RTC On Demand!
Working with Radiometrically Terrain Corrected Sentinel-1 SAR datasets from the Alaska Satellite Facility
Synthetic Aperture Radar & RTC
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has the advantage of being able to image the surface of the Earth consistently, regardless of cloud cover or time of day. The Sentinel-1 satellite constellation collects SAR data globally, generally with a 6- to 12-day return interval, making it a very powerful dataset for time series analysis, change detection, and flood extent mapping. It can be difficult to know how to use SAR imagery, however, especially if you are new to the dataset.
One of the most common hurdles when working with Sentinel-1 data is the process of transforming available Level 1 data (SLC or GRD) to an analysis-ready format. Because of the side-looking geometry of the image acquisition, there are distortions inherent to SAR datasets that need to be corrected before they can be used in GIS applications. Radiometric Terrain Correction (RTC) uses a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to adjust for these distortions, generating a product that is ready for GIS analysis.
OPERA Sentinel-1 RTC Products
ASF provides access to Sentinel-1 RTC products generated by the OPERA project , managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. All Sentinel-1 acquisitions over landmasses (excluding Antarctica) since October 4, 2023 have been processed to RTC, and there is a back-processing effort underway to provide RTC products back to 2021.
The OPERA RTC-S1 products are generated in gamma-0 power at 30-m pixel spacing, and can be downloaded directly from ASF without having to wait for processing. If they are available for your time period and area of interest, consider using the OPERA RTC products rather than processing RTC on demand. Learn more here :
If OPERA RTC-S1 products are not available for the time and place you are interested in, you can submit any Sentinel-1 acquisition for processing to RTC using ASF's On Demand processing service. The remainder of this tutorial guides you through the process of ordering and using ASF's On Demand RTC products.
Ordering RTC Products through Vertex
The Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF) offers On-Demand RTC Processing of Sentinel-1 datasets directly in our Data Search - Vertex portal. This allows you to search for Sentinel-1 scenes and submit them for processing directly in Vertex.
ASF uses cloud computing to efficiently process the data, and the RTC products are generally available for download less than an hour later. Processing time usually ranges from 20-40 minutes, but can vary depending on how many requests are being submitted at any given time.
On-Demand processing is available to anyone, but you will need to sign in with Earthdata Login credentials in Vertex before requesting on-demand products. If you don't already have an Earthdata Login, you can register here . Each user is provisioned with 10,000 credits per month for on-demand processing, and different job types require different numbers of credits .
Scroll through the following sections to learn how to search for Sentinel-1 acquisitions and add them to the On Demand Queue, select processing options, submit the jobs for processing, and download the data for use in applications.
(Updated 25 April 2023)
Geographic Search
Start with a Geographic Search in Vertex to find Sentinel-1 acquisitions of interest, and add them to your On Demand Queue.
Data Search - Vertex
Visit ASF's Data Search - Vertex portal to find Sentinel-1 scenes of interest.
The Dataset parameter is set to Sentinel-1 by default.
Sign in - Earthdata Login
Sign in using your Earthdata Login (EDL) credentials.
If you don't already have EDL credentials, click the Register button to sign up for a free Earthdata account .
Search for Scenes
Select an area on the map manually using the Area Of Interest map tools. You can choose to draw a point, line, square, polygon, or circle on the map, and edit or delete your drawing.
Expand the Area of Interest section to import a shapefile, GeoJSON, or KML file. Drag and drop a file, or click the Import File button to browse to a file location.
For un-projected shapefiles (in a Geographic Coordinate System using latitude/longitude in degrees), only the file with the .shp extension is required. If the shapefile is in a projected coordinate system (UTM, State Plane, Web Mercator, etc.), zip all the component files together and import the zip file.
Set Additional Filters
You can also narrow your search results by date range, file type, and other parameters.
You can process either GRD or SLC products to RTC, so consider setting your file type search to one or the other to reduce the number of results.
The GRD files have browse images, while SLCs do not. If you want previews of the images in your search results, include GRDs in your file type selection.
Browse Results
Click on a scene of interest in the results (left panel). The footprint will be outlined in red on the map. Files associated with the scene are listed in the right panel.
