Rare Beauty

The status and conservation of federally-listed plants in Washington State


Plants are the foundation of all ecosystems. Through photosynthesis, they capture energy from the sun and make that energy available to all other life forms. Beyond this key function, plants create food and shelter for wildlife, enrich soils, store carbon, and create oxygen. 

Though they tend to be overshadowed by more charismatic wildlife species, the loss of a plant species can lead to significant adverse effects on an ecosystem. A recent study (Knapp et al. 2020) estimates that 65 plant taxa (species and subspecies) have gone extinct in 31 states since European colonization of the United States. In sensitive areas like lowland prairies, sagebrush steppe, and subalpine zones Washington State’s plant species are especially vulnerable to extinction. Protecting these rare species from threats to their survival is essential in preserving those ecosystems. The Endangered Species Act of 1973 is one avenue that has been crucial to the conservation of many rare plant species.

What is the Endangered Species Act?

Established in 1973, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) recognizes that “species of fish, wildlife, and plants are of esthetic, ecological, educational, historical, recreational, and scientific value to the Nation” and that some of these species are at risk of extinction (United States, 1983, Section 2a). The purpose of the Endangered Species Act is to protect critically imperiled species from negative human impacts that can drive extinction. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have the primary responsibility to manage the protection of these species and create plans to recover their populations to sustainable levels.

Now, let's explore the ESA-listed plants of Washington!

Explore this StoryMap to learn about the rare and unique plant species in Washington State that are protected by the ESA. For each plant, you will find information about the current listing status, current range, identification, threats to survival, and conservation efforts being undertaken to protect the species. To learn more about how the listing process works, check out  this USFWS resource .

A Threatened Icon

Meet the Whitebark Pine, a keystone species in the American west that has a wide range but is declining due to the extensive threats that it faces.

How can we prevent a species from needing to be listed?

Listing can be a long, research-intensive, and complicated process. Collaboration among stakeholders can result in successful conservation and protection of a species without the need to list it on the ESA. Take a look at Northern Wormwood, a former candidate species which, through a partnership between the Grant County Public Utility District and the USFWS, was able to increase the conservation and ultimate success of the species.

Delisting: When ESA Protections and Conservation Efforts Pay Off

The delisting of any species off of the ESA is something to celebrate: it represents a success in the conservation efforts and protections afforded the species by the ESA.

View the slideshow below to see how two of Washington's own plant species, Bradshaw's lomatium, and water howellia, were recently delisted entirely from its former endangered status.

Historically, a combination of natural fires and planned burns by indigenous Tribes helped Bradshaw’s lomatium populations thrive. With the shift away from these practices and an increase in active fire suppression, undeveloped prairies have been lost. This loss, along with changes in land use (urban development and agriculture) and competition with invasive grasses, pushed this plant toward extinction. Due to native prairie restoration, habitat management, reduction of threats by private and public partners and the discovery of new populations, the species is now flourishing, with more than 24 populations and greater than 11 million plants.

As for water howellia, at the time of listing in 1994, the Service was aware of 107 occurrences of this plant in four states. The species faced threats primarily from land management activities, including timber harvest, grazing and road building, and from competition with invasive plants. As a result of improved science, land transfers and collaborative management plans, this aquatic plant is now found in five states with 307 known occurrences. A majority of those occurrences (84%) are on federal lands with management plans providing for the long-term conservation of the species. 

These remarkable achievement demonstrates the value of private and public partnerships in undertaking conservation efforts, and is a wonderful example of the ESA's ultimate goal for its listed species (USFWS, 2021).

So, how can you support rare native plants in Washington?

Strive to preserve native biodiversity, which promotes the health of the habitat that these rare native species need for survival. This includes taking actions such as: 

  1. Planting native species as part of landscaping projects, rather than removing them in favor of single-species grass lawns
  2. Removing invasive species or mowing them over several times a year
  3. Consulting  your county’s Washington State Noxious Weed List  to develop awareness of noxious weed species to watch out for. If you see them, remove them!
  4. If you find a rare plant, take pictures and remember to  leave no trace ! Count how many you observe and report it to the  Natural Heritage Program .

Nelson's checker-mallow. JK Amero / Creative Commons

Want to Learn More?

Take time to appreciate these rare plants and learn more about native species near you. You never know what you might find on your next hike. Here are some resources to help you identify rare plants in the field:

How to Get Involved

Proposals about the listing, delisting, or other decisions regarding ESA-listed species are all submitted to the  Federal Register . You can  make a public comment  on these proposals during the open commentary periods and contribute to the USFWS’s decision-making process about species that are important to you. 

There are many conservation organizations taking strides to preserve these amazing and important plants and ensure their long-lasting survival. Volunteering with these organizations can help them to achieve their goals and protect your local ecosystem:


Knapp, W. M., Frances, A., Noss, R., Naczi, R. F. C., Weakley, A., Gann, G. D., Baldwin, B. G., Miller, J., McIntyre, P., Mishler, B. D., Moore, G., Olmstead, R. G., Strong, A., Kennedy, K., Heidel, B., & Gluesenkamp, D. (2020). Vascular plant extinction in the continental United States and Canada. Conservation Biology, 35(1), 360–368.  https://doi.org/10.1111/cobi.13621 

United States. (1983). The Endangered Species Act as amended by Public Law 97-304 (the Endangered Species Act amendments of 1982). Washington: U.S. G.P.O.

All range map data is sourced from the USFWS Environmental Conservation Online System.

Each image used is credited to the photographer and/or institution. All images sourced from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, University of Washington Rare Care, Washington Natural Heritage Program, Ben Legler, and Burke Herbarium were used with permission. Wikimedia Commons and Creative Commons images are licensed under the  Public Domain Mark 1.0  CC0 1.0 Universal  CC-BY 2.0 , and  CC BY-SA 3.0  licenses.

Created by University of Washington Students for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Anna Gilmore, Hannah Nicholson, Allie Berry, Sierra Hemmig, Henry Donahue, Gustav Klemond, Hattie Hallman

Nelson's checker-mallow. JK Amero / Creative Commons