2025 My BeUTAHful Community Youth Art Competition

February 10 - March 24, 2025

2025 Competition Overview

Welcome to the 2025 My BeUTAHful Community Youth Art Competition!

This competition gives K-12 students in Utah the opportunity to self-express through public art, spark joy and creativity in others' lives, make public transportation a better place to be, and celebrate and represent all things Utah.

Any student or young person living in the state of Utah is invited to apply, regardless of their location or school status. One entry is allowed per student.

The 2025 theme is We Move CommYOUnity

As our communities continue to grow, there are changes that surround the many ways we connect. This year's theme highlights how UTA impacts and connects your community. UTA's mission is We Move You along with our vision of Leading Utah's mobility solutions and improving quality of life. All creative interpretations of the theme are accepted and encouraged - the more original, the better!

There are four categories open in the competition:

Kindergarten – 2nd grade

3rd grade – 6th grade

7th grade – 9th grade

10th grade – 12th grade

Winning artists will receive $100 and see their artwork displayed on UTA bus shelters around our cities, beginning May 2025.

This year, in addition to the winning pieces, there will be several honorable mentions who will also see their artwork displayed. This project aims to empower youth expression and make art a more accessible feature of our communities. Students can contribute greatly to community liveability and positive placemaking by participating in this program!

Submit Your Artwork

Submissions will be accepted between February 10 - March 24, 2025.

Follow the link below to submit a digital copy of your artwork to our Submittable page. This is the preferred form of submission.

If you are unable to submit your artwork electronically, you are also welcome to mail a physical copy of your artwork. Please include a completed copy of the submission document for mailed artwork with your submission. The submission document is not required for digitally submitted artwork.

If you are mailing more than one submission (i.e. for a class), please note that we require one submission document for each piece.

Artwork postmarked after March 17, 2025 will not be accepted for consideration.


We Move CommYOUnity - Exploring the World Around You

This year's theme is meant to be open-ended and focused on how you explore the world around you. As you draw inspiration for your artwork, pay less attention to the words themselves and focus more on what you feel when you think about them.

Here's a few ideas to help you get started:

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" - Helen Keller 

Being part of a community helps us feel safe and comfortable in the world. Communities can be made up of your family, friends, school groups, hobbies, and culture. When you think about your community, what do you picture? How does public transportation help your community? How does it bring different people together and strengthen your sense of community?

There are four categories open in the competition: 

  • K-2nd grade
    •  Who makes you happy or has fun with you? Why do those people make you feel good? Do you think buses or trains help you and your friends see new places? Where do you go? 
  • 3rd-6th grade
    • How does your creativity show your connection to your community? When you think about buses or trains, how does it help you explore? 
  • 7th -9th grade
    • What does your community mean to you? How can public transportation change to better help your community? What places do you want to see? 
  • 10th -12th grade
    • How can you use your skills and voice to bring your community together? How can public transportation help create a more sustainable connection to your community? Does art reflect what you see in your community? 

As you reflect on this theme, let your creativity take you anywhere it wants to go. The best part of any piece of art is its individuality and unique voice. We can't wait to see what you come up with!


We'd like to thank the following organizations for their partnership and support:

2025 Poster

2025 Competition English Poster

2025 Competition Spanish Poster


Bus Shelter Art Gallery

All riders and students will see the winning artwork displayed at bus shelters across our system. This art museum is unique in the state of Utah, and offers students a special opportunity to display their talents to people all over the Wasatch Front.

Below are examples of bus shelter wraps displaying artwork from 2021 competition which will be replicated with the 2025 competition winning artwork.

2021 Winning Artwork on Bus Shelter

Art Display at Salt Lake County Library in West Jordan


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the requirements for the artwork?

