One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish
Uhu Facts
Uhu are one of the most iconic fish on the reef and are extremely important to the reef and the people of Hawai‘i.
Found in depths of 1-210 feet.
Red vs Blue
Uhu come in two main colors representing the different reproductive life phases. The large final phase of uhu that is mostly blue in color are males, while the smaller red/grey uhu (initial phase) are mostly females.
Most uhu start their life as females (red) and as they grow older, they can change sex to male (blue). Scroll all the way down to learn more about why this happens.
An artistic rendition of Uhumakaʻikaʻi http://www.etsy.com/shop/Akuacreative
Uhu in Hawaiian Culture
In Hawaiian moʿolelo (traditional stories), uhu make many appearances. In the story of Puniakaia, he catches a small uhu (pāuhuuhu) and takes him home to care for him. The uhu grows to be a very large fish and was given the name Uhumakaʿikaʿi- this was the parent of all fishes. Puniakaia returns the uhu to the ocean and when there is a call for everyone to go fishing, Puniakaia calls upon his pet uhu to bring the fish. Uhumaka‘ika‘i obeys, providing enough fish for everyone including the pigs and dogs.
To learn more and read the entire moʿolelo, click the button below:
Types of Parrotfish
Uhu is the general name for parrotfish but there are seven types of parrotfish in Hawai'i and each have many names they are known by. There are two big categories, large-bodied and small-bodied. Learn the various names of each species below.
Large-Bodied Uhu
Whiptail parrotfish, Red-lipped parrotfish, or uhu ‘ele‘ele and uhu pālukaluka
Male Uhu ‘ele‘ele (left) and female pālukaluka (right)
Fantail parrotfish, Spectacled parrotfish, or uhu uliuli and uhu ‘ahu‘ula
Male Uhu uliuli (left) and female ‘ahu‘ula (right)
Small Bodied Parrotfish
Stareye parrotfish, or pōnuhunuhu
Male pōnuhunuhu (left) and female (right)
Bullethead parrotfish, or uhu
Male uhu (left) and female uhu (right)
Palenose parrotfish, or pānūnū or uhu
Male uhu (left) and female uhu (right)
Yellowbar parrotfish, or uhu
Male Uhu (left) and female uhu (right)
Regal parrotfish, or lauia
Male lauia (left) and female (right)
1. ‘Ōlelo No‘eau (92) – ‘Akahi ho‘I ku‘u ‘ono I ka uhu ka‘alo I ku‘u maka. Now I long for the uhu fish that passes before my eyes.
How I would like that handsome fellow for a sweetheart. The uhu is a bright-colored fish, beautiful to look at, and tasty.