Deer mapping and population in TN

Herd growth has been such that hunting is allowed in all Tennessee counties with the deer herd numbering approximately 900,000 deer

There are a lot of deer in Tennessee to the 30 million deer in the whole U.S. over 33.3% are in Tennessee.

A map of male deer harvested with antlers.

A map of male deer harvested without antlers.

the amount of female deer harvested

Total amount of deer harvested in Tennessee

If you want to learn more about deer population you can watch this video.

In that map you saw how many deer were harvested in Tennessee counties. Also you saw there was a total of 4 maps of the deer harvested and they are antlered male, antlerless male, female, and total amount of deer.

If you take a look at the maps above there is a difference you can tell about there are more deer in middle Tennessee than in east Tennessee.

If you want to get into hunting here are some steps

  • First you have to take a hunting safety test on. 
  • Then you have to complete it.
  • then go out and buy a hunting and fishing license.
  • then buy the gun or bow, camo clothes, deer stand or blind.
  • then wake up at like 4 AM go out and kill a deer.

There are a few deer hunting seasons in Tennessee here they are

Antlered limit/ buck 2

  1. Archery sept 23 - oct 27 and oct 30 - Nov 3 antlerless or doe limit 4.
  2. young sportsman oct 28 -29 and Jan 13 - 14 doe limit 2.
  3. Muzzleloader/archery Nov 4 - 17 doe limit 2.
  4. Gun/Muzzleloader/archery Nov 18 - Jan 7 doe limit 1.

These are the deer species in Tennessee.

This is a picture of a whitetail deer which are most common in Tennessee and this is a male.

This is a doe (female deer) whitetail deer

This is a male elk or a buck

This is a female elk or a cow

This is a picture of a whitetail deer which are most common in Tennessee and this is a male.

This is a doe (female deer) whitetail deer

This is a male elk or a buck

This is a female elk or a cow