1st Ave N Reconstruction Project

Project overview

A graphic shows the 1st Ave N study corridor, between 8th St and Washington Ave , in relation to its surrounding area, including the Mississippi River, Downtown, Target Field, and the North Loop.

The City of Minneapolis is starting the redesign process of 1st Ave N with community input to re-envision the iconic corridor before reconstruction in 2028.

What we've heard

Six key goals for the 1st Ave N future vision emerged across all the project input opportunities in the initial phase of public engagement.

  • Pedestrian Focus: The entertainment district benefits from amenities for people walking and rolling.
  • An Exciting Destination: Vibrancy, color, lighting, public art, and wayfinding can enhance visible neighborhood identity.
  • Neighborhood Amenities: More food & beverage options, kid-friendly play spaces, seating, and restrooms for residents, workers, and visitors are needed.
  • Access: People use multiple options to access 1st Ave N like walking, transit, driving, biking/pedicabs, and Uber/Lyft.
  • Nightlife & Event Operations: A flexible design is preferred to handle street closures at peak times and for other special events like Warehouse District Live.
  • Greening the Corridor: More natural features that fit a high volume pedestrian destination and maintenance plans are needed.


We are early in a multi-phase engagement approach for 1st Ave N before reconstruction in 2028.


A photo shows a crowd of people crossing 1st Ave N as they leave an evening event.
A photo shows a group of people leaving the light rail transit station on their way to 1st Ave N.
A photo shows a railing and parking meter functioning as barriers within the sidewalk.




The following vision statement was developed through community engagement. It takes into account the  6 goals  that emerged from the first phase of engagement, which are outlined in different colors. Please share your thoughts on this vision statement in the survey at the end.

1st Ave N is a walkable, people-first street and vibrant destination. Its neighborhood amenities and highquality public realm foster social interaction, civic gathering, and community pride. 1st Ave N connects residents and visitors to downtown with an inviting, safe experience whether they’re passing through or spending time. It is the premier destination for nightlife and events of all sizes, where the rich artistic history of Minneapolis is visibly celebrated in a colorful and natural environment.




Photos show separate space for people walking, varied pavement textures and treatments, generous and unobstructed pedestrian zone, shorter crossing distance and raised crossings, signage for finding nearby destinations, and amenities for people walking and rolling, like seating and shade.
Photos show public art that showcases the history and culture of the Warehouse District, flexible and active spaces in the street that invite people to stay, seasonal programming and markets, cultural events and celebrations, features that highlight historic character, and psace for programming and events to celebrate Warehouse District identity.
Photos show fixed bench seating, space for pop up retail, interactive, playful furnishings, ambient lighting that doubles as publc art, movable social seating, and pedestrian scale lighting.

Your input

The surveys are currently closed.

To see what we've heard so far, view the  Phase 1  and  Phase 2  engagement summaries and explore 1st Ave N and community comments by clicking on the map below.

Comments recieved through public engagement, 2024. Stantec.

Up Next: Concept Design

Check back soon for updates.


If you wish to provide feedback, please contact the project team at  1stAvenueNReconstructionProject@minneapolismn.gov