Mapping Broadband with ArcGIS: A Catalog
National and State Examples of Broadband Maps

This story highlights all the state and national broadband maps built on ArcGIS and known by this author. For more information about each, click on the map points or the thumbnail card for the broadband map of interest. Updates will be made to the list as time allows and I am made aware of new examples or changes in existing ones. The publication date of this story will reflect those updates. Additions, corrections, and suggested edits are enthusiastically invited, my contact info can be found below.
There are four federal agencies primarily involved in mapping broadband, aside from the U.S. Census Bureau, which collects a wealth of demographic data, including internet subscription metrics. A story highlighting broadband data from the American Community Survey (ACS) can be found here . While the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Department of Interior (DOI) do collaborate on their broadband efforts, they each approach broadband from their unique perspective.
As of the initial publication of this story, thirty (30) state broadband maps were identified. Some of the examples appear to be dated, at least in terms of technology. While several others are advanced efforts centered around ArcGIS Hub and multiple map products. All together, they highlight the many different ways states are approaching the issues around broadband availability and adoption.
Additionally, two other national maps are highlighted. These examples utilize an index, which allows the map to combine multiple attributes into a single score. To investigate the different ways broadband is measured, please see this story.
Federal Maps

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) . Click to expand.
The USDA ReConnect Program offers loans, grants, and loan-grant combinations to facilitate broadband deployment in areas of rural America that currently do not have sufficient access to broadband. In facilitating the expansion of broadband services and infrastructure, the program will fuel long-term rural economic development and opportunities in rural America.

U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)
U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI). Click to expand.
The American Broadband Initiative (ABI) is a comprehensive effort to stimulate increased private sector investment in broadband. The Joint Overview Established Location Applications are a series of spatially enabled tools that will help the broadband industry and the public more easily identify the location of all Federally Available Assets for potential broadband deployment as well as implement the Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of the Interior by identifying Broadband Tower Facilities on Federal Properties Managed at Interior.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Click to expand.
This map shows the 4G LTE mobile coverage areas of the nation’s four largest mobile wireless carriers: AT&T Mobility, T-Mobile, UScellular, and Verizon. Specifically, it shows where customers can expect to receive 4G LTE broadband service at a minimum user download speed of five megabits per second (5 Mbps) and a user upload speed of one megabit per second (1 Mbps) based on propagation modeling.

National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA)
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). Click to expand.
NTIA received funding from Congress in 2018 to update the National Broadband Availability Map (NBAM) in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Congress directed NTIA to acquire and utilize data from available third party datasets. NTIA built upon existing partnerships with states and local governments to identify data from state, local and tribal governments, owners and operators of broadband networks, educational institutions, nonprofits, and cooperatives to create the map.
Other National Maps

Argonne - Internet Access Index (IAI)
Argonne - Internet Access Index (IAI). Click to expand.
Argonne developed the IAI to better understand the challenges many households face in connecting to high-speed internet, whether due to lack of broadband availability from internet service providers or difficulties in subscribing to a broadband service.

Purdue - Digital Divide Index
Purdue - Digital Divide Index. Click to expand.
The DDI consists of two components. The first one is the infrastructure/adoption component (INFA) that includes percent of 2019 population without access to 100/20 fixed broadband (NBBND), median advertised download (DNS) and upload (UPS) speeds, percent of homes without internet access or not subscribing (NIA), and percent of homes with no computing devices (NCD).
State Maps

Alabama. Click to expand.
The Alabama Broadband Map sets a new standard for state-level broadband mapping. It incorporates real data from 91% of the state’s residential ISPs. It refines that data and incorporates supplemental information. And it offers an interactive, easy-to-use interface that provides unprecedented insights into where broadband is and where it isn’t in Alabama.

Alaska. Click to expand.
Connect Alaska, in partnership with the Alaska Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development, is working to ensure that all can experience the benefits of broadband. Technology, especially widespread access, adoption, and use of broadband, improves all areas of life. Connect Alaska invites you to join us in changing communities and lives across Alaska.

Arkansas. Click to expand.
Map of areas where the Internet Service Providers declared to the FCC that Fixed Broadband through wire is offered to residents. Additionally, the map displays areas where Federal Agencies awarded grants to serve broadband.

