Hemel Hempstead Schemes
This online tool provides information on our cycling and walking improvements in Hemel Hempstead as part of the Active Travel Fund.

Latest updates
Three Cherry Trees Lane, between Green Lane and Buncefield Lane, will be closed to traffic in both directions from the afternoon of Sunday 9 February until the works at the Boundary Way roundabout are complete in the summer. Please see updated maps of the road closures and primary diversion route below .
Why this is necessary
This decision has been made following an ongoing review of the traffic management of the scheme and safety concerns raised by the local community and stakeholders. A large and increasing number of vehicles are ignoring the current one-way closure that is in place putting themselves and other road users at risk. Following engagement with stakeholders it is unfortunately considered necessary to close the road in both directions to ensure the safety of all users.
We understand that this may add time to journeys through the area. However, the safety of the travelling public and construction staff is our primary consideration. We encourage the local community to allow additional time for journeys and consider travelling outside peak hours if possible.
For more information on the Three Cherry Trees Lane closure, please refer to the Q and A document .
Buncefield Lane and Boundary Way
We are creating a consolidated, safe, easy and attractive pedestrian and cycle corridor known as a quietway in the Maylands Business Park. The new corridor along Buncefield Lane is key to improving local connectivity, linking properties and workplaces in Leverstock Green, Maylands and Woodhall Farm, with onward connections via the Nickey Line (National Cycle Network Route 57) to Redbourn and Harpenden.
With over 11,000 new homes and 10,000 new jobs to be provided in the area by 2050, we need to provide a more viable walking and cycling options, particularly for shorter journeys, to help reduce congestion as the local population grows. The improvements will also provide better connections for those who do not own a car.
The new roundabout under construction at Boundary Way will connect the two sections of quietway, providing a junction that is more inclusive of all road users. This ‘Dutch style’ roundabout will provide dedicated space to cycle around the entire junction separated from the carriageway. It will also include widened footways with pedestrian crossings on all arms.
Jarman Park
At Jarman Park, the funds received in May 2023 were used to deliver a new signalised toucan crossing over the A414 to improve walking and cycling access to Jarman retail and leisure park. More information about the project is available here .
The improvements
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Southern section of the quietway (completed)
Improvements at the southern section of the quietway have been completed, including a new signal-controlled crossing on Breakspear Way and shared use path between Green Lane and Breakspear Way.
Northern section of the quietway
The next phase of the quietway continues along Buncefield Lane between Boundary Way and Three Cherry Trees Lane providing a safe and attractive cycle route through the heart of Maylands.
New protected cycle route
A new circular cycle route will be installed around the roundabout, separated from the carriageway by a verge and from the footways by low level kerbs, with priority over traffic.
New crossings and wider footways
The road layout will be rearranged to reduce entry lanes down to one lane for traffic on all arms. Modelling indicates this would have a minimal impact on queuing.
Space for HGVs
An overrun area will be created in the centre of the roundabout for longer vehicles to use when on the roundabout.
Resurfacing of the road, painting of new road markings, better lighting and new signage installation.
Bus stop improvements
The bus stop on the eastbound bus stop on Boundary Way will be moved slightly closer to the roundabout to allow space for the cycle route to pass behind it.
Safer junction at Boundary Way / Buncefield Lane
Realignment and narrowing of the junction to reduce vehicle turning speeds, making it safer for those walking and cycling. The footway will be improved and off-road cycle path introduced, with a new zebra crossing over the cycle path.
Buncefield Lane quietway
The addition of rumble strips will increase driver awareness of the quietway and encourage slower vehicle speeds.
Bollards have been placed approximately 200m north of the junction with Boundary Way to restrict vehicle access and provide a quiet route for people walking and cycling. New street lighting will also be installed.
Change in priority at Buncefield Lane / Three Cherry Trees Lane junction
A new raised table and a change of priority at the junction help reduce vehicle speeds and make it safer to cycle across Three Cherry Trees Lane.
Bollards have been placed at the entrance to Buncefield Lane from Three Cherry Trees Lane junction to restrict vehicle access and provide a quiet route for people walking and cycling.
Three Cherry Trees Lane
Introduction of a 30mph speed limit on Three Cherry Trees Lane between the junction with Boundary Way and Green Lane roundabout.
You can see what the new Boundary Way roundabout layout will look like by moving the slider arrow right and left on the image below.
Construction information
Construction of the Boundary Way Dutch-style roundabout started on Monday 6 January 2025 and will continue until summer 2025.
The work is being carried out by the Council’s highways contractor, Ringway, and is being delivered in phases to reduce disruption as much as possible. We will be working hard to minimise impacts and apologise in advance for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience while the improvements are completed.
