h - 12h / 14h - 16h Thursdays : 18h - 20h30 infos @druglab_

DrugLab provides objective informations on psychoactive subtances, that includes a drug checking lab carried by Bus 31/32, an harm reduction association based in Marseille. Weekly quantitative drug analysis sessions are organized in our local as qualitative on-site drug checking in urban and alternative festive environments. DrugLab also relies on a collector network based in the southern region and will be completed by the digital extension of the project in 2023: a drug information website where the results will be regularly published (and automatically send to the KnowDrugs network).


DIBS - Drogeninfo Basel


Drug Checking: Every other Monday 18:00-21:30 / as of march 6: every monday: 18:00-20:30 / Office: Monday-Thursday 9:00-12:00 / 13:30-17:30


CONTACT Nightlife

raveitsafe@contactmail.ch | alexandre.brodard@contactmail.ch

Every Tuesday in Biel 18:00- 20:00 | Every Wednesday in Bern 17:00-20:00

CONTACT Nightlife helps to identify and mitigate the risks and harm resulting from or related to the use of illegal and psychoactive substances by promoting safer use practices and empowering users. In two cities (Biel and Bern) a weekly drug checking with laboratory analysis and counselling (dib) is offered at a fixed location. This service is aimed at anyone using these substances, regardless of the context. On-site guidance and drug checking with a mobile laboratory (rave it safe) is carried out in clubs, parties and festivals. In addition to drug checking, assistance for drug users and their relatives is delivered in person, digitally or by telephone. The website raveitsafe.ch provides information on psychoactive substances, safer use and access to current alerts. Through workshops and inputs on psychoactive substances and trends, support is also offered to event organisers and professionals of the welfare and care system dealing with substance-related issues.


TEDI has 20 representatives from 13 different European Countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Finland and the United Kingdom) of The Trans-European Drug Information (TEDI) network.

This is a network of organizations across Europe with decades of collective experience providing drug checking, each working within the unique constraints of their audience and legal framework. Common to all of them is a vast amount of expertise in analyzing drugs and using the results of that analysis to deliver targeted information to reduce harm among service users.

The TEDI network encourages would-be drug checkers to contact it with questions and for more specific guidance.

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