Our Temporary Redesign of Cummins Highway
To respond to urgent safety and health concerns, we made temporary changes to Cummins Highway.

We plan to completely reconstruct Cummins Highway between River Street and the intersection with Harvard Street and Wood Avenue.
We plan to reconstruct Cummins Highway between River Street and Wood Avenue/Harvard Street (pink line on the map above).
This means we will:
- Build new sidewalks
- Create safer crosswalks
- Install new street lights
- Plant street trees
- Fix the roadbed
- Add better bike lanes
Right now, a temporary redesign is in place.
The temporary design responds to safety and public health needs. The temporary design was installed to slow speeding drivers and to improve safety. It also creates additional space for physical activity and better connections to open space and parks. Getting outside in a safe, physically-distant manner provides important physical and mental health benefits.
We made these changes in response to urgent safety needs.
These changes are temporary. When we reconstruct Cummins, we will use a different design.
Speeding on Cummins Highway is a major concern. When someone driving at 35 mph hits a pedestrian, that person has a 50% likelihood of serious injury or death.
- In October 2018, one in three drivers traveled at 35 mph or more -- despite the speed limit of 25 mph.
- In March 2020, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation reported speeds on Cummins were 1.5 to 2 times higher than they were in March 2019.
- In December 2020, we collected new data about driver speeds on Cummins. The number of people driving 35 mph or higher has been reduced by 60%.
General travel times along Cummins now are similar to they were before our temporary redesign was installed. We understand that additional delays occur, particularly on trash days or when the bus doesn't pull to the curb. Any final design for Cummins will address this concern.
Neighbors review materials about the Cummins Highway reconstruction at a public meeting in 2019.
We plan to reconstruct Cummins Highway between River Street and Wood Avenue/Harvard Street. This investment will result in accessible sidewalks, safe crosswalks for elders and youth, new street trees, curbside parking, updated lighting, and more.
We began discussions about the reconstruction project in April 2019. We shared details at public meetings and with neighborhood groups. This design process is not finished. In the coming months, you will be able to participate in meetings and events to inform the final design.
Parking on Cummins
The temporary re-design has changed some things about parking on Cummins Highway.
If you are the driver or sitting behind the driver, always look behind you before you opening your door. Wait for a gap in traffic.
The slideshow below provides some tips for parking. Click the arrows on the sides to move forward and backward. We also have videos showing how to park, cross, and bike in this type of street design.
What's next?
We plan to reconstruct Cummins Highway between River Street and the intersection of Wood Avenue and Harvard Street.
This type of project involves rebuilding sidewalks, fixing issues with the roadbed, updating street lights, planting new trees, and more. It will be a long-lasting investment for today's residents of Mattapan.
Over the next few months, you will be able to participate in discussions about transportation in Mattapan. You will be able to share ideas and comments on the final design for Cummins Highway.
The project team is available to talk with you about the temporary design and the next steps for the final design. We offer 15-minute appointments on alternating Wednesdays between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. You can sign up online or by calling 617-635-4966.