One College/One Map
Sharing GIS Basemaps and Data to Support ACC
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can connect maps, apps, and data in ways that help organizations share information efficiently and accurately.
Facilities and Construction, Safety and Operations, Marketing, Recruiting, Institutional Research & Analytics, and other departments have started using GIS to support decision-making and business processes.
All our current mapping projects are built on common basemaps showing ACC district jurisdictional boundaries and campus locations. We are in the process of expanding ACC's base map information to include building floorplans, 360 photos, property boundaries, easments, and more. As our geographic base data grows, so will the ways we can use it to support ACC students and departments.
Below is a sampling of ACC GIS projects and a preview of where we are going.
ACC System Base Layers
- ACC campuses, taxing district, service area, and other district-wide reference layers are currently available and provide context for all ACC mapping projects.
- Many layers have popups with images and additional information.
ESRI Community Maps Integration
- We contribute and update detailed campus drawings that are integrated into all ArcGIS and ESRI basemaps through the "Community Maps" program. Anyone in the world using or viewing a map made with these products will see something like the image below if they zoom into one of our campuses.
Facilities and Construction
In 2020 the ACC Facilities and Construction department initiated the San Gabriel Campus GIS Pilot Project. ACC GIS students, the Facilities and Construction department, the academic GIS Department, and ACC's Incubator for Professional Skills (ACC Inc) collaborated to pilot an ACC system-wide GIS starting with San Gabriel Campus. The long-range goal of the project is to build and maintain a variety of GIS layers for the ACC six-county service area, as well as provide GIS support services for ACC departments wanting to use it.
Land and Real Estate Layers
- Facilities and Construction is using GIS to organize real estate information.
- Parcels and easements are entered using coordinate geometry (COGO).
- The survey and other legal documents related to the parcel are attached for easy retrieval in the office or the field.
- Appraisal district and zoning information is included for context.
- A password will be required to access private information.
- ACC GIS interns are paid and gain job experience helping build these layers.
Exterior Layers
- Aerial imagery for SGC was captured in October 2021 using GIS department Phantom 4 Quadcopter Drone and is accurate to 12 centimeters.
- The utility layers are based on CAD drawings and upgraded with directional network flow data.
- Electric, gas, telecom, watering system, shut-off points, and other exterior layers are planned additions.
- ACC GIS interns are getting real-world GIS experience helping build these layers.
Interior Layers
- CAD and Revit plans are georeferenced to provide spatially accurate 2D and 3D indoor models.
- Detailed floorplan information is available with room numbers and images.
- Floorplan maps can be used for indoor wayfinding, room allocation, safety and evacuation plans, and more.
- ACC GIS interns are getting real-world GIS experience helping build these layers.
Safety and Operations
ACC's Safety and Operations Department has used GIS for a parking space inventory, landscape maintenance calculations, utility shut-off valve locations and insurance maps.
Shut-Off Valve Collector
- This map is configured to collect shut-off locations with the ESRI Field Maps App.
- Using a smartphone, shut-off valve locations can be documented, photographed, and automatically added to the map.
Landscape Maintenance Areas
Other Projects
Clery Geography
- This map is accessible from the ACC Clery Webpage and is part of Clery Act compliance.
- It is configured so our Clery compliance officer can make updates to the map as needed.
- The Bus Stops layer in this map is an example of an external layer. It is owned and maintained by Cap Metro and any changes they make will automatically be updated on our map as well.
OIRA - Fact book and Low SES Maps
The office of Institutional Research and Analytics uses GIS each semester to Geocode students and update the ACC Factbook. They have also used GIS for low SES analysis and other research.
Recruiting - Community Based Partner Organizations
Marketing - R.B. Events
- This map was a request from the Marketing Department in 2020.
- When RB goes to an event he can use the ESRI Field Maps app on his phone to add a dot to the map with information about the event and pictures.
- This map is displayed in a dashboard that highlights summary data.
- The numbers and the bar graph will update automatically when another event is added to the map.
- A dashboard like this could be used to highlight data from any of ACC's maps.
One Campus/One Map
We will continue building a robust set of geographic data that can be leveraged by ACC departments and students, and expand the opportunities for using GIS.
First priority:
- Mapping parcels and real estate documents.
- Floorplans with 360 photos at each campus.
Future projects:
- Sustainability Maps
- Virtual Campus Tours.
- Indoor wayfinding
- Room assignments
MOU/Guidelines for GIS Requests
Following the "One Campus/One Map" ideology, we would like to support departments wishing to utilize GIS. We can customize an ACC online map and set up data collection methods. Your department can then update symbols, add information, conduct analysis and develop the maps that are most useful for your needs. If your project is large in scope we can also work with GIS interns from your department to help complete the project. Reach out to discuss your mapping needs.