River Street Reconstruction Project
Scroll Down to See Our Virtual Open House!
Note: While the Virtual Open House's comment period has ended and we are no longer accepting feedback through this StoryMap, you can reach out to our team by emailing RiverStreet@cambridgema.gov
Welcome to the River Street Reconstruction Virtual Open House. This site reviews the proposed design plans for the River Street Reconstruction Project. Scroll down to learn more about how we developed a new vision for River Street in Cambridge. We've estimated that it will take about 20-30 minutes to go through all of the information provided below. At any point, you can skip ahead using the navigation bar up top.
Project Overview
About the River Street Reconstruction Project
Play the video and scroll down to learn more.
Shared Design Goals
Developed based on feedback from public meetings and our Working Group, we’re dedicated to the following seven design goals:
- Safe: Create a feeling of safety for everyone
- Inclusive: Attract a wide range of users
- Human Scale: Bring a “neighborhood feel” to the entire street
- Ecological: Incorporate trees, water, and other natural elements.
- Multimodal: Ensure flow for people walking and biking, and coordinate with transit users’ needs
- Activated: Create a vibrant space through everyday activities and special programming
- Resilient: Create infrastructure that will withstand weather the test of time
Keep scrolling through to see what we’ve thought up so far for River Street’s Reconstruction and help us keep refining the plan!
Corridor Overview
As a part of the River Street Reconstruction project, the City of Cambridge is redesigning and reconstructing the River Street Corridor between Memorial Drive near the Charles River and Mass. Ave. in Central Square.
Play the video and scroll down to learn more.
Corridor Design
Street Design Elements
While we’ve already designated some of the transportation elements as discussed above, we’re far from done and we need your help to refine the design. Pan and click on any pins on the corridor map in the following section to learn more about features that we are proposing. A legend for the corridor map is provided immediately below. We suggest right clicking the legend to open it in a separate tab and refer back to it as you navigate the map below.
Click the first feature (on the left/below) to begin and scroll down to see more.
You can pan and zoom in and out of the map at any point.
Prefer to view a non-interactive corridor map? Click here to view the PDF version.

Let's Get Started!
Let's Get Started!. Click to expand.
Click on the pins located on the map to the right to see more information about the different features we're proposing.

Separated Bike Lane
Separated Bike Lane. Click to expand.
A raised separated bike lane will ensure people riding bicycles can get to where they need to go safely and be in alignment with the City’s Cycling Safety Ordinance. Click the image above to enlarge.

Trees And Landscaping
Trees And Landscaping. Click to expand.
Adding over 100 new trees and increasing planted area by approximately 2,400 square feet with enhanced City standards for improved tree health.

Expanded Bus Stop Boarding Area
Expanded Bus Stop Boarding Area. Click to expand.
New bus stop loading area provided. Existing bus shelter and bench to remain.

Public Art
Public Art. Click to expand.
Multiple art installations will be included along the corridor by Project Artist Ritsuko Taho.

Bluebikes. Click to expand.
Space provided for a 19-dock Bluebike Station at the corner of Blackstone Street and River Street.

Enhanced Park Connections
Enhanced Park Connections. Click to expand.
Mid-block crossing added at the entrance to Riverside Press Park along Blackstone Street.

New Crosswalk
New Crosswalk. Click to expand.
New crosswalk added to improve safe and accessible connections for people walking. Crossing control methods are under review, and may include Rapid Flashing Beacons at un-signalized intersections.

Safer Intersection Designs
Safer Intersection Designs. Click to expand.
Mountable truck apron to slow vehicle turns, improving safety while still allowing larger vehicles to make the turn. Intersections and the overall corridor will be designed to prioritize the safety of people walking and biking while still accommodating trucks and other vehicles in a controlled manner. Click the image above to enlarge.

Signal Changes
Signal Changes. Click to expand.
Changes to the signal at Putnam Avenue will maintain appropriate traffic flow while also providing safer and more efficient pedestrian and bicycle crossings. Click the video above to watch a simulation of the signal changes.

Bus Only Lane
Bus Only Lane. Click to expand.
A new "bus-only" lane will greatly improve bus reliability and travel times. The lane will make the corridor safer by calming traffic in the general-purpose lane and providing an improved buffer for the separated bike lane. Click the image above to enlarge.

Activation Spaces
Activation Spaces. Click to expand.
Added amenity spaces along the north side will allow for restaurant seating and outdoor gathering.

General Purpose Travel Lane
General Purpose Travel Lane. Click to expand.
A single general purpose travel lane will help calm traffic and improve pedestrian safety at crosswalks, while still accommodating future traffic volumes. Click the image above to enlarge.

Flex Zone
Flex Zone . Click to expand.
The “flex zone” can serve many purposes including landscaping, crosswalks, and parking. Check out the flex zone pie-chart above to see some of our suggestions to change the use of the flex zone from mostly unregulated parking to several new uses to support the community. Click the image above to enlarge.

Trees And Landscaping
Trees And Landscaping. Click to expand.
The existing mature Elm trees between Putnam Avenue and Fairmont Street will remain.

