Colorado Healthy Rivers Fund

A Colorado Program Supporting Local Restoration Projects

The Healthy Rivers Fund grants money to on-the-ground projects that contribute to cleaner water, healthier wildfire habitat, and improved recreation throughout our State. The fund is administered through Colorado Water Conservation Board in association with the Water Quality Control Division and the Colorado Watershed Assembly.

View the map below to see the amazing projects completed through this funding opportunity!

Rapid River Assessment of the Uncompahgre Watershed & Uncompahgre Watershed Plan : Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership

Partnership to Restore Urbanized Bear Creek : Groundwork Denver

Slate River Wetlands Preserve Erosion Control : Crested Butte Land Trust

Chico Basin Ranch Riparian Restoration Project : Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

Stephens Park Stream Bank Restoration Project : Town of Vail

Riparian and Aquatic Habitat Assessment : Upper Gunnison Water Conservancy District

Rio Grande Restoration Project : Southwest Conservation Corps

Tamarisk Removal Project - John Martin Reservoir : Rocky Mountain Field Institute

Rawley Gulch Reclamation Project : Trout Unlimited

Rio Grande Riparian Revegetation Improvement Project : Colorado Rio Grande Restoration Foundation

Hecla Wash Restoration and Sediment Reduction Project : Colorado State Parks

Water Quality Monitoring - Slate River : Coal Creek Watershed Coalition

Chico Basin Riparian Restoration : Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

Conserving the Conejos : Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust

Sugar Creek Restoration Pilot Project : Coalition of the Upper South Platte

Upper Yampa State of the Watershed Report : Routt County Conservation District

Water Quality Monitoring - Plum Creek : Chatfield Watershed Authority

Upper Slate River Geomorphic Assessment : Coal Creek Watershed Coalition and Upper Slate River Steering Committee

Lower Bear Creek Water Quality Testing : Groundwork Denver

Walton Creek/Yampa River Confluence Preliminary Design for Channel Restoration and Wetland Creation : Yampa Valley Sustainability Council

Selenium and Salinity Water-Quality Monitoring : Colorado River Water Conservation District

Community Outreach and Education : Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership

Camp Hale - Eagle River Headwaters Restoration Project : The National Forest Foundation

Monitoring of Water Quality along the South Arkansas River : Central Colorado Conservancy

Fish Habitat Enhancement at the Paonia River Park : The Western Slope Conservation Center

St. Vrain & Boulder Creek Phreatophyte Control & Watershed Restoration Final Report : Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

Lower Crystal River Watershed Flow Assessment : Roaring Fork Conservancy

Grand Valley River Corridor Needs and Priorities Mapping : Grand Valley River Corridor Initiative

Arkansas River-Pueblo Tailwater Erosion Project : Trout Unlimited Chapter 509, Southern Colorado Greenbacks

Bear Creek Watershed Project (2020) : Rocky Mountain Field Institute

Pleasant Valley Fish Habitat Improvement Project : Yampa Valley Stream Improvement Charitable Trust

San Miguel River Restoration Study Planning : San Miguel Watershed Coalition

Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment : Costilla County Conservancy District

Colorado River Interpretive Center Planning : Middle Colorado Watershed Council

Invasive Tree Removal along the Arkansas River Trail : Mile High Youth Corps

Post-416 Fire Aquatic Monitoring Planning : Rocky Mountain Field Institute

Rossum-Wilson River Restoration Community Revegetation Project : Big Thompson Watershed Coalition

Badger Creek Restoration Pilot Project : Central Colorado Conservancy

Poudre Flows Project : Colorado Water Trust

Rio Grande Riparian Stabilization Planning Project : Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project

Bear Creek Watershed Restoration Project : Rocky Mountain Field Institute

Carbondale Crystal River Restoration and Weaver Ditch Efficiency Project : Town of Carbondale

Campbell Valley Watershed and Creek Restoration Project : Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

Willow Creek Watershed Inventory Planning Project : Headwaters Alliance

Lower Rio Grande Study : Colorado Rio Grande Restoration Foundation

Rapid River Assessment of the Uncompahgre Watershed & Uncompahgre Watershed Plan : Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership

