Youth Population

A review and summary of Rural Health Scholar research that addresses youth health needs on Martha's Vineyard.

General Observations:

  • Youth between the ages of 16-26 are uniquely affected by economic instability, education, housing insecurity, language and literacy, healthcare access, social and community connection,  2021 RHS Presentation 
  • The Island needs young people to enter the Island’s job market to takeover businesses and to help care for the aging population,  2021 RHS Presentation 

School-based Solutions

Scholar Observations

  • MVRHS has a strength in offering diverse academic and elective classes led by passionate educators,  2021 RHS Presentation 
    • A lot of support for students who excel academically and select a college path
  • Recently, MVRHS implemented a comprehensive CTE pathway complete with mentorship, Co-Op and ‘soft skills’ education,  2021 RHS Presentation 
  • Need for effective reproductive health education in schools,  2017 RHS Presentation 

Scholar Recommendations

  • Recommended and Island-wide K-12 foundational education program, addressing the science of addicting and social/emotional stress management,  2016 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended integration of sexual education earlier in the school career so students gain more familiarity with the concepts (currently only get 2.5 hours) and have the opportunity to develop comfort discussing these topics in a meaningful way,  2017 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended sustainable support and funding for an After School Program,  2019 RHS Presentation  
    • Identify a means of funding from the Island Autism Group
    • Increase awareness/attendance for these programs
    • Increase access for youth with disabilities 1 years+ between 2pm and 6pm
  • Recommended create internship for MVRHS students of Brazilian ethnicity in community service organizations (to improve cultural integration of services),  2020 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended continue promoting the Vision Fellowship and college mentorship programs to the Brazilian population (to improve cultural integration of services),  2020 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended create a community college option,  2021 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended explore a relationship with CC Community College to create a pathway for MV and offer accredited colleges on-Island,  2021 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended create a formalized mentorship program for underrepresented jobs and employers,  2021 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended create a job/career fair to promote and expose youth to different career paths,  2021 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended re-examine the goals of skills-based training programs (Ex: does it translate into the needs and perceptions of students, parents, or ACE MV?),  2021 RHS Presentation 
  • Recommended continue to foster diversity among the guidance counselor staff,  2021 RHS Presentation 
    • Empower students to select their counselor based on best fit
  • Recommended form a quarterly Youth Summit,  2021 RHS Presentation 
    • Can use the Island Food Equity Network as a model
    • Prioritize inclusivity
    • Provide feedback and leadership opportunities for youth
    • Consider integrating with other MV issues too, like housing

Summary of the Community's response so far ACE MV is bringing accredited community college classes to MV in 2022

MVRHS and the Commnity Ambassador Program (CAP) is starting a youth - professionals mentorship program to start in Fall 2022

(Updated 6.17.2022)

Housing Crisis & Youth

Scholar Observations

Scholar Recommendations

  • N/A

Summary of the Commuity's response so far


Cross-Generational Connection

Scholar Recommendations

Summary of the Community's response so far

IGI creats cross-generational opportunities through their gleaning program (Updated 6.17.2022)

Youth Social Connectivity

Scholar Observations

"When I was growing up here, we had safe social places to have fun. The youth on the island now don't have access to this, and it's a big problem." Community Member, 2021 RHS Presentation

Scholar Recommendations

  • Recommended foster alliance among organizations to host social events year-round,  2021 RHS Presentation 
    • Should be tailored by age groups (16-18, 18 - 20, 21 - 26+)
    • Orgs should commit to one event per age group every 2 months
  • Recommended create a permanent community space for young people,  2021 RHS Presentation 

Summary of the Community's response so far

No updates to share at this time (6.17.2022)