City of Corpus Christi

Landmark Commission Web Viewer

Landmark Commission's Mission of Historic Preservation

Corpus Christi has a rich variety of architectural and historical resources on which to draw. Many of these resources are well known to members of the community, while others are not as widely recognized. It is the mission of the Landmark Commission to communicate the history of Corpus Christi and to encourage the preservation of its resources to the community.

The earliest known residents of the central section of the Texas Gulf Coast were the Karankawa Indians. With the exploration of the Spaniards and the establishment of various land grants, Corpus Christi, known in 1839 as Kinney’s Ranch was formalized. Throughout time the City of Corpus Christi evolved from a trading post and fort to a viable industrialized city with strong port, refinery, fishing and tourist industries. With these changes the city is fortunate to retain many of its historical treasures, but like numerous cities, it is steadily losing many.

Efforts have failed in saving many historical resources due to the community's lack of knowledge on the importance of the historical resource, limited funding opportunities and poor coordination efforts. However, by revitalizing downtown areas and classic residential areas business growth is stimulated, housing is provided and the tax base is increased through reinvestment.

Landmark Commission Responsibilities

In an effort to preserve the heritage of Corpus Christi, the Landmark Commission was established by the City Council in 1974. The commission's primary tasks are to:

• Consider specific sites, structures, and districts for designation as historic landmarks.

• Encourage and communicate with property owners the benefit of rehabilitation of potential landmarks as an alternative to demolition.

• Review and recommend nominations to the National Register of Historic Places.

• Promote preservation through education.

• Maintain and update the historical resource survey.

• Promote preservation through the Planning and Zoning process.

• Seek and apply for preservation grant funding.

Landmark Commission meetings are open to the public and are held on the fourth Thursday of each month in the City Council Chambers on the first floor of City Hall located at 1201 Leopard Street, at 4:30 pm, unless rescheduled. Contact the Development Services Department at 361.826.3240 for further meeting information.

Certified Local Government (CLG)

The City of Corpus Christi is a Certified Local Government. The CLG program empowers local communities to better protect historic resources and meet recognized historic preservation standards. Cities participating in the CLG program may take advantage of CLG grants, technical assistance, training opportunities, and the CLG network. This program recognizes a partnership between the local, state and federal governments to enhance preservation. Cities must undertake certain activities to remain in good standing as a CLG:

• Preservation Commission must meet at least six times a year.

• Pursue local designation for Recorded Texas Historical Landmarks (RHTLs), State Antiquities Landmarks (SALs), and National Register of Historic Places (NRHPs) properties.

• Monitor and report actions affecting county courthouses, RTHLs, SALs and NRHP properties to the Texas Historical Commission.

• Preservation Commissioners and Historic Preservation Officer must attend at least one preservation-related training a year.

• Provide input during Section 106 reviews.

• Maintain a system for the survey and inventory of local historic properties that is coordinated with the statewide cultural-resource-survey-process.

Community Support for Preservation

To actively preserve historical resources of Corpus Christi the Landmark Commission requests your support by reporting historical findings to the Commission through the City of Corpus Christi Development Services Department at 361.826.3240, and by:

• Advocating Federal, State and Local public policies on preservation.

• Assisting with historic surveys

• Applying for local historic designation

• Promoting the reuse and redevelopment of historic resources

• Rehabilitating historic resources using National and State Tax Credits

• Promoting heritage tourism

Preservation Designations

• May help qualify property owners for grant funding or tax incentives

• Give property owners priority access to technical assistance from the Texas Historical Commission staff

• Guide travelers to places of historical interest, although owners need not provide public access

• Identify properties in Texas that deserve protection

• Assist government and private groups planning new development

• Recognize properties of local, state and national significance

Development Services Permits

Exterior Work

For exterior work beyond ordinary repair and maintenance on properties with an “H” zoning overlay, a Certificate of Appropriateness application must be submitted for Landmark Commission review.


For demolition of property with an “H” zoning overlay or a vacant property 50 years old or older within the TIRZ #3 boundary, a Certificate of Appropriateness for Demolition application must be submitted. Permit applications link:

Current Projects

Landmark Viewer

Historic Resource Surveys

City of Corpus Christi Historic Survey

Upper Westside Historical Resource Survey

Heritage Park

Story Map Journal

Old Bayview Cemetery


American World War II Heritage Cities Program Material Submission for Cities of the Texas Coastal Bend – Nueces and Kleberg Counties application to the National Park Service:   PDF Link