Funding from this grant support the Rapid River Assessment of the Uncompahgre Watershed, designed to provide baseline data on aquatic and riparian habitat quality, water quality, in-stream habitat, channel physical attributes, riparian vegetation structure and cover, and aquatic. The assessment was based on a modified EPA protocol (Barbour et al. 1999) and NRCS Visual Assessment (Newton et al. 1998). Seventeen sites between Uncompahgre’s headwaters and confluence with the Gunnison River were chosen based on access, existing monitoring data, and representativeness (land use, channel gradient, water quality impairments).

Partnership to Restore Urbanized Bear Creek : Groundwork Denver

The urbanized section of Bear Creek has been identified in the State’s list of impaired water bodies with high priority for E. coli contamination. This eight-mile stretch of the river runs through the cities of Lakewood, Denver, and Sheridan and is not included in the purview of the existing Bear Creek Watershed Association. As such, there is no coordinated education or action to address the water pollution, invasive species, stream bank erosion, or general watershed and river stewardship. This project focused on developing stewardship through restoration projects, and building stakeholder collaboration for the implementation of a watershed planning effort.

Slate River Wetlands Preserve Erosion Control : Crested Butte Land Trust

Stream bank erosion along the Slate River is an issue that has been studied for over a decade. The Crested Butte Land Trust’s Rice parcel, which includes .12 miles of the Slate River, is a particularly vulnerable section. On this parcel, the river takes a drastic bend in between two head gates that are in use for irrigation. In addition, historic grazing has eroded riverbanks and deteriorated riparian flora beyond the point of natural repair. The funding from this grant aided in restoration of this section of river that has experienced significant stream bank erosion.

Chico Basin Ranch Riparian Restoration Project : Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

The long-term goal of this project is to control Russian olive and tamarisk in a heavily infected riparian area, reduce grazing pressure in key riparian area conservation hotspots on the ranch, and restore a diverse native tree-shrub community along treated and protected areas within Chico Basin Ranch, located approximately 40 miles southeast of Colorado Springs in the Chico Creek watershed. This project focused on installing site-appropriate native woody shrubs and trees in treated and fenced areas.

Stephens Park Stream Bank Restoration Project : Town of Vail

The reach of Gore Creek flowing through the Town of Vail has been subjected to numerous disturbances that has led to increased encroachment into the public stream tract, excessive snow removal, snow dumping and use of traction sand and cinders, lack of proper stormwater pollution prevention and best management practices (BMPs), improper fishing, erosion and lack of education has led to increasingly impaired conditions in Gore Creek, and ultimately, the Eagle River. Erosion and negative impacts from high use at Stephens Park, in West Vail led to the application to the Colorado Water Conservation Board’s (CWCB) Healthy Rivers Fund to implement a stream bank restoration project at Stephens Park and a small grass roots education program.Click

Riparian and Aquatic Habitat Assessment : Upper Gunnison Water Conservancy District

This grant funded the riparian and aquatic habitat assessment of Lower Tomichi Creek including mapping the riparian community from present and historical aerial photographs to determine changes; producing a soil map to indicate areas of plant community types, potential water storage/recharge zones and to determine recent historical condition; determining the extent of the active floodplain for potentially reducing the impacts of floods; and identifying many of the diversion structures for reducing riparian impacts from maintenance.

Rio Grande Restoration Project : Southwest Conservation Corps

The Rio Grande Restoration Project is a riparian restoration project that is the second such project based on the collaboration between the Southwest Conservation Corps (SCC), the Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project (RGHRP), and the Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust (RiGHT). This collaboration was formed in order to carry out recommendations for the restoration and management of the Rio Grande as it winds through the San Luis Valley as identified in the 2001 Study and the 2007 Rio Grande Watershed Strategic Plan. During the fall of 2012, SCC crews completed 2 weeks restoration work along the Rio Grande with the support of this grant.

