Marsh Monitoring with Drones

A community of practice in Maryland and Virginia

Bloede Dam, Patapsco State Park

Bloede Dam, Patapsco State Park. Click to expand.

Project lead: Matthew Baker, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Chincoteague Bay

Chincoteague Bay. Click to expand.

Project lead: William Nardin, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science's Horn Point Laboratory

Cove Point Marsh

Cove Point Marsh. Click to expand.

Project lead: Lora Harris and William Nardin, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Delmarva Saltwater Intrusion

Delmarva Saltwater Intrusion. Click to expand.

Project lead: Jarrod Miller, University of Delaware

Eastern Shore Tidal Marshes

Eastern Shore Tidal Marshes. Click to expand.

Project lead: Cindy Palinkas, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Horn Point Laboratory

Kyle Point

Kyle Point. Click to expand.

Project lead: Nick Kiraly, Underwood & Associates

Occohannock Creek

Occohannock Creek. Click to expand.

Project lead: Joseph Betit, Earth Systems Management, LLC

Poplar Island

Poplar Island. Click to expand.

Project leads: Lorie Staver, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Anna Windle, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Science Systems and Applications, Inc.

Shenandoah River

Shenandoah River. Click to expand.

Project lead: Ronaldo Lopez, Virginia Commonwealth University Rice Rivers Center

UMD UAS Research and Operations Center (UROC)

UMD UAS Research and Operations Center (UROC). Click to expand.

Project lead: John Slaughter, University of Maryland A. James Clark School of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering Department

York River Reserves

York River Reserves. Click to expand.

Project lead: Alex Demeo, Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia at Virginia Institute of Marine Science

York River State Park

York River State Park. Click to expand.

Project lead: Kory Angstadt, Virginia Institute of Maine Science Center For Coastal Resources Management

Whittaker Creek

Whittaker Creek. Click to expand.

Project lead: Tom Allen, Old Dominion University

Bloede Dam, Patapsco State Park

Project lead: Matthew Baker, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Project description: Imagery collected from UAVs used to develop digital elevation models from Bloede pool and downstream channel to monitor sediment flux following dam removal.

Pilot interests: Multitemporal alingment, baythymetric DEMs, flying in a gorge

Pilot certifications/permissions: Part 107, Permission from BWI tower, LAANC approval


Chincoteague Bay

Project lead: William Nardin, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science's Horn Point Laboratory

Project description: Monitoring living shoreline projects

Pilot interests: Marsh monitoring and modeling, nature-based solutions

Pilot certifications/permissions: My students have a FAA certification to fly drones.


Cove Point Marsh

Project lead: Lora Harris and William Nardin, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Project description: Since 2010, the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science has performed monitoring of a large scale marsh restoration at Cove Point.

Pilot interests: Wetland restoration (Harris), geomorphology (Nardin)

Pilot certifications/permissions: This is near a liquid natural gas facility and permission is required to fly drones adjacent to this site.


Delmarva Saltwater Intrusion

Project lead: Jarrod Miller, University of Delaware

Project description: Mapping edges of field boundaries within field crop agriculture as they transition to marshes due to saltwater intrusion; learn more at 

Pilot interests: Agronomy, Precision Agriculture.

Pilot certifications/permissions: Certified Drone Pilot, FAA


Eastern Shore Tidal Marshes

Project lead: Cindy Palinkas, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Horn Point Laboratory

Project description: Using drones to study plant communities and shoreline morphology pre and post-living shoreline construction at several sites across the Eastern Shore.

