Engaging Graduate Students in Building a Just Climate
Stories and Reflections from a Climate Justice Initiative at the University of Oregon

This storymap highlights reflections and takeaways from graduate students working with a climate justice initiative of the Pacific Northwest Just Futures Institute for Racial and Climate Justice (JFI). From 2021-2024, three graduate students - Dara Craig, Dehlia Wolftail, and Sijo Smith - were supported for 9 months each through generous funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and worked closely with the team leads, Dr. Mark Carey and Kathy Lynn , in addition to individual mentors and researchers. This funding supported graduate students in their work with two long-term collaborative projects at the University of Oregon as well as individual research projects.
Program Support: Student Contributions to the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project
The Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project (TCCP) is a collaborative project within the University of Oregon's Environmental Studies Program with support from the Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. All three graduate students contributed to the work that TCCP does through attending monthly calls, contributing to the email bulletin, and updating the Tribal Climate Change Guide . This helped the graduate students orient themselves and increase insight of the issues that Tribes in the PNW are facing and how climate change is affecting these issues. Through reading newsletters, publications, and attending webinars, these students were able to ground themselves within Oregon and engage with timely work as new policies and research projects were conducted. Additionally, through attending monthly network calls and other events, and through introductions from Kathy Lynn, they were able to connect with practitioners across the region representing Tribes, agencies, universities, and NGOs.
Individual Research Projects
In addition to supporting the work of the TCCP, each graduate student contributed to this climate justice initiative through individual research projects. Dara Craig, supported from 2021-2022, examined how U.S. federal agency climate adaptation plans (CAPs) uphold federal trust responsibility to Tribes and reflect Tribal priorities. As directed by President Biden’s Executive Order 14008, major federal agencies are required to develop climate adaptation and resilience plans and in October 2021, over 20 federal agencies released their CAPs for public comment. Dara reviewed three extensive, Tribally-led and climate-focused reports to identify five key Tribal priorities in climate adaptation planning. She then analyzed five federal agency CAPs from the Department of Commerce, Department of Energy, Department of Interior, Environmental Protection Agency, and Department of Agriculture. Dara’s examinations of these CAPS highlighted how agencies respect or overlook Tribal priorities, as identified in the Tribally-led reports.
Dehlia Wolftail, supported from 2022-2023, worked closely with Dr. Ashley Cordes on a research project pertaining to Celilo Falls, an historically significant area for four tribes in the Pacific Northwest - the Yakama Nation, Warm Springs, Umatilla, and Nez Perce Tribes. Dehlia analyzed extensive literature focused on resource co-management between Tribes, Federal, and State agencies. She also interviewed her grandmother about Celilo Falls for a publication piece on the area. Dehlia also crafted an introduction and outline for an additional forthcoming publication, based on the research she did on Celilo Falls. She also worked with Dr. Cordes to improve the University of Oregon Land Acknowledgement , an important statement that is used across the University.
Sijo Smith, supported from 2023-2024, examined major concerns and solutions for Tribes on extreme heat events. In the face of shifting environments and climate, many Tribes across the United States are conducting climate vulnerability assessments and implementing adaptation plans. Of increasing concern for both Tribes and the general public is the issue of extreme heat. Sijo used the Tribal Resilience Action Plan Database to search for Tribal climate adaptation plans discussing extreme heat and read through fifteen adaptation plans to identify key priorities and concerns. She then conducted a meta-analysis of literature on extreme heat to learn more about the specific issues identified in Tribal adaptation plans and proposed solutions, focusing on both health and ecological impacts. Sijo compiled this information into an outline of extreme heat concerns identified by Tribes, including definitions from both Tribal adaptation plans and other scientific literature. From the Tribal adaptation plans and other literature, she identified potential solutions to these concerns, including mitigation efforts, infrastructure changes, and adaptive measures.
Collaboration and Dissemination
All three graduate students attended and presented at various conferences because of Andrew W. Mellon Foundation funding and their role with JFI. Through this opportunity each graduate student gained invaluable professional skills and built networks with researchers and practitioners outside the university. Dehlia shared her story of overcoming extreme adversity to attend graduate school as part of the Young Leaders panel at the 2022 Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians Summit in Spokane, WA. She also presented at the 2023 Just Futures Institute Panel on the work she accomplished during her research assistantship, and shared how mentorship and programs such as JFI made a significant difference in her journey.
“My own personal journey can inspire other Indigenous students to pursue their goals despite the extreme adversity they face.”
