A voyage to biology

meet the scientists!

Our school is the  Model Junior High School of Heraklion  which is located in the city of Heraklion in Crete. Our environment is urban but has also rural outskirts. Explore Heraklion in the following map!

We had a question about the  genetics of tusklessness in Elephants .

And the journey begins....

In this first task biologist  Dr. A. Pavlopoulos  helped us a lot.

Elefant without teeth

We explore several different aspects of evolution using the material of  biointeractive .

We then met biologist Dr. I. Stathi biologist of  Natural History Museum of Crete .

Dr I. Stathi answered our questions about how  biodiversity  is affected by the  climate change .

Our table from the meeting with Dr. I. Stathi

We wrote in the  blog of Scientix  about our meeting!

Dr I. stathi mentioned how crucial is the biodiverstity in our planet and how is affected by the climate change. We can see the biodiversity in our close environment, for example in the mountain of Psiloritis.

Mountain of Psiloritis with rich fauna and flora.

We took inteviews from biology students.

Unfortunately we realize that the climate change is here!

Here is the list of our work:

  1.  Changes to DNA of animals  by I. Kotsifou, M. Karapoulaki, K. Vourgouraki, A. Askoxilaki

animals in danger!

2. Game for the changes of DNA on animals by I. Kotsifou, M. Karapoulaki, K. Vourgouraki, A. Askoxilaki

Game for the changes of DNA on animals

3.  Experiment on UV radiation  by P. Vasilikogiannakis

vision of insects

4.  Map of the animals that are in danger  by M. Avanidi, D. Aeraki, M. Klados

map with animals in danger

5.  Climate change and the consequences in humans , by G. Aggelakis, A. Karagiannis, G. Kyrezis, O. Lasithiotakis

Maps of Europe


7.  Climate change in plants  by E. Koutraki, M. Vidaki, M. Zervakis

Plants and climate change

8. Interview of a Physisist scientist from M. Vidaki

interview from M. Vidaki

11. Finally we had a  presentation  on  Connect student's conference  (20/5/22) by I. Kotsifou and M. Avanidi

The whole project is within the framework of European project  Connect  which is a three-year project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program within the Science with and for the Society (SwafS).

Connect project

This work was performed by the class B1 of Model Junior High School of Heraklion.


In the framework of Connect Project and Scientix

Students of Model Junior High School of Heraklion

Elefant without teeth

Our table from the meeting with Dr. I. Stathi

Mountain of Psiloritis with rich fauna and flora.

animals in danger!

Game for the changes of DNA on animals

vision of insects

map with animals in danger

Maps of Europe


Plants and climate change

interview from M. Vidaki

Connect project