California. Click to expand.
Data is important to state and local agencies for broadband deployment and adoption programs. You can use this map to: 1) Review and report broadband speeds, 2) Look up information about available broadband services, 3) Identify eligibility for California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) applicants, and 4) Gather data to inform public policies and promote digital literacy and broadband usage.

Colorado. Click to expand.
An interactive tool displaying broadband availability throughout the state. The mapping data is gathered by the Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) within the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT). Data is collected from internet service providers bi-annually and updated in April and October each year.

Connecticut. Click to expand.
This Hub is maintained by the GIS Office in the Office of Policy and Management as a resource to provide transparency in the State of Connecticut's efforts to promote universal broadband access and provide access curated data sources on broadband access and adoption.

Delaware. Click to expand.
Welcome to Delaware's Broadband hub, where you can search to see if the address of your home or business has internet service.

Florida. Click to expand.
Faster Florida Broadband Map The Florida Office of Broadband has created the Faster Florida Broadband Map. This map identifies census blocks as unserved, underserved, served, and no fixed internet service as defined in 288.9961 F.S.

Georgia. Click to expand.
The purpose of the Georgia Broadband Program is to coordinate and establish broadband programs to increase economic, education, and social opportunities for Georgia citizens and businesses. The initiative provides for the expansion of broadband infrastructure and services through new state and local broadband planning policies.

Hawaii. Click to expand.
DCCA has created this tool to allow residents to map their location to report that no internet service is available in their community by mapping that location. This information can help identify unserved or underserved locations to assist policymakers and other stakeholders in efforts to improve connectivity to those areas.

Idaho. Click to expand.
Idaho Department of Transportation’s Dig Once Map allows communities and ISPs to take advantage of earth-moving activities to deploy conduit and fiber more effectively.

Illinois. Click to expand.
Connect Illinois seeks to achieve what no other state or federal approach to date has accomplished: ubiquitous statewide broadband access – for homes, businesses, and community anchor institutions throughout the state. At the same time, Connect Illinois will promote digital literacy, adoption, and inclusion while leveraging investment in new broadband infrastructure to spur advances in such areas as economic development, education, precision agriculture, and telehealth. Simply put, Connect Illinois aspires to achieve broadband equity and broadband innovation.

Indiana. Click to expand.
Modern and intuitive app that displays the broadband coverage in the state of Indiana, available on any device, can filter based on download/upload speeds and broadband providers.

Iowa. Click to expand.
This Map represents the official publication of version 4 (“V4”) of the Broadband Availability Map. Through this official publication, the Office triggered a window for formal challenges pursuant to Iowa Administrative Code rules 20.4(1)-(3) and 20.5. The challenge window is now closed and appeal decisions were issued by the Office on September 14, 2021.

Kentuck. Click to expand.
The Office aims to improve broadband accessibility for unserved and underserved communities and populations, drive job creation, promote innovation, and expand markets for Kentucky businesses and industries, and serve the needs of Kentucky's agricultural, educational, health care, and public safety systems, governmental operations, and citizens.

Maine. Click to expand.
Mapping broadband service helps customers know where broadband is available, and it helps grant applicants identify potentially unserved areas. ConnectMaine continues to work with providers to collect accurate data at finer scales. To that end areas lacking broadband service were listed by street addresses in excel spreadsheets in 2019. These Unserved Reports were used as a starting point for identifying unserved areas for grant eligibility. There will be future opportunities to submit data about the availability or lack of broadband service.

Maryland. Click to expand.
The map will zoom to the selected location and census block (broadband providers aggregate their data by census block, a geographic area measured by the U.S. Census Bureau). Broadband provider and service information available in the census block will automatically display in the Results tab.

Minnesota. Click to expand.
This interactive map uses a combination of FCC Form 477 data and Internet Service Provider data to show Census Blocks with at least 10/1 download/upload speeds, 25/3 download/upload speeds, 50/5 Mbps download/upload speeds, and 100 Mbps download/upload speeds. The map also indicates if data was sourced from Internet Service Providers or FCC Form 477 data.

Missouri . Click to expand.
The Office of Broadband Development is focused on addressing the issue of broadband by working with providers, communities, and stakeholders in Missouri to expand and accelerate broadband deployment in five core areas including: 1) Increase broadband data collection and utilization; 2) Accelerate broadband infrastructure and access; 3) Leverage partnerships to accelerate broadband efforts; 4) Increase broadband adoption & awareness; 5) Promote efficiencies and opportunities in broadband development.

