AG Hill Arboretum Walk

The University of Georgia is one of the most beautiful in the United States. Stately, noble trees provide human scale, a sense of place, cooling shade, and tranquility to students, faculty, staff, and visitors. To walk this hallowed campus is to sense the pride in its heritage and hope for the future. The designation of the campus as an arboretum not only insures sustained, energetic tree planting and maintenance, but also presents opportunities for studying trees. This "Tree Walk" is the first project of the University of Georgia Campus Arboretum initiative.

Begin this tour at the northwest corner of Conner Hall on Ag Hill near the intersection of Cedar Street and DW Brooks Drive. Look for the black plaques mounted in front of each described tree species. To advance from tree to tree scroll downwards or click/tap on the numbered circles on the map.

If using a mobile device, tap on the square in the upper right corner of the map to view your location.