Tamarisk Removal Project - John Martin Reservoir : Rocky Mountain Field Institute

Over the weekend of September 24-25 of 2022, Rocky Mountain Field Institute (RMFI),Volunteers for Colorado (VOC), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and community volunteers partnered to implement an invasive tamarisk removal project near the John Martin Reservoir on the eastern plains of Colorado. The project was located west of John Martin Reservoir near the confluence of the Arkansas and Purgatoire Rivers. The area is a popular recreational area, frequented by hunters, fishers, birders, and hikers.

Rawley Gulch Reclamation Project : Trout Unlimited

The work along Rawley Gulch that was recently completed this past August represents the last phase of construction as part of the greater Minnie Lynch Mine reclamation work. Since 2011, TU has partnered with USFS to complete sampling, analyses, and three phases of construction focused on improving lands, water quality and ecological function of the watershed. Many of the degraded conditions present were due to historic mining operations and their remnant contamination. Therefore, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) was the mechanism and authority used to complete all past and current phases of work at the site. The Rawley Gulch project essentially finishes up approved CERCLA actions, which will help to achieve the primary goal of reducing the ability of contaminated material to be mobilized off-site during floods or high flow events.

Rio Grande Riparian Revegetation Improvement Project : Colorado Rio Grande Restoration Foundation

This grant was used to improve the quality of revegetation on riparian sites within the Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project’s riparian stabilization and restoration projects. Funded activities included attending one riparian restoration and revegetation training, organization of revegetation projects with volunteers and the Southwest Conservation Corps, and tools and plant materials needed for the revegetation efforts.

Hecla Wash Restoration and Sediment Reduction Project : Colorado State Parks

Heavy rains during August 11-12, 2006 in Chaffee County caused several ephemeral tributaries in the upper Arkansas River valley, including a tributary flowing through Hecla Junction, to experience unusual flash flooding. Fortunately, there were no injuries or fatalities related to the flood, but damages to man-made facilities and to the environment were quite significant. This grant money helped to fund a restoration and flood mitigation masterplan through the Watershed Restoration Program of its Flood Protection Section.

Water Quality Monitoring - Slate River : Coal Creek Watershed Coalition

The Upper Slate River (USR) Watershed is located near Crested Butte in southwestern, Colorado. The watershed drains approximately 34 square miles on the east side of the Ruby Mountain Range, in Gunnison County. The USR Watershed contains roughly 71 miles of rivers and streams. This grant was used to complete baseline macroinvertebrate (MI) communities and E. coli concentrations prior to the completion of the watershed plan for the Upper Slate River Watershed.

Chico Basin Riparian Restoration : Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

Grant money was used to help achieve the goal of this long-term project to control Russian olive and tamarisk in a heavily infected riparian area, reduce grazing pressure in key riparian area conservation hotspots on the ranch, and restore a diverse native tree-shrub community along treated and protected areas. The work was primarily done within Chico Basin Ranch, located approximately 40 miles southeast of Colorado Springs in the Chico Creek watershed.

Conserving the Conejos : Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust

This grant supported core planning, education and implementation of RiGHT’s “Conserving the Conejos: A Colorado Treasure”, our program to advance conservation along the Conejos river in Colorado. The Conejos River is one of Colorado's last major mountain rivers with significant intact private farm and ranch land with substantial opportunity to conserve important wildlife habitat (including habitat for the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher), senior surface water rights, internationally important wetlands, scenic views and agriculturally productive farmland.

Sugar Creek Restoration Pilot Project : Coalition of the Upper South Platte

Sugar Creek is a tributary to the South Platte River in Douglas County. Due to vast quantities of sediment deposition into Sugar Creek reducing the function of the creek as well as impairing watershed health and decreasing wildlife and fishery habitat, the Sugar Creek Sediment Mitigation Project (SCPP) was initiated.Click

Upper Yampa State of the Watershed Report : Routt County Conservation District

Through many meetings with CDPHE, USGS researchers, and stakeholders the Upper Yampa River Technical Committee put the grant money to use to perform a watershed inventory as well as write a state of the watershed report that analyzed inventory data to assess existing and baseline conditions. The report identified known, emerging, and perceived issues as well as the cause and/or sources of nonpoint source pollution.

