SBCTA TDA Article 3 Grant Program
Welcome! This site provides forms, notifications, and other general information for applicants and recipients of TDA Article 3 funds
Program Overview
The Transportation Development Act (TDA) provides that 2 percent of the Local Transportation Funds (LTF) be made available to counties and cities for facilities for the exclusive use of pedestrians and bicyclists, known as TDA Article 3 Program. In August 1999 the SBCTA Board approved a policy that 80 percent would be available for pedestrian and bicycle projects. The remaining 20 percent of the Article 3 program would be made available for projects that improve access to transit stops for pedestrians and persons with disabilities. In 2015, the Board approved the use of up to 10 percent of the funds available for pedestrian and bicycle projects for maintenance of existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities. In 2017, the Board further approved a policy to set-aside a minimum of 50 percent of the remaining bicycle and pedestrian facilities project funding for smaller projects under $250,000.
Click here to view complete TDA Article 3 Guidelines.
For pre-2021 awards, please see note below.
Within six months of funding award notification, or prior to requesting reimbursement of funds, whichever comes first, a one-time submittal of a (1) Claim Form and (2) Authorizing Resolution is required. The Authorizing Resolution should ( sample ):
- authorize the filing of the Claim Form ,
- authorize the submission of Reimbursement Request Form(s), and
- designate the individuals authorized to certify project completion (Authorized Agent).
Every project awarded will have its own Claim Form package. Please use the link below to download a copy of your project's Claim Package located in your jurisdiction's Claim Forms folder.
Pre-2021 awards ONLY may choose one of the following:
A. If you have not yet invoiced and/or already obtained an Authorizing Resolution, you may follow the instructions above without the six months from award notification restriction, or
B. Consistent with previous guidelines, a Resolution that only authorizes the filing of the Claim Form and submission of Reimbursement Request(s) prior to or in conjunction with their submittal is permissible. However, Resolutions that fail to designate an Authorized Agent are required to provide a Certified Copy of Minute Action item that both verifies project completion and authorizes final claim filing.
Reimbursement requests will only be processed in conjunction with, and/or after completion of, Step 1. The following is required with every request for reimbursement:
- Reimbursement Request Form, found in the Claim Form package downloaded in Step 1. Please note, progressive payments are only eligible on awards over $200,000 and local match share percentage must be met regardless of reimbursement amount requested. Certification of Project Completion/Certified Copy of Minute Action Item is only needed on the final reimbursement request for these projects.
- Backup Documentation should include invoices, paychecks, purchase orders, etc. to support both the reimbursement and match amounts noted on the Reimbursement Request Form. Please note, staff administration and/or contract project management expenses are NOT eligible match expenses. However, staff expenses may qualify for local match under select circumstances (see Claim Form package Check List for details).
- For Post-2021 Awards: Certification of Project Completion written verification of project completion ( sample ) by the agency’s Authorized Agent identified in the Authorizing Resolution, Step 1.
- For Select Pre-2121 Awards: Certified Copy of Minute Action Item authorizing the filing of the final claim and verifying the project completion is required where the Authorizing Resolution does not identify an Authorized Agent, Step 1.
- Photos of Project are required when the project is complete and should be attached to the final submittal.
- Other – Claimants may attach additional information not included in this list to support the claim or reimbursement request. SBCTA may request additional information as necessary.
Change Requests
Under certain circumstances, a change in the project scope and/or an extension of the project deadline may be granted upon request. All project change requests must be submitted at least three months before the project's sunset date.
Two one-year extensions may be granted at the discretion of SBCTA staff for projects that are moving forward but cannot be completed by the award sunset date. Extension requests must include appropriate justification for an extension and provide a revised project schedule with an expected completion date.
Subsequent extensions are at the discretion of the SBCTA Board.
Minor changes in an awarded project's scope needed due to unforeseen circumstances may be approved at the discretion of SBCTA staff. However, all scope changes require the following:
- No change to the award amount or percent local match share. Requests to increase the award amount and/or reduce the local match percent share will not be granted. Projects expected to come in under budget are permitted and do not require a Scope Change request however, the local percent share awarded must be maintained regardless of the final project total.
- No diversion of funds to a separate project. A request for the same or similar project located elsewhere will be considered as will comparable modifications needed to achieve the primary project objective. However, a scope change that attempts to use competitively awarded funds for a completely different project is not permitted.
- Unexpended funds may not be diverted to separate project. If a project comes in underbudget, a scope change to include ancillary features to the original project while maintaining the total award amount and local match share will be considered. However, the scope may not be adjusted to include additional unrelated projects.
Active Projects Map
Last Updated: May 3, 2023
TDA Article 3 Awards
Below are just the links and nothing but the links. Please review the other sections of this site for context. (Project Call for Projects and Application Forms are not listed here.)
- TDA Article 3 Guidelines
- TDA Article 3 Submittals (including Claim Forms, Authorization Resolution, Reimbursement Requests, Extension Request, and Scope Change Request)
- TDA Claims Manual (2023)
- Sample Authorization Resolution
- Awardee Documents: Claim Forms, Authorization Resolution, Reimbursement Requests, Extension Request, and Scope Change Request
- San Bernardino County Active Transportation Plan
- UC Berkeley Transportation Injury Mapping System
For more info: tda3@gosbcta.com