Alternatively, click on a footprint in the map to highlight a product with that footprint in the results list.
Zoom to Results
Click on the Zoom icon next to an item in the results list to zoom to the extent of that item in the map.
Click the Zoom icon at the top of the list to zoom to the extent of all the results in the list.
Build Time Series
If you find a footprint that covers your area of interest well, click the More Like This button to filter the results to include only acquisitions with that same path and frame.
This button adds the Path and Frame numbers of the selected image to the Search Filters. To remove this restriction, click the Filters button, scroll to the Path and Frame section at the bottom, and click the Clear button.
Add Scenes to Processing Queue
To add a scene to the processing queue, click the On-Demand icon displayed next to valid file types (GRD or SLC) and select Add RTC GAMMA to On Demand.
The icon appears both in the results list on the left and the file list pane on the right; you can use either one.
OPTIONAL: Add All Results to Queue
Click the On Demand button at the top of the results list to add all of the results in your list to the On Demand Queue as RTC GAMMA jobs.
If you have not filtered your results by file type, you will be prompted to select either GRD or SLC files for processing.
Processing Options
There are a number of processing options available to users. Once you have added content to the On Demand Queue, you can set these options before submitting the jobs for processing.
On Demand Queue
Click the On Demand button and select On Demand Queue to display the list of files to process.
You can remove individual files from the queue using the x icons, or use the Clear button to remove all items from the queue.
Close the queue window if you want to add more files before submitting the jobs for processing. The files already listed in the queue will remain there.
Select Options
Set Processing Options as desired. In Vertex, hover over each option for a brief description. Refer to the Processing Options and Optional Files section in ASF's RTC Product Guide for more information about the options. When in doubt, leave them set to the default values.
Continue scrolling to learn more about the processing options available, or skip to the Submit Jobs section to continue the process of ordering On Demand products.
The Radiometry option allows users to set their preferred backscatter coefficient normalization to either gamma-nought (gamma-0 or γ 0 ) or sigma-nought (sigma-0 or σ 0 ) radiometry.
Gamma-0 is normalized by the illuminated area projected into the look direction (A γ - the yellow area with the red outline in the diagram) and sigma-0 is normalized by the ground area (A σ - the grey area with the purple outline in the diagram).
Diagram from David Small, Flattening Gamma: Radiometric Terrain Correction for SAR Imagery, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 49, no. 8, August 2011.
For most GIS applications, or analyses where the impact of topography is of interest, gamma-nought is preferred.
Refer to the Radiometry section in ASF's Sentinel-1 RTC Product Guide for more information on this option.
The Scale option allows users to choose the scale of the output backscatter images from the three commonly used scales for calibrated SAR values: power, amplitude, or decibel (dB).
The Scale Conversion Tool tutorial provides additional guidance on visualizing and converting RTC products from one scale to another.
Power Scale
The default output of Sentinel-1 RTC products is power scale. The values in this scale are generally very close to zero, so the dynamic range of the RTC image can be easily skewed by a few bright scatterers in the image.
Power scale is appropriate for statistical analysis of the RTC dataset, but is probably not the best option for data visualization.
Adjustments can be made to the stretch settings when viewing the raster in a GIS environment, but other scales will require less adjustment, and will render better as stand-alone images.
Amplitude Scale
Values in the amplitude scale are the square root of the power scale values. This brightens the darker pixels (values less than 1) and darkens the brighter pixels (values greater than 1), narrowing the dynamic range of the image.
In many cases, amplitude scale presents a pleasing grayscale display of RTC images without having to make any stretch adjustments.
Amplitude scale also works well for a range of statistical analyses, including calculating log difference ratios, as described in the Log Difference Tool tutorial .
dB Scale
The decibel (dB) scale values are calculated by multiplying the log of the power scale values by 10: dB = 10 x log10(power)
This scale allows for greater differentiation among very dark pixels.
This is often a good scale to use for identifying water on the landscape; the water pixels generally remain very dark compared to the much brighter pixels of the surrounding landscape.
Because dB is a logarithmic scale, it may not be appropriate for some types of statistical analyses. It can also result in poor differentiation among terrestrial features, or a "washed-out" appearance.
