Patapsco Regional Greenway | Guinness to Southwest Area Park
The Guinness to Southwest Area Park segment of the PRG will use a variety of facility types to accommodate safe and comfortable use by pedestrians and bicyclists. The facilities being explored include asphalt/concrete pathways, crushed compacted stone pathways, bicycle boulevards, and boardwalks.
The Selected Alignment will provide a greenway connection between Guinness Open Gate Brewery and Southwest Area Park/Patapsco Light Rail Station. For the portion between Guinness Open Gate Brewery and I-695, the alignment will begin by following the BGE maintenance path along the Patapsco River. Once the trail crosses Herbert Run, it will then shift to follow the BGE utility corridor along the north edge of the project study area; between I-695 and Annapolis Road it will follow along the river for scenic views, then follow Annapolis Road, Georgia Avenue, and Klunk Drive.
Design Considerations
Due to the floodplains and wetlands along the alignment, sections of the trail would potentially be boardwalk. The types of potential boardwalk materials include timber boardwalk with railings, timber boardwalk with toe-kick, composite boardwalk with toe-kick, and grated boardwalk with toe-kick.
Timber boardwalk with railings, timber boardwalk with toe-kick, composite boardwalk with toe-kick, and grated boardwalk with toe-kick.
There are three at grade road crossings along the alignment. To ensure pedestrian safety crossing treatments are being planned, including curb extensions to shorten crossings, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, HAWK signals, and pedestrian refuge islands.
Curb extensions to shorten crossings, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons, HAWK Signals, and pedestrian refuge islands.
Proposed Concepts
Along the BGE Maintenance Road
The rendering shows the proposed shared-use path compared to the existing conditions along the BGE maintenance road. The trail surface along the BGE maintenance road will be a hard asphalt or concrete surface material to promote transportation trips and to allow for BGE maintenance vehicles to access the path when needed.
Along the Patapsco River
The rendering shows the proposed shared-use path compared to the existing conditions along the Patapsco River. Although a hard surface trail material is shown here, the trail surface type along the Patapsco River may need to be crushed compacted stone or a boardwalk due to proximity to the floodplain.
Annapolis Road
The rendering shows the proposed shared-use path compared to the existing conditions along Annapolis Road under the I-895 overpass, looking south. The trail will be a 10-foot-wide shared-use path with a 5-foot-wide grass buffer along the west side of Annapolis Road.
Guided Tour
A guided photo tour is included below which provides an "on-the-ground" view of existing conditions in the study area.
What We Heard
Public outreach was conducted in spring 2023, using various outreach methods (ArcGIS StoryMap, project website, online/in-person survey, and a Public Meeting held March 14, 2023).
A general summary is provided below:
Survey (55 survey responses and 33 general comments)
- 98% would use the path for biking, walking, or jogging
- Prefer a pathway with a “scenic route” and “free from noise pollutions (traffic)”
- Access paths to neighboring roads/additional trail connections would be beneficial
- Potential conflicts with proximity to industrial areas
- Parking near trail access points is needed
- Concern for general bicyclist and pedestrian safety
Sample of results from Spring 2023 survey
ArcGIS StoryMap (28 comments on embedded comment map)
- Locations of existing safety and access concerns
- Locations of frequent flooding/topographical challenges
- Alternative alignment suggestions
ArcGIS StoryMap embedded comment map
Roll Map/Comment Cards (8 roll map comments and 3 comment cards completed)
- Locations of frequent flooding/topographical challenges
- Maintenance/cost vs. scenic aspects
- Need for connections to adjacent neighborhoods
Roll map at March 14, 2023 Public Meeting
General Emails/Comments (17 received via project website)
- Generally supportive of the project
- Some comments provided detailed feedback
- Others contained questions for the Project Team
Your feedback is important to us! Now that you've had a moment to review the selected alignment to connect the Guinness Open Gate Brewery to Southwest Area Park, please take a moment to answer the following questions. Comments are being accepted through December 5, 2023.
PRG: Guinness to Southwest Area Park Selected Alignment
Tell Us More
Do you have specific comments about the Selected Alignment? Let us know by placing a comment on the map below! Comments are being accepted through December 5, 2023.