Water Quality Monitoring - Plum Creek : Chatfield Watershed Authority

Water quality characterization in the Plum Creek watershed, located upstream of Chatfield Reservoir, and identification of nonpoint source pollutant sources are not well understood. Previous water quality assessments have identified several general categories of NPS pollution sources including agriculture, wildfire burn areas, stream degradation and stream bank erosion, urban and construction runoff, aged Individual Sewage Disposal Systems (ISDS) and groundwater loading, and natural sources. However, funding from this grant enabled monthly water quality monitoring from April 2012 – March 2013 at nine locations to characterize and identify pollutant sources in the Plum Creek watershed.

Upper Slate River Geomorphic Assessment : Coal Creek Watershed Coalition and Upper Slate River Steering Committee

Funding from this grant helped support a geomorphic assessment of the Upper Slate River Watershed in summer of 2012 using the Watershed Assessment of River Stability and Sediment Supply (WARSSS) methodology (Rosgen 2006) to assist the efforts of identifying and mitigating sediment pollution in the watershed.

Lower Bear Creek Water Quality Testing : Groundwork Denver

 In 2010, the segment of Bear Creek between the outfall of the Bear Creek Reservoir and its confluence with the South Platte River was listed on Colorado’s 303 (d) list for exceeding E. coli concentrations. In-stream water quality testing has narrowed the location of likely pollutants to the last three miles of Lower Bear Creek. This project focused on collecting and analyzing water samples from rain barrels installed by Groundwork Denver (GWD), training youth to conduct the testing, and performing outreach to and educate residents within the Lower Bear Creek watershed about the implication of the findings.

Walton Creek/Yampa River Confluence Preliminary Design for Channel Restoration and Wetland Creation : Yampa Valley Sustainability Council

This project developed restoration concepts for the Walton Creek/Yampa River Confluence (Confluence) area that were acceptable to the stakeholder group, and which will serve as the basis for final design and construction specifications in a future project phase. C

Selenium and Salinity Water-Quality Monitoring : Colorado River Water Conservation District

The Lower Gunnison Basin Selenium and Salinity Water-Quality Monitoring project expanded upon and optimized the existing water-quality monitoring network in the Lower Gunnison River Basin by adding a real-time specific conductance monitor in one of five strategic locations in the lower Gunnison River Basin at a key U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) real-time stream flow station. The goal of the project was to gather selenium and salinity water-quality data so that remediation could be better targeted for the purposes of meeting State of Colorado water quality standards and Endangered Species Act requirements for the protection of endangered river fishes.

Community Outreach and Education : Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership

This grant contributed to the involvement of river events, soliciting Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership (UWP) stakeholders, and enhancing watershed education. In addition, UWP helped to develop and assist with outreach and education programs such as Ridgway River Festival, Earth Day, Lake Appreciation Day, and River Watch sampling.

Camp Hale - Eagle River Headwaters Restoration Project : The National Forest Foundation

Camp Hale and the Eagle River headwaters area is a high-elevation landscape that supports numerous resources and recreational activities and also has a rich history. This grant went towards bringing together local, regional, State, and Federal stakeholders and other interested parties to collaboratively develop a shared vision for future improvements to the site, which culminated in the development of a Master Plan.

Monitoring of Water Quality along the South Arkansas River : Central Colorado Conservancy

The purpose of this grant was to provide support for sampling water quality along the South Arkansas River in Chaffee County, Colorado. The South Arkansas River is a major tributary of the Upper Arkansas River that flows through Bighorn Sheep Canyon into the plains near Pueblo, Colorado.

Fish Habitat Enhancement at the Paonia River Park : The Western Slope Conservation Center

This grant went toward the improvement of fish habitat in over 500 feet of river channel as well as restoration of approximately 2 acres of aquatic habitat within the floodplain of the North Fork of the Gunnison River at Paonia River Park.

