Vote for the winners of the 2024 UPPP StoryMap Challenge!
A StoryMap is an interactive online website that allows users to integrate dynamic maps produced on the ArcGIS online platform with narrative text, images, multimedia, and video. The StoryMap app provides an attractive and engaging platform for planning and policy education and outreach.
UCI's Department of Urban Planning and Public Policy invited students in its undergraduate and graduate majors to share their original StoryMaps on planning and policy issues. The UPPP community of students, faculty, staff, policy makers, and community partners is now invited to select the winners.
Student entries are posted below for review. Please click the titlecard to open each StoryMap in a new window. (Please note, some maps use subscriber-only content. To view this content, you may need to create an ArcGIS Online account. UCI students can go to UCI’s ArcGIS Portal to access ArcGIS online for free. Under the Enterprise Login menu, select Login with your UCInetID to gain access to the platform.)
Cast your vote for the best undergraduate and graduate Storymaps using this form by Sunday, June 2nd at 11:59pm. The StoryMap receiving the highest number of votes in each category will each be awarded a "Community Choice" Award and a $200 prize.
Thank you for participating in this year's StoryMap Challenge! If you have questions or have trouble viewing any of the StoryMaps, please contact Dr. Jessica Garrison (
To learn more about UPPP's degree programs, please visit our website .
Undergraduate entries
Philip Hernandez (Urban Studies & Criminology, Law, and Society)
Maria Guadalupe Mendoza (Environmental Science, Planning, and Public Policy)
Thi Le (Urban Studies)
Tiffany Chu (Urban Studies)
Joseph Trinidad (Urban Studies)
Jesse Garcia (Urban Studies)
Adarsh Tummala (Urban Studies)
Graduate entries
Ananya Peddibhotla (PhD, Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy)
Hasti Soutehkashan (Master of Urban and Regional Planning)
Lisa Kravitz (Master of Urban and Regional Planning)
Nicole Larson (Master of Urban and Regional Planning)
Sophia Gutierrez Hernandez (Master of Urban and Regional Planning)
Aaron Chu (Master of Urban and Regional Planning)