Unipark - Mönchsberg

Virtual Field Trip exploring Salzburg from (slightly) above


Johann Friedrich Probst - Die Stadt Salzburg im Jahr 1710 (Kupferstich)


Starting from Unipark Nonntal, we are taking a round trip exploring Salzburg from two of its inner city hills - 'Stadtberge' - by walking around Festungsberg and across Mönchsberg. Several stops at established view points will introduce a range of topics - nonwithstanding lots of additional places and themes to be explored!

A little background

Info Stops

Along the route, several locations provide particularly spectacular and insightful views. These stops offer educational info displays not to be missed.

Join a Walk

This is how your trip over and around Festung and Mönchsberg could look like ...

The previous section illustrates just one of many routes for experiencing this part of Salzburg city from a personal perspective. Below, you are welcome to share your own impressions!

Festung Hohensalzburg

Having completed the trip around the castle on top of the hill, as a final experience you are welcome to explore it in some more detail - as seen from a drone camera in late 2020.


This Virtual Field Trip has been designed and compiled by Josef Strobl for an audience of international students visiting Salzburg and the University of Salzburg. Thanks to:

Christian Uhlir

Info Displays

Manfred Mittlböck

3D Model of Festung

Johann Friedrich Probst - Die Stadt Salzburg im Jahr 1710 (Kupferstich)