Approved Residential Units

Residential Pipeline by Loudoun County 2019 General Plan Policy Areas

Residential Pipeline Report

The (current year) Residential Pipeline Report identifies the remaining Approved Residential Units left to be built within Loudoun County as of a certain date. It includes information on both remaining Age-Restricted and Affordable Housing Units.

The chart to the right illustrates how the pipeline report reaches the amount of remaining units left to be built. The Approved Units are from major projects (10+ total units), which are refined by actual subdivisions. The Built Units/Permitted Units includes both the approved building permits for the current year & previously built or permitted units. The Remaining Units are simply the Approved Units minus the Built Units.

To review the entire (current year) Pipeline Report, for both Planning Fiscal Planning Subareas & Loudoun County 2019 General Plan Policy Areas, please visit the Loudoun County Department of Planning and Zoning's Residential Pipeline web page at .

All Policy Areas

This mapping application provides a breakdown of the 2023 Residential Pipeline Report by General Plan Policy Area. The map to the right shows the General Plan Policy Areas, along with the Fiscal Planning Subareas. As of June 30, 2024, there are 27,333 remaining units to be permitted or built in all of the county's approved residential projects. 

The tabs below will show the physical location of both Pipeline and Completed Residential Developments by individual Policy Areas.

The Loudoun County GIS Disclaimer and Contact Information can be viewed  here: 

Urban Policy Area

As of June 30, 2024, there are 13,066 remaining units to be permitted or built within the Urban Policy Area. The majority of the remaining units are multi-family.

Click on a residential project to see the name of the residential community and a breakdown of remaining units, or approved for completed projects, by housing type for that community.

The legend drop-down in the lower-left corner shows color categories for ranges of total remaining units.

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Suburban Policy Area

As of June 30, 2024, there are 9,546 remaining units to be permitted or built within the Suburban Policy Area. The majority of the remaining units are multi-family.

Click on a residential project to see the name of the residential community and a breakdown of remaining units, or approved for completed projects, by housing type for that community.

The legend drop-down in the lower-left corner shows color categories for ranges of total remaining units.

Transition Policy Area

As of June 30, 2024, there are 1,177 remaining units to be permitted or built within the Transition Policy Area. All of the remaining units are single-family detached.

Click on a residential project to see the name of the residential community and a breakdown of remaining units, or approved for completed projects, by housing type for that community.

The legend drop-down in the lower-left corner shows color categories for ranges of total remaining units.

The Transition Policy area is broken down by the following 6 subareas:

  • Lower Sycolin: 3 remaining units
  • Middle Goose: 363 remaining units
  • Upper Broad Run: 616 remaining units
  • Upper Foley: 17 remaining units
  • Lower Foley: 178 remaining units
  • Lower Bull Run: 0 remaining units

Rural Policy Area

As of June 30, 2024, there are 598 remaining units to be permitted or built within the Rural Policy Area. All of these remaining units are single-family detached. 

Click on a residential project to see the name of the residential community and a breakdown of remaining units, or approved for completed projects, by housing type for that community.

The legend drop-down in the lower-left corner shows color categories for ranges of total remaining units.

The Rural Policy area is broken down by the following 2 subareas:

  • RUR-20: 534 remaining units
  • RUR-40: 64 remaining units


As of June 30, 2024, there are 1,932 remaining units to be permitted or built within Loudoun County's incorporated towns. The majority of the remaining housing units are multi-family.

It is important to note that all of incorporated towns exercise their own planning and zoning controls within their corporate limits. They are not part of Loudoun County's policy areas but are included in this application for remaining development information.

Click on a residential project to see the name of the residential community and a breakdown of remaining units, or approved for completed projects, by housing type for that community.

The legend drop-down in the lower-left corner shows color categories for ranges of total remaining units.

The Towns are broken down by the following jurisdictions:

  • Hamilton: 0 remaining unit
  • Leesburg: 1,837 remaining units
  • Lovettsville: 0 remaining units
  • Middleburg: 46 remaining units
  • Purcellville: 49 remaining units
  • Round Hill: 0 remaining units

Joint Land Management Area

As of June 30, 2024, there are 1,014 remaining units to be permitted or built within the four Joint Land Management Policy Areas (JLMA's). The majority of the remaining housing units are single-family attached.

Click on a residential project to see the name of the residential community and a breakdown of remaining units, or approved for completed projects, by housing type for that community.

The legend drop-down in the lower-left corner shows color categories for ranges of total remaining units.

The Joint Land Management Policy area is broken down by the following 4 subareas:

  • Hamilton JLMA: 0 remaining units
  • Leesburg JLMA: 980 remaining units
  • Purcellville JLMA: 34 remaining units
  • Round Hill JLMA: 0 remaining units

Planning & Zoning > Residential Pipeline

Residential Pipeline is an inventory of development projects that have been approved but not yet built residential units in Loudoun County. The Pipeline includes by-right and legislative (rezoning) developments. If Loudoun County has issued a building permit for a unit, that unit is counted as built. Completed projects are not included in the Pipeline.