St. Vrain & Boulder Creek Phreatophyte Control & Watershed Restoration Final Report : Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

This grant support 3 projects including: removing non‐native phreatophyte and other invasive plant species to create structure more typical of Colorado Front Range riparian and floodplain wetland/grassland plant communities in City of Boulder Open Space and Mountain Parks; stabilized critical banks to protect infrastructure, reduced natural hazard risk, and reestablished recreational trail access within City of Longmont; and eliminated 1,500 Russian olives, which use an estimated 60,000 gallons of water a day, with Boulder County Parks and Open Space.

Lower Crystal River Watershed Flow Assessment : Roaring Fork Conservancy

This grant supports the ongoing efforts by conservation groups as they endeavor to identify water conservation opportunities in the Crystal River watershed. Results from the water flow assessment were needed to determine the impact of various water conservation management scenarios on spatial and temporal patterns of in-channel flows in the lower Crystal River.

Grand Valley River Corridor Needs and Priorities Mapping : Grand Valley River Corridor Initiative

This project compiled and synthesized an exhaustive list of Grand Valley planning documents and GIS data to assist the River Corridor Initiative reach their goals, including: fostering the river corridor as a public amenity; restoring and conserving natural resources; encouraging river smart and compatible development; and building community engagement, education, and awareness of the Grand Valley River Corridor. A summary of each planning document was provided as well as an analysis of gaps within those plans.

Arkansas River-Pueblo Tailwater Erosion Project : Trout Unlimited Chapter 509, Southern Colorado Greenbacks

The goal of this project is to maintain and improve in-stream fish habitat in the tailwater below the Pueblo Reservoir developed in 2005 and 2013 through the Arkansas River Legacy Project by improving stream-bank resiliency at critical spots of significant erosion during both high and low flows. The objectives would be 1) identify and prioritize areas of bank erosion that are contributing to excess sediment loading; 2) identify potential areas for floodplain management ñ slow and spread high flow versus hard-bank channelizing; 3) stabilize and control erosion in the most critical area(s).

Bear Creek Watershed Project (2020) : Rocky Mountain Field Institute

Rocky Mountain Field Institute (RMFI), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), El Paso County, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), and other project partners have been working together for more than a decade to build and maintain trail systems and better manage activities within the Bear Creek Watershed, home to the last remaining genetically pure population of the greenback cutthroat trout, Colorado’s state fish. The greenback cutthroat trout are found in only 4 miles of habitat within Bear Creek, which creates a very vulnerable situation for this population. The population is currently listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. To protect this last remaining population of greenback cutthroat trout, it remains critically important to restore this limited habitat to a fully functional condition.

Pleasant Valley Fish Habitat Improvement Project : Yampa Valley Stream Improvement Charitable Trust

The intention of this project was to improve the health and function of 4,400 linear feet of the Yampa River, improving areas of the reach which exhibited low overall functionality, minimal habitat and width to depth concerns. Overall, this project increased stream complexity, stabilized/protected banks, increased pool depth for overwintering habitat for fish, increased sediment transport, improved juvenile trout habitat, and overall cover all fishes.

San Miguel River Restoration Study Planning : San Miguel Watershed Coalition

The million-acre San Miguel Watershed in south­west Colorado lies within one of the largest rel­atively undisturbed areas that remains in North America. The 2021 River Restoration Study aimed to address environmental challenges such as decreasing water supplies, degrading riparian communities, the spread of noxious weeds, impacts to water quality, and unstable river channels, moving forward with sustainable solutions to preserve the environmental and eco­nomic vitality of the San Miguel Watershed.

Upper Culebra Watershed Assessment : Costilla County Conservancy District

The project’s team completed a Riparian Habitat Assessment and Aquatic Habitat Assessment as part of this HRF-funded project. The goal of the Riparian Habitat Assessment was to quantify the level of degradation of riparian plant communities. And, the goal of the Aquatic Habitat Assessment was to perform detailed habitat suitability assessment of representative stream reaches, perform physical habitat limiting factors analysis, qualitatively rank stream reaches, and to develop a ranked list of five or more priority projects to address degradation of the aquatic habitat within the basin.

