Urbanization and Housing Crisis in Lagos, Nigeria

Analysis of Nigeria using SDG 11


The purpose of this story map is to analyze the challenges posed by rapid urbanization in Lagos, Nigeria, and explore potential solutions for addressing the city's housing crisis. Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria and one of the fastest-growing in the world is experiencing immense pressure due to the influx of people seeking economic opportunities. This has led to inadequate housing, infrastructure strain, and the proliferation of slum settlements. Through this story map, we will visualize and analyze these challenges, discuss their impact, and present potential solutions aimed at improving living conditions for residents of Lagos.

Nigeria Average Household Size

In Lagos, the average household size is 3.9 people. 14,244,421 people are living in 3,669,727 households. Lagos has grown exponentially in the past two decades as 96% of people that have moved to Lagos from 2000 to 2012 have moved from other parts of Nigeria and Lagos' population was growing by 18% each year from 2000-2012. There has also been a natural increase as birth rates have been much higher than death rates and it has resulted in population growth. Another reason for population growth is the terrorist group Boko Haram which has forced many people to navigate to this area.

Map of Lagos Metropolis Slum Districts

This rapid growth and migration of people to the Lagos area has led to the creation of slum districts. There are five main districts which consist of Majidun, Oworoshoki, Bariga, Iwaya, and Ijora Badia. These slum districts have popped up around the coast of Nigeria mainly in the Lagos region and on the waterfront. These areas lack basic necessities and amenities. The people who live in these areas are deprived of clean water and correct sanitation. Access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities plays a key role in the health of people in a household. Clean water usually comes from piped water systems and protected wells or deep boreholes. In contrast, water from unprotected wells and surface sources such as rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes can carry harmful germs and diseases.

In 2012, the Lagos state government announced it would tear down the slum and gave the residents 72 hours' notice to leave. Lagos state officials sent a letter to the community saying the fishing area's stilt houses were a security risk and damaged the city's status as a megacity.

Nigeria Infrastructure Map

This map showcases the infrastructure in Nigeria specifically Lagos. The map contains operating power plants, non-operating power plants, airports, and usage of electricity. Throughout Lagos there is awful traffic because of the terrible roads and of course a big portion of Lagos is underwater. This map shows about electricity and Lagos is notorious for having power outages because the electricity infrastructure is so unreliable.

Nigeria Stores and Pharmacies

The map on the right shows how often people in the highlighted areas of Nigeria travel to stores and pharmacies. Lagos is in the negative and this is due to the struggle to get to a store and maintain goods from the store. They have limited access to stores and when they do they struggle to get there because of the terrible roads and inability to travel. The stores also have higher prices due to the limited availability of goods. Across the country, nearly three out of four households have a radio, while about one in three have a television. Only 18% of households have a refrigerator. The fact that only 18% of households have a refrigerator suggests that people depend on non-perishable foods from stores.

Eko Atlantic Megacity Design

There are some possible solutions to help solve Lagos' housing crisis to clean up the area and create new housing for its inhabitants. Eko Atlantic plans to create a megacity where 500,000 people could live. This city would take multibillion to fund this megacity and people have criticized it by saying that it will be too expensive to live there while Eko Atlantic claims it will be affordable by the middle class.

Many people who live in Lagos believe that this idea would be too costly and they cannot afford it so they have decided to live in cheap slums or move in with family or other apartments that do not fulfill their needs and amenities. But the biggest issue with this is the fact that there are not enough housing units available.

Lagos Shipping Container Homes

Finally, the last and easiest solution to some of the housing issues is these shipping container homes that have been on the rise in Lagos. People have been converting shipping containers into offices and homes. More and more people are being convinced to try out this method of housing or office space as it provides cheap and affordable living or workspace.

Real estate developers are offering a range of solutions, from self-sustaining cities to repurposed shipping containers, and Lagos needs all of them. Lagos, the largest city in Africa, is expected to see its population double by 2050, which will increase the demand for housing.


In conclusion, Lagos, Nigeria, faces serious challenges due to rapid urbanization and a growing housing crisis. This story map has shown how issues like the rise of informal settlements, infrastructure strain, and housing shortages affect daily life in the city. However, potential solutions such as affordable housing projects, slum upgrading, and better infrastructure offer hope for improvement. Collaboration among government, private sector, and community stakeholders is key to creating a more sustainable and inclusive urban future. By continuing these efforts, Lagos can improve living conditions and set an example for other cities facing similar challenges worldwide.

Works Cited

Adeshokan, O. (2020, February 26). How Makoko, Nigeria’s floating slum went digital. CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/26/africa/nigeria-makoko-mapping-intl/index.html

BBC. (2017, January 23). Lagos Living: Solving Nigeria’s Megacity Housing Crisis. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-38688796

Count and percent of the Lagos population living in slum settlements... | download scientific diagram. (n.d.-a). https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Count-and-percent-of-the-Lagos-population-living-in-slum-settlements-SDG-1111-as_tbl4_352564147

Household population and housing ... (n.d.-b). https://dhsprogram.com/pubs/pdf/FR148/02Chapter02.pdf

Learning, C. creators to S. (n.d.). Population growth in Lagos. Geography: KS3. https://senecalearning.com/en-GB/revision-notes/ks3/geography/national-curriculum/4-4-4-population-growth-in-lagos

In 2012, the Lagos state government announced it would tear down the slum and gave the residents 72 hours' notice to leave. Lagos state officials sent a letter to the community saying the fishing area's stilt houses were a security risk and damaged the city's status as a megacity.

Eko Atlantic Megacity Design

Lagos Shipping Container Homes