DRI Research Highlights: 2023, Volume 2

Impactful Science, Inspiring Solutions

Letter From the President

DRI President Kumud Acharya, Ph.D.

Dear Friend of DRI,

We are excited to share some of the impactful research being done by our scientists and the students who work alongside them. The projects highlighted provide a glimpse of the research being conducted to better understand and help address some of the most pressing environmental challenges.

In this semi-annual report, our cover story highlights research being done by DRI’s Integrated Terrain Analysis Program (ITAP) team to help the military protect our troops. This research team conducts field experiments for a variety of defense needs. We also highlight a new, two-year project examining climate intervention strategies, our work to protect America’s National Parks from air pollutants, several water-related highlights, our new STEM Lab, which provides an important resource to educators, and an inspiring story about how legacy donor Marianna Vaughan encouraged the next generation of scientists.

I hope you enjoy the stories about the impactful science and the inspiring solutions we’ve highlighted.

Kumud Acharya, Ph.D. President


DRI FOUNDATION: A legacy of giving, encouraging the next generation of scientists

Each of us has the opportunity to make a significant impact, and DRI legacy donor Marianna Vaughan was a shining example. After working for Stanford Research Institute as a mathematician deciphering radio communications bouncing off the ionosphere, Vaughan eventually retired to Lake Tahoe. As someone who believed in the importance of scientific discovery and learning, she attended one of DRI’s public science talks and quickly became one of our most dedicated supporters.

For over 20 years, Vaughan generously supported a variety of important DRI initiatives. She read our science publications from cover to cover and regularly attended DRI outreach events, often with her grandchildren in tow. The impact of exposing the next generation to what is possible through science cannot be overstated. In fact, Vaughan’s daughter Teresa Long, credits her children’s exposure to DRI with sparking an interest and love for the sciences that led to their own successful careers in the field. Long’s daughter works in biomedical research and her son just graduated with a PhD in Physics. “Their interest in science began with the spark that was created by learning about the amazing things happening at DRI and engaging with the scientists,” said Long.

Vaughan passed away in July 2022, and we were incredibly touched that she listed DRI as one of her favorite charities for memorial donations in her honor. Long fondly recalls her mother’s passion for science and is now continuing her mom’s support of DRI. “My mother was always so impressed with the work that DRI did, and I intend to continue to honor her legacy by making annual contributions to DRI in her memory,” said Long. For more information on how you can support impactful science that inspires solutions and create your own legacy, please contact the DRI Office of Advancement at 775-673-7300 or click the button below.

Marianna Vaughan with people dressed as Star Wars characters and a replica of the robot R2D2.

Marianna Vaughan at DRI's "May the Science Be With You" in 2019.


DRI President Kumud Acharya, Ph.D.

Marianna Vaughan at DRI's "May the Science Be With You" in 2019.