Pilot interests: vegetation monitoring, coastal geomorphology

Pilot certifications/permissions: FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certification; Landowner permission to launch/land from private property (when applicable)

Contact:,, and

Kyle Point

Project lead: Nick Kiraly, Underwood & Associates

Project description: Shoreline restoration project on Round Bay in the Severn River. This living shoreline utilizes a series of breakwaters and tombolos to dissipate wave energy, stabilize the existing shoreline and adjacent steep slope, and create and enhance a mosaic of estuarine habitats, including tidal marsh, beach strand, and submerged aquatic vegetation habitat. Monitoring continues by drone. Read more at 

Pilot interests: Drone LiDAR Mapping

Pilot certifications/permissions: FAA Part 107, DC SFRA


Occohannock Creek

Project lead: Joseph Betit, Earth Systems Management, LLC

Project description: Documentary - Building a Living Shoreline on the Chesapeake Bay's Occohannock Creek. A project by Chris Davis, Ready Reef Inc. Learn more:

Pilot interests: education, training, advanced geospatial technologies, unmanned robotic water mapping, shallow water specialization

Pilot certifications/permissions: FAA Part 107


Poplar Island

Project leads: Lorie Staver, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Anna Windle, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Science Systems and Applications, Inc.

Project description: Drones are being used to monitor vegetation coverage, marsh migration, channel evolution, and edge erosion in the restored marshes at Poplar Island. Multispectral UAS data was collected at Poplar Island and used as input into a machine learning model to classify species-specific marsh vegetation; learn more at  and 

Pilot interests: Ocean color remote sensing, ocean optics, water quality, hyperspectral imaging, vegetation indices, seasonality

Pilot certifications/permissions: FAA Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate


Shenandoah River

Project lead: Ronaldo Lopez, Virginia Commonwealth University Rice Rivers Center

Project description: UAS-acquired hyperspectral imagery and model development to assess benthic cyanobacterial blooms occurring in the Shenandoah River, VA. This is a collaborative project in partnership with the Interstate Commision on the Potomac River Basin, USGS, and the VCU Rice Rivers Center, and is funded by the VADEQ.

Pilot interests: Wetland and aquatic systems ecologist, remote sensing specialist, spectroscopy, model development

Pilot certifications/permissions: Part 107 certification, special research permits for state park


UMD UAS Research and Operations Center (UROC)

Project lead: John Slaughter, University of Maryland A. James Clark School of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering Department

Project description: UROC supports safe and effective use of UAS by faculty, students, and other researchers and advances UAS integration in the National Airspace System; learn more at 

Pilot interests: Engineering, operations, modifications, prototyping, integration, planning

Pilot certifications/permissions: Part 107 certified operators; established status as public entity for purposes of obtaining FAA Certificates of Waiver or Authorization; Commercial Services Agreement (CSA) with Navy to access restricted airspace over the Chesapeake Bay


York River Reserves

Project lead: Alex Demeo, Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia at Virginia Institute of Marine Science

Project description: Flights of four reserve components yearly to track habitat changes. Work with other groups on shoreline mapping and video/photos of work in the field.

Pilot interests: Fixed wing drones, quad copter drones, PIX4D, flight operations

Pilot certifications/permissions: FAA Part 107 license holder, AgEagle factory trained for Ebee series drones


York River State Park

Project lead: Kory Angstadt, Virginia Institute of Maine Science Center For Coastal Resources Management

Project description: Investigating estuarine bank heights and bluff change using remote sensing techniques; learn more at 

Pilot interests: Drone mapping, processing

Pilot certifications/permissions: Drone Flight Permission from the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation


Whittaker Creek

Project lead: Tom Allen, Old Dominion University

Project description: Academic-industry collaboration to restore marshes, reuse dredge spoils, and enhance public access to Whittaker Creek and Severn River, VA. Project is using two types of drones, photogrammetry and LIDAR, hydrodynamic modeling, marsh planting, and an innovative oyster reef and DredgeSOX sill technology.

Pilot interests: UAS and remote sensing, GIS, marsh ecology, sea level rise, coastal resilience

Pilot certifications/permissions: FAA UAS remote pilot certificate, no other requirements (class G airspace)


Do you want to be part of the network for marsh drone research in the Chesapeake Bay region? Maryland Sea Grant is collecting information about projects in the coastal Chesapeake Bay area in a StoryMap to help drone users and the drone-curious connect.  Take this quick survey  to have your work featured in this resource!

Interested in using drones for marsh research? View our  webinar recording here .