Parking Regulation Changes
Parking Regulation Changes. Click to expand.
Parking changed to back-in angle parking along Montague Street to improve safety for people walking and biking.

Enhanced Park Connections
Enhanced Park Connections. Click to expand.
Sidewalk widened along Montague Street to provide fully accessible connection to Hoyt Field from River Street.

Spacing Bus Stops
Spacing Bus Stops. Click to expand.
Existing bus stop at Fairmont Street closed to space bus stops more equally along River Street. This may also help to make bus travel times slightly faster along River Street.

Raised Side Street Crossings
Raised Side Street Crossings. Click to expand.
Raised side street crossings promote slower turns and reinforce better yielding behavior by drivers. Pedestrians and cyclists stay at sidewalk level to cross the side streets.

Parking Regulation Changes
Parking Regulation Changes. Click to expand.
Changes to the existing parking regulations will support area businesses and also provide spaces for resident use.

Right Turn Lane
Right Turn Lane. Click to expand.
Right turning vehicles will be allowed to enter the bus lane 80 feet ahead of their turn.

Activation Spaces
Activation Spaces. Click to expand.
Added spaces along the north side will allow for restaurant seating and outdoor gathering.

Expanded Bus Stop and Boarding Area
Expanded Bus Stop and Boarding Area. Click to expand.
Enhanced bus loading area will be provided. Additional amenities to be considered.

New Crosswalk
New Crosswalk. Click to expand.
New crosswalk added to improve safe and accessible connections for people walking. Crossing control methods are under review, and may include Rapid Flashing Beacons at un-signalized intersections.

Fire Truck Access
Fire Truck Access. Click to expand.
Fire truck turns accommodated to and from the station.

Lighting. Click to expand.
Improved roadway and pedestrian lighting, with additional lighting emphasis at crosswalks.

Expanded Plaza Space
Expanded Plaza Space. Click to expand.
Section of Kinnaird Street to be closed to expand plaza space. Click the image above to enlarge.

Norman Tubman Square
Norman Tubman Square. Click to expand.
Reconfiguring the space to make it more functional and inviting while maintaining a similar level of landscaped space.

Reconfigured Intersection
Reconfigured Intersection. Click to expand.
Intersection of Pleasant and River Streets to be reconfigured to slow vehicle turning speeds, increase plaza space, and reduce crossing distances. The image above shows what the current intersection looks like. Click the image above to enlarge.

New Crosswalk
New Crosswalk. Click to expand.
New crosswalk added to improve safe and accessible connections for people walking. Crossing control methods are under review, and may include Rapid Flashing Beacons.

Streetscape Elements
Streetscape Elements. Click to expand.
Trees and a scored concrete buffer will help separate people walking and people biking along the separated bike lane. Click the arrow on the image above to see proposed and current views. Click the images above to enlarge.

Reconfigured Intersection
Reconfigured Intersection. Click to expand.
Intersection of Pleasant and River Streets to be reconfigured to slow vehicle turning speeds, increase plaza space, and reduce crossing distances. The image above shows what the current intersection looks like. Click the image above to enlarge.

New Crosswalk
New Crosswalk. Click to expand.
New crosswalk added to improve safe and accessible connections for people walking. Crossing control methods are under review, and may include Rapid Flashing Beacons.

