Structural Geology StoryMaps
GEOS 350: Structural Geology & Tectonics
In the fall of 2019, each student in Professor Wilkerson's Structural Geology & Tectonics course used ArcGIS StoryMaps to create an interactive website that explains in detail a type of geologic structure. Students chose the structure that would be the focus of their site, and the resultant StoryMaps are included below.
Click the embedded StoryMaps below to view students' sites on this page, or click the "Open live content" icon in the upper right corner of a StoryMap to view a potentially more robust version (some StoryMap features may not be fully supported in an embedded format) in a new browser tab.
StoryMaps are interactive web sites. The primary action for viewing a StoryMap is to scroll through the site. However, to fully experience the story, be sure to follow on-screen cues:
- to advance slides in a slideshow by clicking right/left pointing arrows,
- to thoroughly investigate a map by zooming, panning, and clicking features, or
- to compare and contrast spatially referenced maps or images by clicking and dragging the vertical swipe bar.
Note that not all interactive elements will be present in every StoryMap and those stated above are not an exhaustive list of interactions, so watch for those cues.
Structural Geology: Metamorphic Foliations
Primary Structures
Stylolites: A Geologic Structure
An Intro to Structural Geology: Faults
Geologic Folds
Folds: Bending to Earth's Will
The Nitty Gritty on Veins
Primary Structures