York City, PA Walkability
The EPA Walkability Index tool compares places based on their suitability for walking as a means of travel.
The Walkability Index
The EPA's Walkability Index dataset characterizes Census 2019 block group in the U.S. based on its relative walkability. Walkability depends upon characteristics of the built environment that influence the likelihood of walking being used as a mode of travel. The Walkability Index is based on the EPA's previous data product, the Smart Location Database (SLD). Block group data from the SLD was the only input into the Walkability Index, and consisted of four variables from the SLD weighted in a formula to create the new Walkability Index. This dataset shares the SLD's block group boundary definitions from Census 2019. The methodology describing the process of creating the Walkability Index can be found in the documents located at https://gaftp.epa.gov/EPADataCommons/OA/WalkabilityIndex.zip . You can also learn more about the Smart Location Database at https://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/smart-location-mapping .
Intersection Density
Intersection density (SLD variable D3b, measured in street intersections per acre): Higher intersection density is correlated with more walk trips.
Proximity to Transit Stops
Proximity to transit stops (SLD variable D4a, measured in meters from population-weighted centroid of block group to nearest transit stop): Distance from population center to nearest transit stop in meters. Shorter distances correlate with more walk trips.
City Park Proximity
Over 70% of York City land mass is within a 10-minute walk to a city park. Two-thirds of the land mass outside the light green 10-minute walkshed is non-residental districts.