Colorado River Interpretive Center Planning : Middle Colorado Watershed Council

In 2017, the City of Rifle donated the unused I-70 Rifle rest stop building for our use. Part of it serves as our office, in the heart of the region where we do our work. The other section once occupied with brochures and other informational material about the area now lies quite dormant, waiting to be turned into something new and refreshing for the dozens of individuals who pass through on longer trips or who swing by to take a relaxing walk around the oxbow lake each day.

Invasive Tree Removal along the Arkansas River Trail : Mile High Youth Corps

Mile High Youth Corps (MHYC) worked with the City of Pueblo Parks and Recreation staff to address the invasive tree infestation along the Arkansas River. The work completed benefitted the nearby communities while also addressing a region-wide problem. The Arkansas River Watershed is the largest watershed in Colorado. The river itself is plagued with invasive tree species like Russian olive and tamarisk crossing through eight different counties in Colorado. Eradication of these species is crucial to control the spread downriver and in surrounding areas.

Post-416 Fire Aquatic Monitoring Planning : Rocky Mountain Field Institute

In 2018, scientists from Mountain Studies Institute (MSI), Colorado School of Mines (CSM), and USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) partnered as the 416 Fire Aquatic Monitoring Research Group to investigate the water quality and aquatic life impacts from the 416 Fire. Preliminary studies in 2018 captured the immediate impacts from the fire in Hermosa Creek and the Animas River, and the Research Group’s continued sampling and analysis in 2019 and 2020 have allowed water users and providers to better understand how post-fire impacts have persisted during watershed recovery. 

Rossum-Wilson River Restoration Community Revegetation Project : Big Thompson Watershed Coalition

The Rossum-Wilson and Rist-Goss projects take place on a combination of public and private lands. The Community Revegetation project proposed under this grant funding would be on property owned by City of Loveland, an area that the City plans to open for public use in the near future. This project will add to the footprint of the overarching restoration projects in this area, benefitting multiple land and water users, achieving multiple objectives, and improving the overall health of the watershed more than each of these individual projects would alone. In addition, Larimer County is replacing the Namaqua Bridge, located in the middle of the Rossum-Wilson River project, just downstream of the Rist-Goss project site. The new bridge will include a pedestrian underpass that will connect this future public Open Space to Namaqua Park, on the downstream side of the Namaqua Bridge, enabling public access between the new and existing parks and open areas.

Badger Creek Restoration Pilot Project : Central Colorado Conservancy

Over the years, the Badger Creek Watershed has experienced degradation from previous and current land uses. Periods of intense grazing pressure created rapid damage to both the uplands and riparian areas. Changes to Badger Creek impact the Arkansas River, including water infrastructure, water supply, fisheries, recreation and ecological services. The Badger Creek Watershed Partnership was formed to help restore the health of the watershed using a collaborative model of working with private landowners, public land managers and watershed professionals. Based on the existing work, the partnership proposed a pilot project on just under a mile of Badger Creek to install 30 sod plugs, plant 2,500 willows and other riparian species and to minimize or eliminate cattle access to this section of the creek. The project will generate important lessons in these techniques and act as an evaluation tool for future projects.

Poudre Flows Project : Colorado Water Trust

The Cache La Poudre River originates high in the Rocky Mountains and flows through canyons to the Cities of Fort Collins and Greeley, continuing east to the plains. During seasons with low flows, which occurs even in years of average snowfall, human uses withdraw all the water from the river in at least seven places, leaving the Poudre’s fish populations devastated and impacting other wildlife that depends on the river for survival. To restore flows to the Poudre while addressing the needs of water users, the Colorado Water Trust has partnered with the Cities of Fort Collins, Greeley, and Thornton, the Cache La Poudre Water Users Association, the Colorado Water Conservation Board, and the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District to create a water market for the environment. Under the project as conceived, water users will be able to donate, sell, or lease their water to the river, restoring flows while also receiving compensation for any production loss. It’s a unique collaboration that demonstrates that if we work together, we can restore our natural environment while also supporting our way of life.