The Reclassify RTC Tool tutorial uses the dB scale to classify surface water and generate a water mask.
Explore the map. Pan and zoom, and click on pixels to compare the values from the different scales.
Refer to the SAR Scale section in ASF's Sentinel-1 RTC Product Guide for more information on the different scales.
Pixel Spacing
The Pixel Spacing parameter sets the pixel size of the output images. Users have the option to set the pixel spacing of the output products to be 30, 20, or 10 meters.
- The 30-m product has the smallest file size. In most cases, this pixel spacing matches the native resolution of the DEM used for RTC processing.
- The 10-m product provides much more detail of surface features, and it is closer to the native resolution of the source Sentinel-1 data. The 10-m products are almost ten times as large as 30-m products, so they take much longer to process, download and analyze.
- The 20-m product may be a good compromise between the native resolution of the source SAR imagery and the source DEM, and the file size is about twice the size of a 30-m product, making it much easier to work with than a 10-m product.
Look at the illustration showing images of products generated with different pixel spacing, and compare the level of detail available in each. Some features, such as significant waterways, are clearly visible in the 10-m product. These features are also visible in the 20-m product, though to a lesser extent, but they cannot be detected in the 30-m product.
It is much faster to process, download, and analyze 30-m RTC products, which have significantly smaller file sizes than the 10-m products. If they do not provide sufficient detail for your use case, however, try the 20- or 10-meter RTC products.
Consider the size of the RTC VV GeoTIFF file for each of the images included in this comparison:
- 30-m: 267 MB
- 20-m: 600 MB
- 10-m: 2350 MB
The 20-m product is often a good compromise between resolution and file size. The amount of detail is much closer to the 10-m product than the 30-m product, but the file size is much closer to the 30-m product than the 10-m product.
Refer to the Pixel Spacing section in ASF's Sentinel-1 RTC Product Guide for more information.
Apply DEM Matching
The DEM Matching option allows users to either try to coregister the SAR image to the DEM file, or simply use the Sentinel-1 orbit files for geocoding the RTC products.
Check the DEM Matching box in the Apply section to attempt coregistration of the SAR image to the DEM file. Leave the check box blank to use the Sentinel-1 orbit files.
Applying the DEM Matching option can improve the quality of the RTC calculations, as the features in the SAR image are matched to the features in the DEM, minimizing the offsets in geometry during the backscatter normalization calculations.
If, however, the georeferencing of the DEM doesn't match the georeferencing of the Sentinel-1 imagery, or in areas that lack distinctive topographic features, DEM matching can result in variable offsets in the output images from one Sentinel-1 acquisition to the next. This makes it more difficult to overlay images for time series analysis.
- If you are interested in optimizing the RTC calculations, and are less concerned about consistent geolocation through time, the DEM Matching option is likely a good choice.
- In cases where consistency is more important than accuracy, consider not applying DEM Matching, or at least testing the feature alignment of the output products to make sure they are suitable for your application.
Refer to the DEM Matching section in ASF's Sentinel-1 RTC Product Guide for more information.
Apply Speckle Filter
When the box is checked to apply the Speckle Filter option, an Enhanced Lee filter is applied during RTC processing to remove speckle while preserving edges of features.
Speckle occurs due to interference among signal waves, as they interact with different scatterers on the surface of the earth and return to the sensor. It appears as granular noise in the image.
Applying a speckle filter can smooth the appearance of the image, but it comes at a cost to the resolution of the output RTC product.
Use the slider to compare an RTC product without the speckle filter option applied (on the left) to the same product with the speckle filter option applied (on the right).
We do not currently offer any customization options for the speckle filter. It may not be appropriate for all use cases, so evaluate some test images first to determine if the results are better suited to your application with or without the speckle filter.
Refer to the Speckle Filter section in ASF's Sentinel-1 RTC Product Guide for more information.
Include Optional Files
There are a number of ancillary files produced during RTC processing that are not included in the RTC product package by default, but may be of interest to some users.
In the On Demand queue, the optional files are listed in the Include section. Check the box(es) next to the files that you want to include in the product package.
