A History of the Community Conservation Assistance Program

Highlights of CCAP Projects

Overview of CCAP

The  Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP)  was authorized through Session Law 2006-78.  The program is administered by the NC Soil and Water Conservation Commission through local soil and water conservation districts.

The purpose of the CCAP is to reduce the delivery of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution into the waters of the State by installing best management practices (BMPs) on developed lands not directly involved in agricultural production. Through this voluntary, incentive-based conservation program, landowners are provided educational, technical, and financial assistance.

How Does CCAP Work?

The Soil and Water Conservation Commission allocates funds into two pools, the general District Allocations and the Regional Application Process. This split funding allows districts to implement local conservation projects using best management practices (BMPs) and to implement larger, more complex projects on a regional scale. Please refer to Regional Application Process webpage and the Detailed Implementation Plan for more information regarding allocations.

Applicants can be reimbursed up to 75 percent of a predetermined average cost or actual cost up to a cost cap for each BMP installed. The applicant is responsible for 25 percent of the costs. This may include the use of existing material and labor.

For more information on how to apply for CCAP and other  cost share programs , please contact your local  soil and water conservation district. 

Completed Backyard Rain Garden Projects

Impervious Surface Conversion BMP

Completed CCAP Projects

CCAP Regional Application projects have been completed in 68 out of 100 counties in North Carolina.

The map below shows all 527 completed CCAP Regional Application projects. Please note that there are over 80 more CCAP Regional Application projects still in different phases (planning, design, and construction) that are not featured here. To learn more details about completed projects (County, Contract Number, Contract Year, BMP, Cost Share Amount, and Year Implemented), select an individual point on the map below.

Completed CCAP Regional Projects, 2012-2024

CCAP Project Highlights

Completed BMPs are highlighted below to help showcase the critical role the CCAP Regional Application Process plays in assisting North Carolina communities achieve their water quality and conservation goals. These BMPs feature projects in all three regions (Mountain, Piedmont, Coastal Plain), showcasing the versatility of the program. Please note that BMP locations are not exact to protect the privacy of the cooperator.

Learn more about CCAP

To learn more about  CCAP , please view the videos below about what makes a good CCAP project and how to apply.

What Makes a Good CCAP Application FY 2022

CCAP Regional Application Process


Special thanks goes out to all district employees who provided information and pictures for the BMPs highlighted.

Cost Share Program: Community Conservation Assistance Program, CCAP

North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Completed Backyard Rain Garden Projects

Impervious Surface Conversion BMP