Montana. Click to expand.
The map depicts access to broadband, not subscription to broadband. Broadband data is provided by the various Internet Service Providers of Montana. Boundaries and/or locations have to been provided to illustrate current federal government broadband investments.

Nebraska. Click to expand.
The data for the map was collected from broadband service providers, anchor institutions and residents of Nebraska.

Nevada. Click to expand.
These maps will track investment and RFP opportunities, proposed and awarded projects, unserved and underserved locations, the digital divide and distress indicators, and other related data.

New Mexico
New Mexico. Click to expand.
The New Mexico Broadband (NMBB) Map displays the available broadband internet services by technology in the state. This application allows you to find available internet service providers (ISPs) for your area of interest.

New York
New York. Click to expand.
Unlike previous broadband mapping efforts, the Broadband Assessment Program concentrates on location-level data. This data is updated annually to assist the public and private sectors in addressing broadband policy, spending, and planning efforts, and to better inform all New Yorkers of what and where high-speed broadband services are available.

North Carolina
North Carolina. Click to expand.
Serves as statewide resource for broadband access, first responder communications and classroom connectivity initiatives led by the State of North Carolina. Mapping data serves an integral role in identifying current broadband access and adoption in an effort to identify the pockets of unserved or underserved areas around the state.

Ohio. Click to expand.
This map was built with data provided by Connected Nation Ohio. The broadband data was derived from a combination of direct provider outreach and data collection, in addition to some federally reported data. Creating accurate broadband maps is one of the first steps to promoting broadband expansion and technology growth in Ohio.

Oklahoma. Click to expand.
This map is a work in progress and not intended as the final version.

Oregon. Click to expand.
Reports broadband internet provider service information for facilities-based providers in Oregon. It is a platform to track the availability of broadband services to measure progress and provide public access to the data. The map of broadband service availability in Oregon uses data reported by service providers to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

Pennsylvania. Click to expand.
This map represents FCC data in terms of broadband service for the purpose of enabling bidders to better estimate their project costs in providing service to locations not having broadband services as defined by the FCC. At the census block level, it represents blocks that have been deemed eligible for assistance from the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund auction and their respective ‘best service available,’ as listed by the FCC. The map also includes reserve prices at the census block group level, as well as the number of eligible sites within the block group. Existing structure, transmission lines, substation, and tower data are also included, as well as legislator information.

South Carolina
South Carolina. Click to expand.
The Broadband Office serves as the central broadband planning body for South Carolina and coordinates with federal, state, regional, local, and private entities, to the extent practicable, to encourage the continued development of access to broadband. The Broadband Office also serves as a central resource to collect and publish information about state and federal programs to fund broadband expansion and helps maximize resources by coordinating with other state and federal programs.

Tennessee. Click to expand.
This interactive mapping application allows you to see where broadband access is in Tennessee based on different speed tiers and technologies.

Texas. Click to expand.
The Texas Comptroller and the BDO request geospatial location information from internet service providers (ISPs) in Texas for the purpose of identifying where broadband service does exist and where it does not. The Texas Broadband Development Map divides the state into eligible and ineligible areas for funding, based on the proportion of served locations and prior federal funding commitments.

Utah. Click to expand.
The Utah Broadband Advisory Council coordinates the collaborative statewide effort on broadband adoption and deployment efforts. The council also provides the governor and Legislature with recommendations and policy guidance.

Vermont. Click to expand.
This map depicts broadband deployment information submitted by Vermont internet service providers. All E911 addresses in the state are depicted in different colors based on the maximum reported speed available at that location.

West Virginia
West Virginia. Click to expand.
Explore West Virginia's broadband initiative by accessing a variety of interactive maps and GIS data. You can view federal, state, and local broadband projects, broadband availability at the address level, search for potential providers in your area, and stay update with broadband development in West Virginia.

Wisconsin. Click to expand.
This app displays statewide internet access as declared by internet service providers through the biannual data collections by the PSC and Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The app allows users to search by address and identify their local providers by simply clicking on the map. The PSC's Broadband Expansion Grant eligibility map layers are also displayed here when the PSC is collecting grant applications.

Wyoming. Click to expand.
The Wyoming Business Council’s broadband program was built to ensure every citizen and business has access to affordable, reliable, redundant and future-proof broadband.
If you would like to suggest any additions and/or edits please email me at pryan@esri.com .