These files increase the size of the product package; excluding them reduces the download size for those who do not need or want them.
Scroll down to learn more about each of the optional files.
Optional Files
The map displays an RTC product in VV polarization. When this particular product was generated, all of the optional files were included in the product package.
Scroll down to learn more about each of these optional files, and click the button for each one to view it in the map.
- Click on or tap the map to display pixel values for the layer displayed
- Use the plus/minus buttons or pinch motions to zoom in and out
- Use your mouse or touch screen to move around in the map
- Click the home icon in the map to return to the default extent
This file is a copy of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) used for RTC processing . It is intended as a quick reference to aid in interpretation of the RTC image, and should not be used as a stand-alone DEM product.
The DEM has a geoid correction applied before it is used for RTC, so elevation values in this file will differ from the source DEM.
The DEM is resampled to match the pixel spacing of the output product, so the pixel spacing of this file is not a reflection of the resolution of the source DEM. Refer to the readme file included in the RTC product package for details on the pixel spacing of the included DEM file.
The DEM displays in grayscale by default. It can be helpful to apply a color scale to stretch symbology.
Incidence Angle Map
This file indicates the angle in radians between the incident radar beam and the direction perpendicular to the ground surface.
Scattering Area Map
This file displays the scattering area in square meters for each pixel in the RTC image.
The values are calculated based on the effectively illuminated gamma-0 terrain surface using a digital elevation model, the local incidence angle map, and the layover-shadow map.
This layer can be used to generate composites using the Local Resolution Weighting method, as described in the article Wide-Area Analysis-Ready Radar Backscatter Composites by David Small et al., 2022.
RGB Decomposition
This file is a full-resolution GeoTIFF of a false-color RGB Decomposition of the co- and cross-polarized RTC values.
A low-resolution false-color browse image in PNG format is included in the product package by default, but selecting this option includes the RGB Decomposition image as a GeoTIFF with the same pixel spacing as the RTC images.
This option is only available for dual-polarization products, as it uses both the co- and cross-polarized RTC values to determine the RGB values. A full description of the approach ASF uses for generating RGB Decomposition products is available here .
In general, blue indicates areas with low backscatter in both co- and cross-polarizations (calm water, dry sand, frozen ground), green indicates high cross-pol values (vegetation or other volume scatterers), and red indicates areas with low cross-pol but relatively high co-pol values (urban areas or sparsely vegetated landscapes).
To explore the contents of this sample RTC product package more fully, open the RTC Optional Files Web Map .
- Open the Layers option from the map menu to change the visibility settings or order of the images in the map
- Pan and zoom to explore different areas
- Click on the map to display the pixel values for all the layers set to be visible (use the arrows in the pop-up window to see the pixel values for the different layers)
Submit Jobs
Once you have selected your processing options, submit the RTC jobs for processing.
Submit Jobs
Once you have selected your processing options, click the Submit Jobs button to continue to the next step.
Add Project Name
Type in a Project Name, or choose from a list of previously used names. The list appears when you click in the Project Name field.
Click the Submit Jobs button to start processing.
Confirmation of Submission
A pop-up message displays when the submission is successful.
Click on the message to open the On Demand Products search interface.
Access Products
Browse and download your On Demand products.
Access On Demand Products
Browse your products and check their status any time by selecting the On Demand Products Search Type in Vertex.
Alternatively, click the large On Demand icon and select Submitted Products.
Product Status
When products are queued, they are listed as Pending. When processing begins, the status changes to Running.
Once processing is complete, a zip file is listed, and the product is available for download.
Explore Products
Filter your On Demand products by Project Name (type in or select from dropdown) or acquisition Start/End Date.
Click the Filters button for more options. You can search for any part of the filename using the Product/Source Scene field, or filter by Job Status (Pending, Running, Succeeded).
Product Availability
Once products are complete, they are available to download for 14 days. After 14 days, products are still listed, but marked as Expired and no longer available for download.
You can hide/show expired products in the results list by clicking the Expired button.
Resubmit Expired Jobs
- To process an expired job again using the same processing parameters as before, click the Expired button and select Resubmit Job. This is handy if you forgot to download your product before it expired.
