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Where are Refugees in the GTA?

A visualization and analysis of the distribution of refugees within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA)

Here is the 3D visualization of the percentage refugee population of the Greater Toronto area (GTA) at the  dissemination area  (DA) level.

Feel free to click around and explore how the percentage refugee population changes throughout the GTA.

Here are some quick navigation button for navigation to specific cities.

Here is the percentage population considered as refugees visualized by both graduated color and symbol.

Each dot represents a DA (dissemination area). The darker, and bigger a dot is, the higher the percentage of population is considered as refugees.

Feel free to explore the map and click on different DAs to explore the statistics of the DAs.

Quick navigation keys to zoom in to specific municipalities.

A  Local Moran's I  analysis was conducted within the GTA at the  dissemination area  level (DA).

Local Moran's I helps identify clusters of DAs that have high and low percentage of  refugee  population compared to the GTA overall.

Within this map, DAs with a very high percentage population of refugees are represented by red and are called clusters.

DAs with a very low percentage refugee population are represented by dark blue and are called clusters.

DAs with a very low percentage refugee population but surrounded by DAs with very high percentage refugee population are represented by light blue and are called outliers.

DAs with a very high percentage refugee population but surrounded by DAs with very low percentage refugee population are represented by pinkish red and are called outliers.

Feel free to explore the map and click on different DAs to compare and contrast the refugee population percentage.

Quick navigation keys to zoom in to specific municipalities.

This is a swipe map that combines the Local Moran's I map (right side) with the graduated symbol and color percentage refugee population map (left side).

Swipe left or right to reveal the entirety of either map.

The bigger and darker a circle is the higher the percentage population that is classified as refugee.

Feel free to play around with the map to compare and contrast how the two maps are different and similar.

Data Source: 2020 Census data from Statistic Canada