Improving Digital Equity in Los Angeles

Using Data to Address the Digital Divide

Internet and Computer Access

Internet connectivity and device access are essential for all Angelenos to thrive. COVID-19 has exacerbated the digital divide many face while operating in a socially distant reality. Continuing education via distance learning, working remotely and managing tele-health appointments have all become new challenges that everyone is facing. The connectivity gap has also been widened as businesses and local government shift to provide an increasing number of services digitally.

Through partnerships, the City of L.A. is constantly working to improve connectivity and device access. Like many cities, Los Angeles uses the census's most recent American Community Survey (ACS) data to address the challenges of the digital divide. The maps below provide visualizations of broadband adoption and device access across the City. Users of this website are able to zone in on specific neighborhoods as well as apply different filters to gain a deeper understanding of how lack of access may be impacting their community.

Use the slider arrow on this map to toggle the view between: % of Angelenos with no internet access| % of Angelenos no computer, tablet or smart phone

Building Infrastructure with Small Cell Nodes

Upgrading broadband infrastructure is a key step to improving internet access. The City has worked with cellular and broadband providers to increase coverage, thereby improving internet access for hundreds of thousands of Angelenos. The map below shows the City's progress with the installation of small cell technology from 15 sites in 2015 to 1,947 in 2020.

Since 2015, we've gone from 15 to 1,947 small cell locations.

In 2015, many of our small cell installations were in disparate locations.

Over the past five years, we've been able to increase coverage and now have more small cell locations. The increase has helped provide better connectivity for communities that previously experienced minimal internet access.

Schools & Digital Access

The map below provides data highlighting the percentage of Angelenos without internet access as well as without a device (computer, tablet or smart phone). Using the slider arrow maps the location of LAUSD schools in relation to Angelenos without internet and without a device to connect to the internet.

Use the slider arrow on this map to toggle the view between: % of Angelenos without internet access & without computer, tablet, or smart phones | location of LAUSD schools in relation to % of Angelenos without internet access & without computer, tablet or smart phones

City Public Wifi Access Points & Internet Access

Information is a crucial first step to identifying solutions. Through the use of open data, the City hopes this platform supports individuals and organizations working towards solutions to bring affordable connectivity to all.

Use the slider arrow on this map to toggle the view between: % of Angelenos without internet access | City & County Sites with free Public Internet Access

Public Wifi Access Search Tool

Use this map to find publicly available Wifi access near you

Zone Lookup Tool: map proving public wifi access points by Council District


Use the  GetConnectedLosAngeles site  to find information on accessing low-cost internet, low-cost computers, computer skills training and other resources. The site can be accessed by clicking the link below.

Create a Digital Divide Map

Create your own digital divide map. By applying data layers to maps, users can better understand the digital divide as it relates to their specific audience. The section below provides several data layers for users to access and use to better understand and address the digital divide in Los Angeles.

To create your own maps with the tool below:

  1. Make sure pop-ups are enabled in your browser
  2. Click on the tool below to begin interacting with the data
  3. Select the data of interest and select the "Add" icon, resembling a down arrow and next to the eye icon.
  4. Once you've added all interested map layers, select Create Map
  5. A new tab will open, with the relevant data

Click the top right corner to get started with the Digital Divide Data Explorer (Internet Access Data set explorer)

Internet access is a lifeline and addressing the digital divide is a collective effort. We hope you find this tool useful for better understanding the need and identifying solutions.

Are you working on addressing the Digital Divide in Los Angeles?

For questions on the data maps or to share resources, contact us @

Data Sources

You can use the gallery tool to access the data visualized in this story map and other relevant data sources. Add the layer of interest to your gallery view and click the hyperlinked title to learn more about the dataset.

For additional city data, feel free to check out the city's open geospatial data platform