- To process the same source scene with different processing parameters, click the On Demand icon to add the source scene to the On Demand Queue, where you can set new processing options.
Download Products
To download completed products one at a time, click the download icon (on the left in the icon pair displayed in the right panel).
To add a product to the Download Queue, click the cart icon (either in the results list in the left panel or the file list in the right panel).
Click the Queue button at the top of your results list to add all of the listed products to your Downloads queue.
View Downloads Queue
Click on the Downloads button to open the Downloads queue.
Use the icons next an item to either download it individually in your browser or remove it from the queue.
Bulk Download Options
The Download All option will work best for most users. It uses the multi-threading capabilities of your browser to download several items at a time until all items in the queue are downloaded.
Other options:
- Download Python Script will download a script. Run it to download all of the files in your Downloads Queue sequentially. You must have Python installed on your computer to use this option.
- The Copy URLs button copies a list of the download URLs for the items in your queue, which you can paste into your own download script.
Use RTC Images!
Once you've downloaded your RTC product package, unzip it and use the RTC images in GIS applications or raster analysis workflows.
RTC Product Files
The RTC products are packaged in zip archives, which include the RTC GeoTIFFs along with a number of other rasters and accompanying documentation.
Some files are always included in the product package:
- RTC files for all available polarizations (in Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) format)
- Grayscale and false-color browse images of the RTC products (lower-resolution PNG format)
- Layover-shadow map (indicates areas impacted by geometric distortions )
- README file
- Metadata files for each image
- Shapefile indicating the footprint of the RTC data
- Log file including the parameters used and step-by-step RTC processing history
Optional Files
There are a number of optional files that can be included in the product package:
- copy of the DEM used to correct the data
- local incidence angle map
- scattering area map
- false-color RGB decomposition GeoTIFF
Refer to the Processing Options section for more information about these optional files and instructions for adding them to the product package.
If you are new to these RTC products, open the README file included to find out more information about the files included in the product package. It can be read either as a text file or in a Markdown viewer/editor.
Each raster has an accompanying xml file, which is formatted to display in the Item Description in ArcMap or the Metadata in ArcGIS Pro. These files contain information specific to the particular raster, as well as supporting documentation and links to help you learn how to use each file.
ArcGIS Python Toolbox
To facilitate working with RTC products in ArcGIS, ASF has developed an ArcGIS Python Toolbox. It can be downloaded from the GIS Tools page on the ASF website.
Once you have downloaded the toolbox zip file, extract the contents where you would like the toolbox to be on your computer. It is compatible with either ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro.
Working with the Toolbox
There are a number of tools included in the Toolbox. We will explore them in a series of tutorials by working with data from Central Michigan, which underwent heavy rainfall in May 2020, causing flooding and dam breaches.
Study Site
The Sentinel-2 optical images over the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge illustrate the difficulties that can be encountered when using optical imagery to map flood extent. The image on the left, acquired on May 12 before the heavy rainfall occurred, provides an excellent view of the area. The next image to be acquired after flooding occurred, on May 27, has cloud cover over the area most extensively impacted by the flooding, making it impossible to use for flood extent delineation.
Sentinel-2 TCI (True Color Image) Optical Imagery over the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge acquired in 2020. Image on the left was acquired May 12, prior to a flood event, and the image on the right was the first acquisition after the flood, acquired May 27. Copernicus Sentinel data 2020, processed by ESA.
Sentinel-1 data is not impacted by clouds, making it much easier to see the extent of surface water before and after the flood. The imagery below is radiometrically terrain corrected co-polarized (VV) imagery, in dB scale. Calm surface water returns very little of the radar signal to the sensor, so appears black in the RTC imagery.
Sentinel-1 RTC Imagery (VV) in dB scale over the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge, May 2020. Image on the left was acquired May 15, prior to a flood event, and the image on the right was the first acquisition after the flood, acquired May 27. RTC product processed by ASF DAAC HyP3 2020 using GAMMA software. Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2020, processed by ESA.
To learn how to use the tools included in the ASF_Tools ArcGIS Toolbox to work with the data from this case study, select from the following tutorials: