2023 Virtual Tour

Dakota County Soil & Water Conservation District


Shenk Residential Raingarden

Installation of a 160 square foot residential raingarden. Project materials cost estimated at $1,299. Landowners receive a $250 Landscaping for Clean Water grant as well as technical assistance provided by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 


City of Burnsville Alimagnet Park Stabilization

The City of Burnsville installed a grade stabilization structure (detention basin) at Alimagnet Park. The project will intercept and slow the flow of stormwater that was causing gully erosion near the shore of Alimagnet Lake.   Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 


Dybedahl Residential Raingarden

Installation of a 150 square foot residential raingarden. Project materials cost estimated at $347. Landowners receive a $250 Landscaping for Clean Water grant as well as technical assistance provided by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District.   Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 


Boehmer Residential Raingarden

Installation of a 225 sq. ft. residential raingarden. Project materials cost estimated at $878. Landowners receive a $250 Landscaping for Clean Water grant as well as technical assistance provided by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 


Swiggum Residential Raingarden

Installation of a 407 square foot residential raingarden. Project materials cost estimated at $1,196. Landowners receive a $250 Landscaping for Clean Water grant as well as technical assistance provided by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 


Greg Fox Cover Crop

An oat and radish cover crop mix was planted on 40 acres following sweet corn harvest. The cover crop will provide erosion control, reduce weed pressure, and prevent nutrient leaching.   Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 


Terry Fischbach Native Prairie Restoration

3.1 acres of agricultural field and turfgrass were restored to native prairie vegetation. The native prairie will improve infiltration, reduce erosion, and provide wildlife habitat, particularly for pollinators.   Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 


Carol Leifeld Grassed Waterway

Surface water runoff was causing gully erosion along and within the existing waterway that was beyond it’s functional life. The project included the construction of a grassed waterway to convey the runoff and reduce future erosion.  Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 


Mary Schwendig Grassed Waterways

Surface water runoff was causing gully erosion along two existing waterways that were beyond their functional life. The project included the reconstruction of the grassed waterways to convey the runoff and reduce future erosion.   Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 


Swedin Trust Grassed waterway & Water and sediment control basins

Surface water runoff was causing erosion in the field. A 1,100-foot grassed waterway and two water and sediment basins were constructed to reduce future erosion.   Project Fact Sheet (PDF) 


Andy Winter Harvestable Cover

A harvestable perennial of alfalfa will be planted on 20 acres and remain there for 3 years. The perennial cover will provide over-winter protection of soils, erosion control, reduce weed pressure, and prevent nutrient leaching.   Project Fact Sheet (PDF)