Dara remains actively involved with two external collaborative research projects that she initially joined through her Mellon-funded work. One is with Dr. Kimberly Yazzie at Stanford University, working to understand the efficacy of climate services for Tribal Nations across the country. Together they’ve conducted multiple nation-wide surveys and focus groups to understand how climate services – such as grants, trainings, conferences, and online guides – can better meet the needs of Tribes working on climate adaptation and mitigation. They also presented and hosted focus groups at the 2022 National Tribal & Indigenous Climate Conference in St. Paul, MN. They now have a publication in preparation.
Dara also continues to work closely with a collaboration based at the University of Washington with Dr. Clarita Lefthand-Begay , several of her graduate students, and researchers in the U.S. Forest Service. They think about collaborative land management relationships in the Pacific Northwest. The team presented at the 2023 National Wilderness Workshop and has completed two projects so far, both with publications forthcoming. One is a case study analysis examining three examples of collaborative management relationships between Tribal Nations and federal land management agencies. The second is a scoping review of shared stewardship scholarship, and as a continuation of these two projects, are in the process of working with the Snoqualmie Tribe to run workshops thinking about collaborative management.
Dara and Sijo presented jointly at the 2024 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference as part of a larger panel featuring the work that Dr. Carey leads through JFI. Dara and Sijo presented their research and community-oriented work on “Engaging Students in Anticolonial Research for Tribal and Academic Partnerships,” sharing reflections and key takeaways from graduate students who have worked with TCCP. They also presented this research at the National Science Foundation’s 2024 Navigating the New Arctic Annual Community Meeting in Washington, DC.
Working together on this research project gave Sijo and Dara the opportunity to practice collaborative work and jointly reflect on their efforts to support Tribal research priorities in the Pacific Northwest. These conferences also offered opportunities to learn from keynote speakers, network with fellow researchers, and learn more about conducting interdisciplinary research.
“These kinds of initiatives offer opportunities for students to connect with work happening beyond the academy. My time with JFI has offered invaluable relationship-building experience and long-term collaborations across the Pacific Northwest.”
Reflections and Takeaways
For each of these graduate students, the opportunity to engage with the work of this Mellon-funded initiative offered significant professional development, networking, and education. All three graduate students continue to engage with Tribes and Indigenous research in their individual graduate research projects. Their work with this JFI Initiative and the relationships that have stemmed from it gave them the opportunity to practice anti-colonial and Indigenous research methodologies that they have learned about in classes. Additionally, they met and learned from incredible researchers, allies, and mentors through the relationships that this initiative supports.
“As a first-generation college student, this research assistantship with the Just Futures Institute helped me greatly with completing my first year in graduate school. From this amazing opportunity, I have met some incredible researchers, allies, and mentors. Their patience, insight, and expertise helped me better conduct research focused on a common goal.”
Working with this Initiative also gave the graduate students practice in conducting and reporting research in concrete, practical ways. Each of the students conducted a literature review as part of their individual research projects, and with feedback from Mark and Kathy gained knowledge on how to effectively find and analyze existing literature - critical skills for graduate students. The individual research projects expanded beyond academic, peer-reviewed publications to include grey literature such as agency and Tribal climate adaptation plans. Learning how to incorporate a broader scope of knowledge and context is key to grounding theoretical work, which the three graduate students have continued to carry forward into their future research projects.
Additionally, all three students emphasized the irreplaceable value of working with this Initiative early in their time as graduate students. Dara worked on this climate justice project in her second year, and Dehlia and Sijo in their first years. Gaining a support network through Mark, Kathy, and additional mentors early on helped them navigate these often-difficult years and created lasting relationships. These relationships continue to guide them both personally and professionally.
“I very much value feeling grounded in my work with JFI. It has been so helpful to feel connected with a vibrant, active, and incredibly inspiring community. I have been able to see and practice relation-based methods, in ways that will shape my future research endeavors even beyond my time at the University of Oregon.”
Dehlia, now funded by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, is still engaged in work with Dr. Cordes. Dara, conducting field work in Aotearoa/New Zealand funded by a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, continues to work collaboratively with researchers at the University of Washington and Stanford University. This summer, Sijo will travel to Alaska to conduct research with a food security partnership and collaborate with partners met through the TCCP, CCIP, and the JFI Initiative. Working for this initiative as graduate students connected them to a strong community, both within and beyond the academy.