A: All submissions must adhere to the following guidelines:

2-D visual artwork will be accepted as a part of the competition, including artwork made with:

  • Paint
  • Pencils
  • Colored pencils
  • Markers
  • Digital programs
  • Pastel
  • Ink Artwork should reflect the 2025 theme, and can feature public transportation (though this not a requirement.) There are no specified dimensions for the artwork submissions, but please be aware that UTA may have to digitally resize your file in order to put it in the designated spaces on the buses and trains. Submissions of the following types will NOT be accepted:
  • 3-D artwork (sculptures, textiles, etc.)
  • Literature or written work
  • Music
  • Film
  • Dance choreography
  • Photography

Q: I live in Utah, but I'm not enrolled in school. Do I have to be a student to enter this competition?

A: No. If you are between the ages of 5-18 years old and you live in Utah, you are welcome to apply. You don't need to be enrolled in school to submit your artwork!

Q: Why is Utah Transit Authority running an art competition?

A: Because art and transit go hand in hand! UTA's mission is to move people. Thousands of people use our buses and trains every day to get where they need to go, and student artwork adds moments of joy, inspiration, and community building to their commutes.

We also work to ensure that our system is inclusive, accessible, and top-of-mind for people from all parts of the state. We want to make public transportation reflective of the communities we serve, and our student artists help us do just that.

Q: What makes this art competition different?

A: The My BeUTAHful Community Student Art Competition is different from other art competitions for a few reasons:

First, this competition and its theme is focused on Utah communities. We Want to see what your experience in your unique community is like. Utah is a diverse, interesting and beautiful place, and every person has a different story! We want to see a part of yours.

Second, we’re the only art competition in Utah where winners have their artwork displayed on transit! This year artwork will be wrapped on bus stop shelters across the Wasatch Front and may be featured on a vehicle wrap. Our art gallery is unique, and thousands of people will see your artwork and recognize your talent.

Third, this competition is entirely local. Judges will be selected from the local Utah art scene. Every person working on the competition lives, works, and/or goes to school in Utah. We are proud to say that this program is entirely focused on the place we all share and love.

Do you have questions that aren't covered here? Email us at  studentart@rideuta.com  and we will be in touch soon!

Past Artwork

2023 Winning Artwork

Thank you to everyone who submitted their artwork! Please enjoy these winning pieces, selected by our judging panel of local artists.

"Welcome Aboard" - Morgan B., 10th - 12th Grade Category

"Personal Growth and Change" - Valentina P., 10th - 12th Grade Category

"Different is Beautiful" - Katherine K., 10th - 12th Grade Category

"Wave" - Mariah B., 10th - 12th Grade Category

"People of All Kinds" - Jane S., 7th - 9th Grade Category

"The Future of Transportation" - Ben L., 7th - 9th Grade Category

"Sky of Imagination" - Jaden H., 7th - 9th Grade Category

"Spring Time in Utah" - Crystal J., 3rd - 6th Grade Category

"Food Bank Dream" - Katherine S., 3rd - 6th Grade Category

"The Heart[beat] of the City" - Zoey M., 3rd - 6th Grade Category

"In Utah We All Belong" - Beau B., Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Category

"Tree Bus" - Honor W., Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Category

"If I Could Create the Future" - Noelle H., Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Category

"Unity" - Otto L., Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Category

2025 Competition English Poster

2025 Competition Spanish Poster

"Welcome Aboard" - Morgan B., 10th - 12th Grade Category

"Personal Growth and Change" - Valentina P., 10th - 12th Grade Category

"Different is Beautiful" - Katherine K., 10th - 12th Grade Category

"Wave" - Mariah B., 10th - 12th Grade Category

"People of All Kinds" - Jane S., 7th - 9th Grade Category

"The Future of Transportation" - Ben L., 7th - 9th Grade Category

"Sky of Imagination" - Jaden H., 7th - 9th Grade Category

"Spring Time in Utah" - Crystal J., 3rd - 6th Grade Category

"Food Bank Dream" - Katherine S., 3rd - 6th Grade Category

"The Heart[beat] of the City" - Zoey M., 3rd - 6th Grade Category

"In Utah We All Belong" - Beau B., Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Category

"Tree Bus" - Honor W., Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Category

"If I Could Create the Future" - Noelle H., Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Category

"Unity" - Otto L., Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Category