Activation Spaces
Activation Spaces. Click to expand.
Added space along the north side will allow for restaurant seating and outdoor gathering.
Tubman Square
Norman Tubman Square and the adjacent street’s reconfiguration will provide a more useable space for local residents to enjoy. Scroll through the two layout options that we’re proposing for the square.
Option A
Use the slider below to compare the current Tubman Square layout to the proposal in Option A.
Click the button in the upper right to enlarge.
Use the slider above to compare the current Tubman Square layout to the proposal in Option A.
Option A Features
Scroll down to view all the features of Option A.
Option B
Use the slider below to compare the current Tubman Square layout to the proposal in Option B.
Click the button in the upper right to enlarge.
Use the slider above to compare the current Tubman Square layout to the proposal in Option B
Option B Features
Scroll down to view all the features of Option B.
Carl Barron Plaza Overview
Carl Barron Plaza is the large pedestrian plaza in Central Square where Mass. Ave., River Street, and Prospect Street meet. The MBTA busway, Holmes Building, and Central Square Church border the plaza.
Street Changes to Create a Larger and More Cohesive Plaza
Multiple major streets and bus routes, as well as the MBTA Red Line all converge on Central Square at Carl Barron Plaza. It was therefore critical to look at transportation operations in the larger area between Auburn Street and Mass Ave. as a first step in defining how the plaza itself can be reshaped to meet our shared design goals.
We worked closely with multiple stakeholders, including the MBTA, Central Square Business Improvement District, Working Group members, adjacent property owners, social service providers, and members of the public. Through a collaborative process, we were able to redefine and expand the plaza’s overall footprint.
We’ve also adjusted the adjacent street circulation in a way that will meet transit operational needs, while providing a separated bike facility and direct pedestrian routes. The design options we’ve developed so far will also allow for new urban design elements and public amenities. Scroll down to learn about the transportation changes we’ll be making in order to achieve the vision for this important public space.
These changes result in an expanded plaza area for Carl Barron Plaza with two distinct areas: a transit hub towards Green Street and a public gathering space toward Mass Ave.
The redesign of the Plaza will not only incorporate specific public feedback we have received as part of this project; it will also reflect several overall City Policies and overarching design goals.
Scroll through the image of the outline of the plaza to learn about which features will need to be incorporated into the future design of the plaza.
Carl Barron Plaza Designs
Urban Design Features
While there are some elements that are required to accommodate the basic mobility and infrastructure needs of the plaza – there are still a variety of opportunities for new elements.
Scroll below to learn about some of the urban design features that we’d like to consider adding to the plaza.
Furniture & Seating
Trees And Landscaping
Adding trees and landscaping elements creates a welcoming atmosphere that offers shade and other environmental benefits and can enhance safety by providing green buffers that physically separate people walking and cycling through the plaza.
Iconic Architectural Structures
One or more iconic structures could serve as a central feature of Central Square and provide some shade and cover. These could also include unique lighting features.
Iconic Water Features
A water feature in the square could add a dynamic aspect to the plaza and contribute to the atmosphere of the space.
Wayfinding & Public Information
Clear directional signage and information features could allow for a more pedestrian friendly and accessible environment while serving as a key source of information regarding services and events being offered in and around Central Square.
Event and Programming Opportunities
By providing space for activities like farmer’s markets, performances, and art shows – the plaza could grow as an outdoor community space.
Design Options
To some extent the various urban design features that you just reviewed can be mixed and matched in several ways to create the Carl Barron Plaza layout. Taking those features into account, we’ve grouped them in four different sample designs.
Scroll through the example designs below. As you look through the examples, consider how each design would adapt from season to season.
Plaza A: Yin Yang Pavilions
This option is defined by its iconic pergola at the Mass. Ave. intersection with a flexible plaza space beneath it. The pergola creates a strong visual element, with complementary features including possible overhead catenary lighting, seat walls, and greenery.
Similarly, at the Green Street end of the plaza, smaller scale versions of the pergola structures would frame the bus stops along River and Green Streets. This would provide an opportunity to visually orient transit users to the bus stop locations while providing them seating and protection from the elements.
Click the first feature to begin and scroll down to see more.

Plaza Layout A Overview
Plaza Layout A Overview. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View Toward Transit Hub From Green Street
View Toward Transit Hub From Green Street. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View Crossing Mass. Ave. Toward River Street
View Crossing Mass. Ave. Toward River Street. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View From Center of Plaza Looking Toward Church
View From Center of Plaza Looking Toward Church. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View of Main Plaza Area at Mass. Ave.
View of Main Plaza Area at Mass. Ave.. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge
Plaza B: Serpentine Gardens
This option is defined by its linear water and serpentine paving style located near Mass Ave. that enhances and defines circulation for people walking while incorporating small, flexible gathering spaces.
At the Green Street end, this option provides individual transit shelters along with a landscape planter that physically separates the pedestrian and bicycle routes.
Click the first feature to begin and scroll down to see more.

Plaza Layout B Overview
Plaza Layout B Overview. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View Toward Transit Hub from Green Street
View Toward Transit Hub from Green Street. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View Crossing Mass. Ave. Toward River Street
View Crossing Mass. Ave. Toward River Street. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View From Center of Plaza Looking Toward Church
View From Center of Plaza Looking Toward Church. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View of Main Plaza Area At Mass. Ave.
View of Main Plaza Area At Mass. Ave.. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge
Plaza C: Gateway Plazas
This option is defined by a focal structure that bridges over the pedestrian sidewalk and separated bikeway, creating an iconic gateway for River Street.
On the Mass Ave. side of the plaza, an iconic water feature creates a celebratory and defining feature for Central Square.
Click the first feature to begin and scroll down to see more.

Plaza Layout C Overview
Plaza Layout C Overview. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View Toward Transit Hub from Green Street
View Toward Transit Hub from Green Street. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View Crossing Mass. Ave. Toward River Street
View Crossing Mass. Ave. Toward River Street. Click to expand.
Click the photo above to enlarge

View From Center of Plaza Looking Toward Church
View From Center of Plaza Looking Toward Church. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View of Main Plaza Area at Mass. Ave.
View of Main Plaza Area at Mass. Ave.. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge
Plaza D: Hybrid
This design shows a combination of elements from Designs A and C to showcase the flexibility in what the ultimate design may look like!
Click the first feature to begin and scroll down to see more.

Plaza Layout D Overview
Plaza Layout D Overview. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View Toward Transit Hub From Green Street
View Toward Transit Hub From Green Street. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View Crossing Mass. Ave. Toward River Street
View Crossing Mass. Ave. Toward River Street. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View From Center of Plaza Looking Toward Church
View From Center of Plaza Looking Toward Church. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge

View of Main Plaza Area at Mass. Ave.
View of Main Plaza Area at Mass. Ave.. Click to expand.
Click the image above to enlarge
Layout D: Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation Routes
Layout D: Space for Programming and Pop-Up Events
Thank You!
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