Wraparound Care

A review and summary of Rural Health Scholar research that addresses wraparound care on Martha's Vineyard.

Mental Health / SUD

Scholar Observations

  • Need for a greater collaboration among SUD service providers and the use of a ‘warm handoff’ system,  2016 RHS Presentation 

Scholar Recommendations

Summary of the Community's response so far Some of these challenges are starting to be addressed by the new Hub Table for connecting at-risk community members to a comprehensive intervention and care team.

(Updated 6.17.2022)

Elder Care

Scholar Observations

  • Elder discharge from the hospital should include a warm handoff to COA or other elder health services, 2011 RHS Presentation,  2013 ,  2014 , 2018

Scholar Recommendations

Summary of the Commuity's response so far

No updates to share at this time (6.17.2022)


Scholar Observations

  • Despite availability, many interviewees felt there could be more cohesion among service providers for teen and young adult health – MH, SUD, PCP, MVRHS,  2021 RHS Presentation 

Scholar Recommendations

  • Recommended provide better services information for patient seeking care at both Family Planning and MVH,  2017 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended facilitating greater unity within existing structures to promote collaboration in supporting those who need access to any and all SDOH resources,  2020 RHS Presentation 

Summary of the Community's response so far

The new Community Health Worker and Peer Recovery Coach Program at I2 is beginning to address some of this collaboration between organizations. (Updated 6.17.2022)