Immigration Story
Road to Immigration to Canada
The Citizenship Certificate
I used to live in Pakistan a few weeks ago. My family's plan to immigrate to Canada became 2 years ago after my grandmother passed away and the safety and security situation started becoming worse in Pakistan. So, my parents started the process to immigrate to Canada, but due to the pandemic COVID-19, our process to get Canadian Citizenship was delayed very much. However, after facing hundreds of challenges in this process in the span of 2 years, finally the day came when my whole family's citizenship certificate came, soon we booked our tickets and now today, here we are, living in Canada.
Image showing Indian Muslims immigrating to Pakistan on Independence.
My grandparents used to live in India before Independence. But after Pakistan got Independence in 1947, my paternal grandparents Immigrated from India to Pakistan and started living there. Some of the relatives of my Grandparents still live in India and now their children and grandchildren are also living there. So, for example if my grandparents also didn't immigrate to Pakistan like them, it was possible that I may not be living here in Canada.
Different types of people in Canada.
My Immigration to Canada is the first time I have got out of my home Country. This event has changed me and my life very much and this is a totally new Experience for me. Meeting new people of different cultures, living in a totally new Environment, experiencing different types of things that I never went through in Pakistan etc. has had a great impact on my life.
Countries representing my Immigration Life.
The story of my Immigration Life can only be represented by two countries. They are Pakistan, where I spent 13 years of my life in fun with my grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles etc. and the country from where I immigrated, to Canada, where I spent just around 2 months and am very much enjoying meeting new people and experiencing new things.