Road closures and diversion routes
The phases, road closures and diversion routes are detailed below.
Work will take place between 8am – 8pm (Monday to Friday) and 8am – 4pm (Saturday), with some overnight works. The road closures and temporary traffic signals outlined in the phases below will be in place 24/7. Throughout Phases 2, 3 and 4, Three Cherry Trees Lane, between Green Lane and the junction with Cherry Tree Lane, will be closed in both directions.
Please note that Buncefield Lane has been permanently closed to motor vehicles, with bollards now installed to create the quietway. The quietway is open to use for walking, wheeling and cycling. Work to connect the footway and cycleway between Boundary Way roundabout and Buncefield Lane will take place during the phases detailed below.
Phase 1: Early January (approx. 1 week) - COMPLETED
Access maintained via temporary traffic signals at the roundabout.
Phase 2: Western side of the roundabout: mid-January – mid-April
Road closures:
- Boundary Way closed on the western side of the roundabout.
- Three Cherry Trees Lane, between Green Lane and the junction with Cherry Tree Lane, will be closed in both directions.
- No vehicle access into Maylands via Green Lane and Boundary Way or Three Cherry Trees Lane.
- Access to businesses in Maylands to the west of the roundabout will be via Breakspear Way and Maylands Avenue. The diversion route is shown in the map below and will be clearly signed.
- Access to businesses located on Buncefield Lane and Blossom Way (south of the roundabout) will be maintained from the eastern side of the roundabout via Green Lane, Boundary Way and Buncefield Lane. Temporary traffic signals will be in place to manage access.
Other works to be aware of:
Separate from the Boundary Way project, other construction is planned in the Maylands area, which we’d like to make you aware of.
Whilst these works are separate from the Council’s Boundary Way improvement works, this approach ensures that the majority of the works are completed simultaneously, preventing further disruption after our main works are finished.
Green Lane: For approximately one month from 9 February 2025, gully works, street lighting and signage amendments will take place on Green Lane. This will take place from Saturday 10pm until Monday 5am only. During this time access will be maintained along Green Lane via two-way temporary signals.
Phase 3: Eastern side of the roundabout: mid-April – early June
Road closures:
- Boundary Way closed on the eastern side of the roundabout.
- Three Cherry Trees Lane, between Green Lane and the junction with Cherry Tree Lane, will be closed in both directions.
- No vehicle access into Maylands via Green Lane and Boundary Way.
- Access to all businesses in Maylands, including businesses located on Buncefield Lane and Blossom Way to the south of the roundabout, will be via Breakspear Way and Maylands Avenue. Temporary traffic signals will be in place to manage access at the roundabout. The diversion route is shown in the map below and will be clearly signed in advance.
Phase 4: Overnight resurfacing: May (approx. 3 nights while Phase 3 is ongoing)
Road closures:
- Full closure of Boundary Way roundabout overnight.
- Three Cherry Trees Lane, between Green Lane and the junction with Cherry Tree Lane, will be closed in both directions.
- No vehicle access into Maylands via Green Lane and Boundary Way.
- Access to businesses in Maylands to the west of the roundabout will be via Breakspear Way and Maylands Avenue. The diversion route is shown in the map below and will be clearly signed in advance.
- No access to businesses located on Buncefield Lane and Blossom Way to the south of the roundabout.
We are liaising with businesses to ensure this work is undertaken during hours that cause the least impact.
Phase 5: Early June – mid-June (approx. 2 weeks)
Access will be maintained via temporary traffic signals at the roundabout.
Walking and cycling access
The construction compound will be located in Buncefield Lane (north of Boundary Way). Space will be maintained for people walking and cycling along the new quietway route.
Walking access will be maintained across the roundabout for the duration of works via temporary diversion routes which will be clearly signed. Cycling access will be maintained, following the signed road diversion routes. In some instances, people cycling may need to dismount and use the footway with care.
The ML1 bus serving Maylands will be on diversion and will only serve the bus stops on Maylands Avenue while the works are underway. The bus will not serve stops on Boundary Way, Three Cherry Trees Lane or Swallowdale Lane. A temporary bus stop will be in place at Wood Lane End for those travelling to and from Buncefield Lane and Boundary Way.
Maps and drawings
You can view and download the maps, as well as the technical drawing here:
Buncefield Lane quietway
Boundary Way roundabout
To stay up to date on the scheme, please visit www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/activetravelfund . You can also sign up for email updates via www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/updateme . Alternatively you can get in touch with us by phoning our contact centre on 0300 123 4047 or via email at ATFConsultation@hertfordshire.gov.uk