Rio Grande Riparian Stabilization Planning Project : Rio Grande Headwaters Restoration Project

The Rio Grande in Alamosa County is experiencing a deterioration in river function due to the continual increase in sediment loading caused by unstable and eroding streambanks. Streambank instability is further exacerbated by the lack of anchoring riparian vegetation. By engaging multiple landowners and diverse stakeholders, partners will be able to determine the most ecologically desirable and cost-effective ways to stabilize the riparian areas and improve the condition of the Rio Grande. The project will result in preliminary designs and cost estimates, which will allow the RGHRP and partners to secure grant funds needed to implement site specific streambank stabilization and riparian restoration projects.

Bear Creek Watershed Restoration Project : Rocky Mountain Field Institute

The overarching goals of the Bear Creek Watershed Restoration Project are to protect the aquatic habitat of the threatened greenback cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkia stomia), enhance the overall health and function of the Bear Creek Watershed, and provide opportunities for sustainable outdoor recreation within the Watershed’s boundaries. The project was initiated in 2009 after genetic testing revealed the population of approximately 750 adult greenback cutthroat trout residing in a mere 4-mile stretch of Bear Creek was the last remaining, genetically pure population of the entire species. In June 2016, after an extensive public engagement process, the U.S. Forest Service released their Final Decision and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), which provided the plan to implement a variety of proven, science-based techniques including active ecological restoration, streambank restoration, decommissioning of system and non-system trails, and improvement of designated trails to reduce erosion and enhance trail sustainability. RMFI will use CHRF funding to accomplish major restoration, trail improvement, and habitat protection objectives in the Watershed.

Carbondale Crystal River Restoration and Weaver Ditch Efficiency Project : Town of Carbondale

The Town of Carbondale plans to restore and enhance a one-half mile, 18-acre reach of the Crystal River as it flows through the town of Carbondale. The project involves planning and design for: restoration of the riparian area along the west side of the river, in-river work for the Weaver Ditch diversion structure, in-river habitat and bank improvements, enhanced user experience and passive educational opportunities. The requested grant monies will be used to fund project planning, design, and permitting.

Campbell Valley Watershed and Creek Restoration Project : Wildlands Restoration Volunteers

Campbell Valley is located within a region Colorado Natural Heritage Program identified as “one of Colorado’s highest-priority landscape-level conservation sites,” based on threats and multiple species and communities of concern in need of protection attention. The sediment in Campbell Valley is a pollutant which poses problems for utilities, fish and invertebrates, and the erosion dissects the Robert’s ranch pastures, encourages invasive plant establishment, and disrupts wildlife habitat and migration corridors. The WRV project intends to raise the water table and re-introduce meander in order to bring back the natural ability of streams to build functioning floodplains, store water and support riparian woody species.

Willow Creek Watershed Inventory Planning Project : Headwaters Alliance

The Willow Creek Inventory (The Inventory) serves both as a cornerstone within The Watershed Plan, helping to achieve many interrelated goals, as well as a powerful stand-alone tool.  The intent of The Inventory is to: ● Compile existing reports, documents and maps, making them readily accessible and visible to partners, stakeholders and the public. ● Share key watershed data between and across partners and stakeholders. ● Facilitate integration and collaboration of data, resources and infrastructure across projects as a standard practice. ● Identify gaps in the body of work, including identifying and prioritizing future needs. ● Facilitate a reflexive practice on past findings so to invite new questions and research. ● Promote holistic thinking, collaboration, and long-term solutions.

Lower Rio Grande Study : Colorado Rio Grande Restoration Foundation

The award was used to complete an analysis of conditions of the lower 33-mile stretch of the Rio Grande in Colorado and develop and prioritize restoration projects within this reach. Funded activities included data analysis, project development and prioritization; final report preparation completed by Riverbend; stakeholder coordination and review completed by the RGHRP, Bureau of Land Management, and Riverbed Engineering; and project administration completed by the RGHRP.